Modules»Accounts Payable»Task 02 - Partial or Change Vo…
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Last modified on 12/16/2015 3:53 PM by User.

Task 02 - Partial or Change Voucher Payments

1.  This task allows a voucher to be split into as many partial vouchers as needed.

2.  This task is also used to change a voucher to, for example, a "30, 60, or 90 dating" for payments.

If a voucher is split and only part of it is paid, then the original voucher is the BASE VOUCHER, and the split off portion is the PARTIAL VOUCHER.

The vendor # and the voucher # must be known to proceed.


  • Accounts Payable (Module 3)
    • Partial Voucher Payments (Task 2)
      • The screen has the following fields for information, divided into two sections: the BASE VOUCHER and the PARTIAL VOUCHER:
        • Vendor #
        • Voucher #
        • Invoice #
        • Invoice date
        • Invoice amt
        • Disc amount
        • Due date
      • Type in the vendor and voucher #.

        • The cursor then goes down to "ANY CHANGE?". If CR (Enter) is pressed, the question appears "Create another partial payment? (Y/N): the default is N for NO
        • The cursor then goes to due date. Type in the due date, or press CR (Enter) for the same due date.
        • The cursor then goes to discount amount. Type in the amount of the discount that will be left after a partial payment is made.
        • Under PARTIAL VOUCHER, type in the amount that will be left after a partial payment is made. This will make the BASE VOUCHER the amount that will be paid first. (When this voucher is selected for payment, the BASE VOUCHER is selected first.)
        • The system prompts: "Wrong voucher?" The default is N for NO. If CR (Enter) is pressed, the voucher information will appear on the screen under PARTIAL VOUCHER. The cursor will be at “Invoice amt”.
        • The voucher information will appear on the screen under BASE VOUCHER.
          • .If Y for YES is answered, the cursor goes back up to invoice amount under PARTIAL VOUCHER. Another partial voucher can now be made for this voucher. (The first one is still there.)  When completely finished, press the left arrow key.
          • If N for NO is answered, the cursor goes back to BASE VOUCHER. Another partial voucher can be made for a different voucher. Press the left arrow when finished.

Example: The voucher is for $100.00.

  • Single Split:  You want to divide the $100.00 into a $25.00 and a $75.00 payment. Type in $75.00 under PARTIAL VOUCHER. This reduces the BASE VOUCHER to $25.00.  At “Create another partial payment” prompt, answer N. This process creates 2 payments:  a $25.00 1st payment and a $75.00 2nd payment.
  • Multiple Splits:  You want to divide the $100.00 into 3 payments of $25.00, $35.00 & $40.00.  For 1st split, at “Invoice Amt” field, type in $35.00 (changing the Base Voucher amount to $65.00) with the appropriate due date.  At “Create another partial payment” prompt, answer Y.  For the 2nd split, at the “Invoice Amt” field, type in $40.00 (changing the Base Voucher to $25.00 – which is what the 1st payment will be) with the appropriate due date.  At the “Create another partial payment” prompt, answer N.   This process will have created 3 payments: a $25.00 1st payment; a $35.00 2nd payment and a $40.00 3rd payment.