Modules»Order Processing»E-mailing or Faxing Invoices -…
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Last modified on 9/22/2015 8:09 AM by User.


E-mailing or Faxing Invoices - O/E

Invoices can be automatically e-mailed or faxed instead of printing them on paper.   To start using this optional feature, please contact us at 248-583-4110 or e-mail.  The idea is to invoice the customer and have the invoice automatically sent via email or fax without involving the order entry operator. This document addresses the e-mailing and faxing of invoices, to e-mail or fax statements, please see the document   E-mailing or Faxing Statements.


FAX NOTE: To Fax invoices automatically, open an account at For complete information, please contact usOther faxing services may be used. We have worked with in the past.  Basically you e-mail the invoices/statements to, then sends a fax of the invoice/statement to your customer.  




Set-up & Application of Emailing & Faxing Invoices:


Step 1: First, a few parameters must be set up.  Go to:

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • Custom Options (Selection 8) and look for the following parameters:


The first copy will be e-delivered the rest of the copies will be printed.



The first and second copy will be e-delivered the rest of the copies will be printed.



The first copy will be e-delivered during the batch printing the rest of the copies will be printed.  

Up to 9 copies of invoices can be either E (E-delivered), P (physically printed) or B (batch emailed).  i.e. if you want 2 copies of the invoice to be e-delivered (whether by e-mail or fax) and 1copy physically printed in the office, enter after the parameter: =EEP  (note: this parameter coincides with the displayed-below parameter: EDELIVERY’ICODES).  For additional information on batch emailing invoices see Batch Printing Invoices.

E’DELIVERY’DOC’TYPES=  What type of documents will be e-delivered?  I = Invoice only; C = Credit Memos; Blank = All

EDELIVERY’ICODES= E = e-mail; F = fax.  This code is placed on the field 50 of the Customer Master to signal the system whether this customer gets the invoices e-mailed or faxed to them.  These must be ‘valid’ codes, see Step 2 below.

EDELIVERY'MEMOS=  This parameter determines in which of the ‘note’ sections on the Customer Master or Alternate Ship-to file the e-mail address or fax number will be stored.  A is for Customer Accounting notes, O is for Customer O/E Sales notes and is for Alternate Ship-to.  More than one memo can be specified (i.e. AS for Customer Accounting notes and Alternate Ship-to’s)

EDELIVERY’EML’  The address where the e-mail is coming from when sent to customers.

EDELIVERY’EML’USER= SMTP authentication user name. Usually blank.  Blank means to use EDELIVERY’EML’FROM value.

EDELIVERY’EML’PASS=normally blank. Only needed for certain email servers.

EDELIVERY’EML’PREFIX=.EIVC This is the ‘key word’ for e-mail addresses.  It is entered before the customer’s e-mail address in the designated ‘note’ section from parameter: EDELIVERY'MEMOS=  

 i.e.  .EIVC   (Note:  there is a period before the EIVC and a blank space between .EIVC and the e-mail address). 

EDELIVERY’FAX’PREFIX=.FIVC   This is the ‘key word’ for fax numbers.  It is entered before the customer’s fax number in the designated ‘note’ section from parameter: EDELIVERY'MEMOS=   i.e.    .FIVC 2485559999  (be sure to include any ‘outside’ pre-numbers that may need to be dialed too, such as 9 or 1 or both; and there is a period before FIVC and a blank space between .FIVC and the fax number)


EDELIVERY'EML'PRINTER=EMBDLI   System printer name for background emailing, must be ‘valid’ printer ID code

EDELIVERY'FAX'PRINTER=FXBDLI    System printer name for background faxing, must be ‘valid’ printer ID code

Note: The printers EMBDLI & FXBDLI need to be in the Software Maintenance module, System Printers (Task 22).  Your IT tech can contact us for assistance in setting up these printers.

EDELIVERY’SUBJECT= This is the subject line of the email. Blank will be Invoice #123456.  <OEH’INVOICE’NUM> =Invoice #123456

 To use the shipping screen fields in the subject line of the email use:

<OEH’PO> Field 1 of shipping screen

<OEH’CUS’SHP> Field 2 of shipping screen

   <OEH’GEN’1> Field 25 of shipping screen

   <OEH’SER’ENG> Field 23 of shipping screen  




The email subject line will have the invoice # and field 2 of the shipping screen with the word for in between:





Step 2.  Set up the Invoice Code table. Go to:

·       Accounts Receivable (Module 2)

o      System Management Functions (Sub-task 32)

§       Modify Application Tables (Sub-task  17)

·       Invoicing Codes (Selection 10)


"E" , "EMAIL"

"F" , "FAX"

"m" , "EMAIL-Monthly"


These invoicing codes are used for many different things, such as grouping customers for reporting and printing statements.  IF this table is already in use for other options take that into consideration when adding the codes for email and faxing.   They DO NOT have to be E and F.



Step 3. On the Customer Master file (Task 17 in AR), A couple of things need to be done. 

  1. Set  field #50 Invoice code:  E or F (or the other code you set up if you didn’t use E and F)
  2. Also, for each customer who will have their invoices e-mailed or faxed to them, go to the “Memo Notes” and setup the ‘TO’ address.  The e-mail address or fax number can be in the A/R Customer Master Accounting or Sales Order notes or the O/E Sales notes in the Alternate Ship-to file (the parameter: EDELIVERY’MEMO determines where)

o If you are emailing invoices on a separate line in the notes section                                         type:  .EIVC  (Note:  there is a period before the EIVC and a blank space between .EIVC and the e-mail address. Also Note:  Whatever the prefixes are on the parameters:  EDELIVERY’EML’PREFIX and EDELIVERY’FAX’PREFIX , the identical prefix must be used in the Accounting or Sales notes. )

o      If you are faxing invoices on a separate line in the memo notes type:  .FIVC 2485559999 (Note: there is a period before the FIVC and a blank space between .FIVC and the fax phone #).


FAX NOTE: To Fax invoices automatically, open an account at For complete information, please contact us. Other faxing services may be used. We have worked with in the past.  Basically you e-mail the  invoices/statements to, then sends a fax of the invoice/statement to your customer.  




Additional Copies: If you also want to email the “Customer additional” copy  (found in Field 49 – Add Invoices – in the A/R Customer Master) please review the following parameter:

·       Order Processing (Module 6),

o      System Management Functions (Sub-task 32),

§       Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22),

·       O/E General (Selection 1)

Look for the parameters:  PRINT’DOC’COPIES=

Ø     Read the information in the parameter file for this parameter.  A C needs to be in the 7th or 8th position.  C=check customer record for additional copies for “Accounting”.


Copy Text: To print text lines for each individual copy, look for the following parameters also found in 6/32/22/1:

Ø     DOC’DPT6’COPY1=Customer Copy

Ø     DOC’DPT6’COPY2=File Copy

Ø     DOC’DPT6’COPY3=Customer Email Copy

See document titled:  Number of Copies for Documents for more detailed information.

Batch Email invoices:

If invoices are batch printed see document Batch Printing Invoices for detail instructions on additional parameters for batch emailing invoices.





Voids:  Voided invoices print the same number of copies as invoices.  Therefore if the system is printing 2 invoice copies with the first invoice copy being emailed to the customer, the voids will do the same thing.  However, if you don’t want ANY voids to print, go to:

·       Order Processing (Module 6)

o      System Management Functions (Task 32)

§       Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)

·       Order entry printer assignments (Selection 2)

·       Holding file printer assignment (Selection 3)

Generally a "," is used between printer names as a placeholder for separation only.  A "v" can be used in the place of the , following column #1 to skip printing of a Void invoice, for example:  "TERM89" , "JREPR2vJREPR2,   Note: For audit purposes this is NOT recommended!   If this option is used, voids will not print at all!   INSTEAD you can send voided invoices to another printer.  The order taker doesn’t have to take any ‘action’ and will not know this is happening.  The parameter to do this is in: 

·       Order Processing (Module 6)

o      System Management Functions (Task 32)

§       Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)

·       O/E – General (Selection 1)

Look for the parameter:  VOID’PTR=           If this parameter is left blank, no copy of a voided invoice will print.  If a valid system printer name (defined in S/M task #22 "System printers") is entered then the voided invoices will print…the “printer” can be a physical printer, an  e-mail printer or fax printer


Therefore, using the “v” in the Order Entry printer assignment table, the voided invoices won’t print at all for the order entry operator.  But using the VOID’PTR=   parameter allows you to send all voids to one printer.