Modules»Order Processing»Commission Exceptions
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Last modified on 9/9/2015 8:56 AM by User.

Commission Exceptions

Scenario:  Some salespersons will get a commission on a particular item and other salespersons will not.   To accomplish this, one commission record for the item needs to be setup for a “House” salesperson and additional commission records need to be setup for the salespersons who will receive commissions for the specified item.


Go to:

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • Commission Maintenance File (Task 24)
      • Add New Commission Record (Sub-task 1)


Below is a sample commission record which will allow the commission setup for the salesperson in the Salesperson/Technician Master File (Task 20 in Order Processing module) to be overridden (this prevents salespersons from being awarded commissions for the item specified):


01        Cust/Ship-to:                999999999     

02        Item #/Class:                617-727           Paper – Blue

03        Salesperson #:              50                    House Account

04        Item Cost %:                0.00

05        Item Cost $:                 0.00

06        Commission %: 0.00


Being the record has Salesperson #50 specified, when the item is sold and the invoice posted, Salesperson #50 will receive credit for the sale and since the commission % rate is zero, a zero commission will be computed for the item on Commission report:  Commissions – Salesperson/Customer/Invoice # (found in 6-13-11 – COMDON).



Below is a sample commissions record for a salesperson who WILL receive commission for the same item.

01        Cust/Ship-to                 0000000000

02        Item #/Class:                617-727           Paper – Blue

03        Salesperson #:              15                    Michael West

04        Item Cost %:                0.00

05        Item Cost $:                 0.00

06        Commission %: 9.00