Modules»Order Processing»Message - Order has Monies Col…
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Last modified on 10/7/2015 10:30 AM by User.

Message - Order has Monies Collected

The occasion may arise when the message "Order #xxxxxx has monies collected using wrong O/E action" is on the printout from the `transfer' (Task 25 in OE – either during the automatic overnight process or manually) of Invoiced Orders (from Task 1 in OE) to the Holding File (Task 2 in OE)




The message "xxxxxx *** Has money applied, but no action was chosen ***" on the printout from the `Analyze order entry header/dtl' program (in OE, Task 32, then Sub-task 2)



Cause for the Message:

An operator has entered monies on the collection screen of an open order in Order Entry & Editing (Task 1 in OE) but did not do anything with it.  Meaning they didn’t choose an “Action” such as  "Invoice" or "Deposit".



If the entry for the monies was legitimate, then the appropriate “Action” (either “Invoice” or “Deposit”) should be taken on the open order  (still in Task 1 – the order won’t transfer to Task 2.).


If the monies entered were NOT legitimate, then it should be removed from the collection screen of the open order.