Modules»Order Processing»New & Existing Orders - Basic …
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Last modified on 10/7/2015 10:34 AM by User.

New & Existing Orders - Basic Instructions

This document is meant to give basic instructions on entering a new sales order.  For comprehensive instructions on a new or existing order (line by line details, along with possible scenarios) see the document titled How to Enter a Sales Order.

  • Order Entry (Module 6)
    • Order Enter & Editing (Task 1)
      • Enter New/Change Existing Order (Sub-task 1)


There are five screens that appear while entering an order: the Header Screen, the Line Item Detail Screen, the Collection Screen, and optionally the Shipping Screen and the Memo Note Screen.


***************ORDER ENTRY HEADER SCREEN****************

The order number plus the status of the order is displayed at the very top of the screen.

1: Order #: 6 digits.  Press Enter key.  System will automatically assign an order number.

2: Order date: 6 digits. The current date will be displayed automatically.

3: Inv. Date: 6 digits. This field is left blank until the order is completed & invoiced.  The system will fill in the date.

·        Invoice #:  6 digits. The invoice number will be generated automatically when the order is invoiced.

4: Customer #: 5 digits. 

·        If customer is already setup in the AR Customer Master File:

o       Enter the customer number

o       Press Tab to search by the customer's name

·        If customer is not in the AR Customer Master File:

o       Press F1 to add a new customer

·        If the customer is a Retail customer, then press Return and the generic retail customer number will appear.

5: Salesperson #:  4 digits.  If there is a salesperson assigned to the customer, the number will appear automatically, but it may be changed for a single order.  If no salesperson number appears, enter the number.

6: Sale Type: 1 digit.  Choose a type from the table that appears.  Options are:  1-Sale,  2-Quote,  3-Credit,  4-Sale/Cost or 5-Payment. (Note:  if using a type other than 1-Sales, please see the other Order Entry document for specific instructions on screen changes and other information)

 7: Division #:  2 digits. The division will be displayed automatically.  May be changed for the order; a list of Available Warehouse/Dept combinations will appear in a table. 

8: Department #: 2 digits.  The department will be displayed automatically.  May be changed for the order; a list of Available Departments will appear in a table.

9: Customer Pickup: Y/N  Will customer be picking up the order? Y for Yes, N for No


***************Order Entry Line Item Detail Screen*******************

The very top of the screen shows information relating to the order:

  • Order: Gives the order number currently in use
  • Status: Gives the "sales type" and status of the order. Example: Sales/New
  • Cnt: Total number of lines that have been entered on the order
  • Total: Total dollar value of line items on the order. As each new line item is added, the amount changes.

Item Line Information:

Item #: 18 digits.  Enter the complete item number or press Tab to search by item description or enter part of the item number and press the Home key. (Note: if the item is non-stock, see below for some basic instructions)

Quan: 6 digits.  Enter the quantity ordered for the item.  Note the selling unit of the item, using Tab will allow the toggling between "sell by" and "stock by" units.

Ship: 6 digits.  Quantity shipped for the item (if there is enough in stock, the number will repeat what was place in the quantity ordered field, if there is not enough the system will enter the amount that is "available" to sell.

Bkor: 6 digits. Quantity that is backordered for the item. (Note: if the item is backordered, many options/scenarios can occur.  Please refer to the detailed order entry document for more information)

Price: 6 digits. The price for the item. If the customer has contract pricing, the contract price will appear. If the customer gets a specified price level, the price on the correct level will appear.  If a discount quantity is applicable, the discount price will appear.

Other: 6 digits. (1) Other addition or subtraction from the price - this is "per quantity" - example the quantity 20 was being shipped and $.25 was added in the "Other" field, that would multiply out to $5.00. with the $5.00 being added to the normal quantity times price. (2) If there is an "other cost" in the Item Master file (Task 17 in the Inventory module), that cost will appear. (3) If the item is a labor item the customer's price will show up under "other". (4) Also may use TAB to change the tax status.

Disc: 6  digits. A discount for this item, enter percent in whole numbers (500 = 5%).  Discounts not allowed on "new priced" items nor on labor items.

TOTAL: 6 digits. The total for this item - including quantity x price, the "otherand "discount" amounts.

Non-stock items: Non-stock item can be entered.  The system will require that some information be entered - description, product code, report class, GL account #, etc.  (See Non-Stock Items for more instructions)


********Order Entry Collection Screen********************

This screen is divided into 5 sections:  Sales Amt; Backorders (if applicable to the order); Additional; Pay Method; and Action.

Sales Amt: Lists the Taxable, Trade and Non-taxable amounts along with the Sub-total amount.  The Total amount appears to the right of the Sub-total amount.

Backorders: This portion will only show if there is a backordered quantity on the order.  Lists the Backordered and Taxable amounts, along with the Sub-total of the backordered section.  The Total amount is the total of the Sales Amt and the Backorders sections.

Additional: Lists the Order Discount percent and dollar amounts, along with Freight, Handling, State and Zones taxes, plus a Deposit required for backordered items.  Also displayed is the Current Owed amount (this is not the Total Order amount - the Total Order included backorders.  This is the amount to be collected from the customer).  These fields can have amounts added, changed or deleted.  Select the "line" by its number and make the necessary changes.

Pay Method: The options for paying are:  Charge, Cash, Check (enter check #), Credit Card, Other and Bill-to (when another customer will be paying for the invoice).  Press Tab after entering an amount to accept the "remaining balance". At the bottom of the column is the Collected amount - the total amount of the Pay Method column.

Action:  There are two groups of actions.

1.      The Wholesale Customers (those allowed to "charge" an order) have the options of:  No Action, Cancel, Invoice, Lost Sale, Shop, Warehouse, Shipping, Accounting, Deposit and Refund D/P.

2.      The Retail Customers (cash customers/walk-ins) have the options of: No Action, Cancel, Print, Invoice, Lay-away, Refund D/P, Lost Sale and Pick Ticket.

No Action: The order will remain in an edit status - the order can be modified in any way.  Items are committed in the Warehouse Master.

Cancel: The entire order is cancelled.

Invoice: Print an invoice and the invoice number is generated.  Items that were committed are removed from the on-hand quantity in the Warehouse Master.

Shop: A Work Order will print.

Warehouse:  A Pick Ticket will print

Shipping:  a Shipper will print

Accounting:  This action is the same as invoicing, except it will not print an invoice instantly.

Note: Please see the document titled  How to Enter a Sales Order for specific information on each of the options in the "Action" column.  After an "action" is chosen, in many cases, the remaining "actions" will be different. This document was meant to provide basic information regarding the entry of a new sales order.  Specific scenarios, such as how to handle deposits and refunds on deposits, are addressed in the detailed document. 


********Order Entry Shipping/Customer Screen*************

Much of the information on this screen defaults in automatically from the information found in the Customer Master and Alternate Ship-to Files.

The fields most often used to add information are fields 1,2 and 25 (and possibly 20 thru 24).  The system originally has          1 = Purchase Order number given by the customer for this order and 2 = Ship or Department number given by the customer for this order.  However, the wording of fields 1, 2, 20-25 can be changed.

All of the fields on this screen can be accessed and changed, if needed.