Modules»Order Processing»Task 22 - Projects
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Last modified on 9/23/2015 12:07 PM by User.


Task 22 - Projects

Step 1. Indicate which Order Entry shipping screen field should be linked to the project master.  To do this, go to (6/32/22/7):

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • Project Maintenance (Option 7) 


Look for the system parameter:


Use PORO to link the project master to field #1 on the shipping screen of a sales order

Use SHPDPT to link the project master to field #2 on the shipping screen of a sales order

Use GEN'1 to link the project master to field #25 on the shipping screen of a sales order

Use NONE if no field is to be used for the project number


Note: the first character of the parameter titled INI'PPO'SHPSCN'RULES  should = N until all known projects have been added in the Project Master File.



Step 2Use Project Maintenance (Task 22) in Order Processing to set up a list of all valid entries for the linked field on the shipping screen of a Sales Order.  The following are the fields that comprise a valid Project, the number of characters allowed per field are in parentheses.  A Project can be specific to a customer and, if needed, their alternate Ship-To numbers.


1.  Customer #:_____________(5)    Specific Customer name (if required).  Use the TAB key to get a list of customers   If a project is entered with a customer number of 00000, then the project will be valid in Order Entry for all customers.

2.  Ship-to#:________________(5)    Specific alternate ship-to # (if required).  Enter 00000 if ALL ship-to’s are included.

3.  Job Name: ______________(18) Project name.  Use TAB key to see a list of Projects already setup for the customer (This field title will appear as ‘Ship/Dept’, ‘P.O. #’ ‘No Project’ or whatever field 25, on the shipping screen, has been defined as  ).

4.  Description: _____________(   ) Enter a description of the project

5.  Owner Cust. #:___________(   ) Use the TAB key to get a list of customers.

6.  Slsperson#:_____( 2)                    Enter salesperson for the project (if required), Use TAB key for list of salespersons

7.  Start Date:______(6)                    Enter a start date (if required)

8.  End Date:_______(6)                    Enter an ending date (if required)

9.  On Hold:_(1)                                 Is the project on hold?  Y=Yes, N=No. 

Note:  Relationship of Customer # (field 1) and Owner Cust # (field 5)  - for example, Customer 4560 is an Architect and Customer 5874 is an Electrician.   The Architect (the Owner Customer) has drawings for a school (the Project) that various trade personnel (the Customer) use.  Therefore, the Customer # would be for the Electrician - #5874, the project name might be Millen, the description could be The Millen School Project and the Owner Customer would be the Architect – with the customer number of 4560




Step 3.  Configure how Order Entry should use the Project Master File.

Go back to:

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • Project Maintenance (Option 7) 


Set the rules to indicate how the shipping screen linked field should behave.

Look for the parameter:   INI'PPO'SHPSCN'RULES=                         

Positions->   12345678

(Note:  Certain Customer Types can override these default rules, see Special Customer Types section below)


Description/Option of positions:

1= Y, N, W  to verify that the project number entered exists in the Project Maintenance File (Task 22) or S, P to warn/prevent duplication.

Y=       Yes, require an exact match of the project number

N=       No, don't verify project number at all

W=      Warning, display warning if there isn't a match, but allow operator to continue

S=        Stop & give a warning, if entry is duplicated in any open or completed sales order, or history record

P=        Prevent duplication.  Give a warning and force the operator to re-enter



2 = N/S/E/D/A/P or Z  Display/Edit the Project order memo notes.

N=       No access to project/order memo notes in Order Entry

S=        See memo via a "function" key

E=        Edit memo via a "function" key

D=       Automatically Display the memo note

A=       Automatically Edit the memo note

P=        Automatically display if the note is <> 0

Z=        Automatically edit if the notes is <> 0


3 = Y/N  Verify that the order date is within the project start and end dates


4 = Y/N  Assign a Project Salesperson to the order.


5 = Y/N  Allow TAB key to be used to pick project number from list of valid projects


6 = Y/N  Reporting duplication warnings

Y=       Stop after reporting one duplication warning

N=       Report ALL duplication warnings.

(Note:  this position is only applicable if position 1 is S.  Also note, if position 1 is P, then position 6 is treated as Y.)


7, 8  Unused at this time.



For Special Customer Types.  Basically it’s:  these Customer “Types” use these “Rules”.


Projects can be setup for specific Customer Types, using specific Rules, by using either the actual Customer Type, or Summary Billing Types or Summary Break Types.   

The parameters are:  INI’PPO’CUST’TYPES’SPECIAL1=     and        INI’PPO’SHIPSCN’RULES’SPECIAL1=

Example could be:  INI’PPO’CUST’TYPES’SPECIALl=DW   Note: Customer Type Definitions are found in the AR module, Task 32, Sub-task 17, Option 3 (2/32/17/3). The Customer Type is placed on Field #12 on the Customer Master Record and a Customer Type can also be used to determine which ‘type’ of customers will get Summary Billing and Summary Invoice Breaks by ‘customer type’.  See SUM’BILL’TYPES and SUM’BRK1’TYPES in O/E Parameters (6/32/22/1).

For INI’PPO’SHIPSCN’RULES’SPECIAL1=  See INI'PPO'SHPSCN'RULES  above for position meanings. 




Note: some of the ‘rules’ for standard and ‘special customer types’ are:

1.      Verify the linked field against the Project Maintenance File (Task 22 in O/E)

2.      See or edit Project Memo notes

3.      Verify order date is within the Project dates

4.      Assign Project salesperson to the order

5.      Allow TAB search on Projects in the Projects Maintenance File (6/22) that are valid for the current customer.




Step 4.  Continue with the parameter setup of how the system will use Projects.  The following parameter dictates to the system which memos should be displayed in the list box using the TAB key for a search.  Look for the parameter:         



       Positions->   1234


Description/Option of positions:

N means do not display memos in list box.

means Internal; display Internal memos

means Internal, edit Internal memos

o stands for Order Entry, display O/E memos

O stands for Order Entry, edit O/E memos


Position 1 selection can be N/i/I/o or O and is used in Task 22 (Project Master)

Position 2 selection can be N/i/I/o or O and is used on the Ship Screen of an order in Task 1 and 2 in O/E

Position 3 & 4 are not used as this time.



Step 5.   Maximum number of lines on Internal and Order Entry memo notes.  Look for the two following parameters:  INI'PPO'INT'MMO'LINES= and INI'PPO'ORD'MMO'LINES=