This document explains how to print a report to make a manual journal entry each month to have the credit card vendors separate from the rest of your Accounts Payable in the G/L module.
If this procedure is done each month, when balancing the A/P Aged Trial Balance to the G/L, the A/P Trade and the A/P Credit Card G/L accounts will need to be added together to match the A/P Aged Trial Balance.
Go to:
Accounts Payable (Module 3)
System management (Task 32)
Modify application tables (Sub-task 17)
- Vendor type definitions (1)
Modify application tables (Sub-task 17)
System management (Task 32)
This vendor type can be any alphanumeric, one character. Below is an example of the type C as the Credit card type.
“C” , “Credit Card”
“a” , “Architect”
“1” , “Contractor”
Go to:
Accounts Payable (Module 3)
Vendor master (Task 17)
- Change existing vendor record (Sub-task 2)
- Bring up your credit card vendors & change field 12 vendor type
- After the vendor type is (in this example C), set to the credit card type, any voucher posted after, will have this vendor type.
Vendor master (Task 17)
Month end report, go to:
Accounts Payable (Module 3)
Voucher history (Task 19)
- Print selected Vch history records (Sub-task 4)
- Starting Batch #: Enter key for ALL
- Starting vendor #: Enter key for ALL
- Starting vendor type: C in this example
- Starting division #: Enter key for ALL
- Starting & ending date: use the month just closed
- Starting check #: Enter key for ALL
- Starting voucher #: Enter key for ALL
- This report will give you a total of all vouchers & payments for the month, to all of your credit card type vendors.
- Suppress detail records? YES or NO
Voucher history (Task 19)
- REGULAR ENTRIES REGULAR TOTAL (NET CHANGE TO A/P): would be what was vouchered.
- PAID ENTRIES WITHIN DATE RANGE PAID TOTAL (NET CHANGE TO CASH): would be the total of what was paid.
- Using this report a manual journal entry can be made in the General Ledger (Module 4), Manual TRX entry & editing (Task 1).
- To setup a recurring journal entry for this see the document titled “Task 18 - Reversing & Recurring Journal Entries”.
- To add a new G/L account # see the document titled “Add a General Ledger Account” or contact us via email or fax 248-583-4110.
- For this example we will say the Accounts Payable Trade General Ledger account is 301-00-01 A/P Trade, and the A/P Credit Cards is 302-00-01.
- For this example we will say the Voucher history report printed in step 3, showed REGULAR ENTRIES REGULAR TOTAL (NET CHANGE TO A/P): $5,000.00
- For this example we will say the Voucher history report printed in step 3, showed PAID ENTRIES WITHIN DATE RANGE PAID TOTAL (NET CHANGE TO CASH): $4,000.00
- The manual journal entry would be:
Debit A/P Trade 301-00-01 $5,000.00
- Credit A/P Credit Card 302-00-01 $5,000.00
Debit A/P Credit Card 302-00-01 $4,000.00
- Credit A/P Trade 301-00-01 $4,000.00