Modules»Inventory Control»Bill-of-Material - Setup - Man…
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Last modified on 2/25/2016 5:52 PM by User.

Bill-of-Material - Setup - Manufacturing or Production

Note: First time Bill-of-Material users must contact us.  We must implement and compile the B-O-M Option.


Step 1:

Both the "parent" item (the item entered during Order Processing) and the "component" items (the items that make up the "parent" item) need to be setup in Inventory.  Go to:

  • Inventory (Module 5)


When the items are set up properly, post them to the I/C files (using the Sub-task 5). Please make sure your “parent” & “component” items are setup correctly.




Step 2:

The next task is to identify the component items which are needed to make the parent item.

To do this, go to:

  • Inventory Control (Module 5)
    • Bill-of-Materials (Task 28)
      • Bill-of-materials maintenance (Sub-task 1)
        • Enter  New Bill-Mat Record (Option 1)
          • 01. Parent item :        (use the parent item number)
          • 02. Sequence #  :        (use 010,020 etc, this establishes the order of the components)
          • 03. Component # :      (item number of component needed to make the parent)
          • 04. Quantity    :          (quantity of component items needed in the parent item)
          • 05. BOM qty-type:    P, A or V

            • P -`Quantity'  times the number of parents-us used when the parent is produced.    If you produce 4 Parents, 4 Component(s) would be used.

            • A - This exact `Quantity' will be used, regardless of the number of-parents-produced

            • V – should not be used for production items.

          • 06. Assem time  :       The assembly time for the step using the component listed.  May use 0 if component # is a labor item.

          • 07. Assem cost  :        Hourly rate if field 06 (Assem Time) is used, otherwise skip this field.

          • 08. Process     :           Informational label

Step 3:

Check the I/C parameter file and ensure the parameters are set correctly.  Go to:

  • Inventory (Module 5)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • Bill of Materials (Option 2)
          • Review all of the parameters and set to ensure that BOM reacts appropriately. 



Step 4:

Determine if the components of a Bill of Material print on the sales order, shipper, etc.   Go to:

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • O/E General (Option 1)
        • Look for the parameter:  PRINT’BOM’COMPONENT=123456  There are 6 positions, representing the 6 documents types (see below).  Answer each of the six with an N for No, don’t print.  The six document types are:
          • 1=Sales & B/O (new orders)
          • 2=Sales & B/O (new orders)

          • 3=Shop  (work orders)

          • 4=Warehouse (picking tickets)

          • 5=Shipping (shippers)

          • 6=Accounting (invoices)