Modules»Customer Service»Enter Existing Serialized Mach…
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Last modified on 10/14/2015 9:16 PM by User.

Enter Existing Serialized Machines & Service Records

1. Enter Existing Serialized Machines:

Enter an item record for the type of machine to be sold and/or serviced into inventory. (Inventory Control Module, Add New Item - Task 1 or 8)




01. Item #                    :XER-COPIER 125

02. Description           :XEROX COLOR COPIER

03. Item G/L #             :123-00 INVENTORY - MACHINES

04. Sell by                   :Each          

05. Stock by               :Each

06. Master units         :Each

07. Avg. cost              :0.00 (If not going to A/R or G/L in setup)

11. Price 1                  :10000.00   

20. Taxable                             :T

21. Item Type             :M           Material/Labor/Rental/Hold/Discontinued

22. Input format           :0

23. Product code         :4

24. Report class          :11

25. Serialized?           :Y

26. Dimensional?        :N


2.  Enter Meter Billing Item:

Next enter the item to be used for meter billing...




01. Item #                    :XER-METERCLICKS

02. Description           :METER CLICKS /N:500

03. Item G/L #             :123-00 INVENTORY - MACHINES

04. Sell by                   :Each           (Each or Clicks may be used)

05. Stock by               :Each

06. Master units         :Each

07. Avg. cost               :           0.00

08. Last cost                :    0.00

11. Price 1                   :    0.25   

20. Taxable                             :T

21. Item Type             :L           Material/Labor/Rental/Hold/Discontinued

22. Input format           :0

23. Product code         :4

24. Report class          :08

25. Serialized?            :N

26. Dimensional?        :M  (M represents “Meter Billing/LCU”.  See the document titled ‘Customer Service – Overview’ for an explanation of LCU)



3.  Sell the machine to the customer through Order Entry and Editing. Use the original sale date or previous service date as the invoice date. Don’t worry about the date not being in the current month, because the order/invoice will be deleted before it reaches AR.  The purpose of “selling” the machine is to build the “Machine Record” and the “Service History” in the Customer Service module.


To enter the order, go to:

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • Order Entry and Editing (Task 1)
      • Enter New/Change Existing Order (Sub-task 1)

Select the customer number and be sure to change the order date and invoice date to the date the machine was actually sold to the customer.

On the line item screen, enter in the item number for the machine (the one entered in Step 1 of this document).  Enter the serial number of the machine when prompted and then be sure to select Y(es) when the alert: “Warning…serial number not on file…Do you want to add?” This will add the serial number to the Serialized Item Master file (Task 20 in the Inventory module). 


Enter any warranty information that applies (see the document titled:  ‘Customer Service Overview’ for more information concerning warranty data).


The line item screen should be similar to this sample:


Item #                          Quan        Ship    Bkor    Price           Other         Disc        TOTAL

1 XER-COPIER 125     1               1                 10000.00                                     10000.00

   XEROX COLOR COPIER                                               Ser#:623              


Print the Invoice if the customer is a non-summary billing customer; if the customer is a Summary Billing customer, then print the shipper….****NOTE: a document MUST be printed****.  Then move the order to the Invoiced Order Holding File (use Task 25 to move the order to Task 2).

Print an invoiced order edit list from the Invoiced Order Holding File.  Make sure the information on the edit list is correct. 


4.  NOTE: make sure A/R Sales Entry & Editing (Task 1 in the A/R module) has zero header & detail counts before posting from the Invoiced Order Holding File (Task 2 in O/E).


5.  Post the transaction(s) from the Invoiced Order Holding File to Sales Entry and Editing (Task 1 in AR).


6.  Delete the sale when it is in A/R Sales Entry and Editing, using Sub-task 3.  If there are a number of machines being entered, use Sub-task 6, providing AR Sales Entry & Editing is empty before the orders are posted from the Order Processing - Invoiced Order Holding File. The sales records for the machines must be deleted to keep from creating incorrect AR records.  Remember this is ONLY done when you are starting to use Customer Service and want to get the machines into the Customer Service module.  


***Performing these steps will create an owner record in the Owner Master File and a machine record in the Machine/Vehicle Master File, all found in the Customer Service Module.***


7.  Correct quantity on hand.  After the machine item #, serialized item, is sold & posted the quantity on hand in the warehouse master needs to be corrected with a physical inventory selection, update & posting.  See the document Physical Inventory for instructions.  In the above example, with the item # XER-COPIER 125; if this item # was sold 3 times to record 3 different serial #’s in the customer service module, the warehouse master would show quantity on hand less 3, as if 3 were sold.  So this item # needs to be selected for physical inventory.  The actual real physical count of this item needs to be entered & posted.  Physical inventory is in Inventory control (module 5), Physical inventory (Task 6), Select items for inventory by item # SELINV (Sub-Task 1) & Update quantities by item # AIVENT (Sub-Task 3); save posting register.  See the document Physical Inventory for instructions.    



8.  Record meter clicks.  Another sales order is needed to enter the starting meter counts.  Follow the instructions below, but once again the order with the beginning meter counts must be invoiced, transferred to the Holding File (Task 2 in OE via Task 25), posted to an empty AR Sales Entry & Editing (Task 2) file and then deleted (using Sub-task 3) as indicated above for the serialized machine.


***This should only be done after the serialized machines have been entered and posted. One difference in entering the starting meter count order is the use of a service department number on the order. The department number is line 8 on the first screen of a sales order.   Refer to the document titled: ‘Customer Service – Overview’ for the section that discusses the service departments.  It contains:   SRV'DPT'NUM= ***     


On the front/first screen of a new sales order, press the F3 key (you will see a text box on the right-hand side of the screen, listing F1, F2, Fe, etc.).  Enter in the Owner # of the machine (if the Owner number isn’t known, use the “search” function to find the correct owner # by using the F1 to search by name; F2 to search by phone # or F3 to search by serial #.)

The user will see (as an example):


DAVID’S RENTAL         Owner #041108    (248)583-4110        Total:10000.00

ITEM #              DESCRIPTION                       SERIAL NUMBER        DATE    LOC

627-MACH       XEROX COPIER 125             623                                   08/09/xx   01 


If this information is correct, use Y or 1 to select the machine.  Then near the bottom of the screen, four possible actions are listed: 

Y: put owner info on order

S: Service records (use to view service history)

W: work needed (based on report classes – see Customer Service Overview – a list of the report classes, the invoice number, service date, meter reading & change, along with the technician number will appear)

M-Memo (use to enter a ‘memo’ about the service performed on the machine, for example)


Enter a Y and the owner information will appear on the next order.


  1. The first screen of an order will be displayed again.  Press the Enter key to open a new order.  Press the Enter key again at customer number field.  The customer information will appear.


  1. Use the ‘Any Change’ function at the bottom of the screen to change the order date so the date of the service will be correct.  Remember, the order date should be the date the machine was last serviced.
  2. Also: BE SURE to use the ‘Any Change’ function to change the department on field 8 to a valid SERVICE department.  Failing to perform this step will prevent the information on the order from being recorded in the Customer Service files.


  1. Press the Enter key to get to the line item screen.   On the line item screen, enter in the item number for the service item.  Enter the meter count as of the time the machine was last serviced. 


  1. Invoice the order.


 ** Note: Only information that relates to the last actual meter count on the serialized machine should be placed on this order. This order should then be posted, and deleted from AR Sales Entry and Editing, as described above.



** Note: Future orders recording the meter clicks will then use the meter count shown in field 15 of the Customer Service "Service history" file and the actual meter count to calculate usage.