Table of Contents- ORDER ENTRY CHANGES THROUGH 10-31-01
- Contract Pricing (Customer Contract Item File is found in Task 21 of the Order Processing module):
- Order Entry & Editing – Task 1:
- Teller Code:
- Minimums on Customer Pickup Orders:
- COD Customer/Invoicing Options
- Invoice Printing:
- Printing sequence of Invoice, Shipper, Work Order:
- Dimensional Type:
- Tax Reporting for Non-taxable Sales:
- Reports:
- Commission Maintenance:
- Order Entry & Editing (Task 1):
- Fuel Surcharge or Other Delivery Charges:
- Force Entry of Payment Terms, Shipping Method and Freight Terms:
- Customer Pickup:
- History Inquiry (Task 26):
- Fill Backorders:
- Customer Contract File – Import:
- Divisions:
- Summary Orders – Edit List:
- Service Department:
- Promise Date/Time:
- Reports:
- Notification of Voids, Cancels, etc.:
- Alternate Ship-to:
- EDI:
- End-of-Month Discounts Tax Accrual:
- Order Processing changes through 07/31/13:
- Contract Pricing (Customer Contract Item File is found in Task 21 of the Order Processing module):
- Order Entry & Editing – Task 1:
- Teller Code:
- Minimums on Customer Pickup Orders:
- COD Customer/Invoicing Options
- Invoice Printing:
- Printing sequence of Invoice, Shipper, Work Order:
- Dimensional Type:
- Tax Reporting for Non-taxable Sales:
- Reports:
- Commission Maintenance:
- Order Entry & Editing (Task 1):
- Fuel Surcharge or Other Delivery Charges:
- Force Entry of Payment Terms, Shipping Method and Freight Terms:
- Customer Pickup:
- History Inquiry (Task 26):
- Fill Backorders:
- Customer Contract File – Import:
- Divisions:
- Summary Orders – Edit List:
- Service Department:
- Promise Date/Time:
- Reports:
- Notification of Voids, Cancels, etc.:
- Alternate Ship-to:
- EDI:
- End-of-Month Discounts Tax Accrual:
- Order Processing changes through 07/31/13:
Order Entry & Editing (Task 1):
(1) First Screen:
A parameter will allow or disallow the customer number to be changed on an order once line items have been placed on an order. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E - General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for: CHANGE'CUST'WITEMS= Choices are: W – Warning message displayed, but change is allowed; N – No change will be allowed.
(2) Item Entry Screen:
(2A) Contract Pricing Override:
A new parameter has been added to lockout an operator from changing the ‘Price’ and ‘Other’ amounts on an order when a customer Contract Price is in effect.
Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E - General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for: CIX'OVERRIDE= Y-yes, N-no
(2B) Dimensional Item Override:
A parameter controls if the operator can override “line item quantity order” when the quantity is calculated by dimensional information. Looks for the parameter: DIM'OVERRIDE'QTY= Y- yes, N – No This parameter is also found in 6,32,22,1.
(3) Shipping Screen:
(3A) In addition to requiring fields 1 and 2 to be filled-in on the Shipping Screen of a sales order, field 25 can also require that the user enter information. This is controlled by field #47 on the Customer Master File (Task 17 of AR).
(3B) A new parameter has been added to automatically fill in the information on fields 45, 46 & 47 (with a Y or N) of the Customer Master record when a new customer is added through Order Entry. Go to:
Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- A/R - General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for: NEWCUS'REQ'FLG= Y/N Set "Require Ship Screen" fields 1, 2, 25 in new customers created by order entry.
(3C) A new parameter option can warn or prevent duplication of a customer PO, Job #, etc. on the designated Project Number field on the Shipping Screen of a sales order. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- Project Maintenance (Option 7)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Determine which field on the Shipping Screen will be the designated field for the Project Number. Look for the parameter: INI'PPO'PROMPT'PRJ'NUM= Choices are: PORO – field #1; SHPDPT – field #2; GEN’1 – field #25 or NONE – no field is the project #.
Then look for the parameter: INI'PPO'SHPSCN'RULES= (this parameter specifies the default Shipping Screen rules for non-special Customer Types, with each “position” defining a default “behavior” of the Project Number). Choices are: S – Stop and give a warning if entry is duplicated in any open order, finished order or history record; P – Prevent any duplication; Y – Yes, enforce an exact match; N – No, don’t verify at all; W- Warning only, if it doesn’t match.
Dimensional Items:
(1) A new parameter has been added to control the minimum accuracy on the calculations of dimensional items. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for: DIM'MIN'DEC This is for situations where unit sizes need to be calculated with more accuracy than what is desirable for the final total. For example: calculate unit size with 1 or 2 decimals, but thenextend & round extended total to whole units.
(2) The parameter: DIM’MIN’QTY (also found in 6,32,22,1) no longer applies to the dimensional types: O – Copies/Originals, C - Color Copy Pricing and X – Bond Copy (non-square foot) Note: Dimensional Types are found in 5/32/17/18
(3) A new Dimensional Type has been added: Z It has the functionality of the “E” type except it uses total square footage for discount breaks.
(4) Dimensional Item Override:
A parameter controls if the operator can override “line item quantity order” when the quantity is calculated by dimensional information. Looks for the parameter: DIM'OVERRIDE'QTY= Y- yes, N – No. The parameter is found in 6,32,22,1
Freight Terms:
1. An option has been added to the "Freight Terms" table to include a Flat Fee. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
- Freight Terms (Option 1)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Below is an example of how the table can be setup (Note: the spacing on the setup is not correct in the example below -- see the actual table for correct spacing):
Key Text flag $
- ---- - ------
"1" , "No charge 0.00"
"2" , "Charge "
"3" , "Collect * "
"4" , "COD "
"A" , "Area A 1.99"
"B" , "Area B 12.50"
"C" , "Area C 3.50"
"D" , "Area D 2.50"
Based on the table, customers who have, for example, a D as their Freight Term (Field 37 of the Customer Master file - Task 17 in AR) will receive a flat fee rate of $2.50 per order. This option is useful when you have different areas of delivery and for each of the areas there is a set/flat fee.
2. The number of Freight Terms allowed has been expanded. The KEY can have up to 75 entries (up from 9) and can be alphanumeric (previously only numeric).
Printing on Order Documents:
1. Additional parameters have been added to determine which optional fields will be printed on order documents. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-Task 22)
- O/E - General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-Task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for parameter:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
Print fields on order documents using Y-Yes or N-No except where noted.
1st digit=PORO (from field #1 on the "Shipping Screen" of a sales order)
2=SHPDPT (from field #2 on the "Shipping Screen" of a sales order)
3=GEN'1 (from field #25 on the "Shipping Screen" of a sales order)
4=due date (from field #19 on the "Shipping Screen" of a sales order)
5=Dimensional item discounting (Y/N/E for Extended total only)
6=Clerk name
7=Opened by name
8=Salesman (#/N for Name/S for Short name box/s (Short name box when using salesman# for box to shift left)
9=Done-by (N-none, D-Dimensional & Labor, A-all items, otherwise Labor only)
10=Total Weight
11=Print date & time printed (D), both centered (X), time only (T), time only centered (C). Anything else or blank, neither date or time will print.
12=Warehouse picking sequence
13=Warehouse on-hand quantity (#12 & 13 print on picking tickets only)
14=Print COST on quotes as "Quote #"
15=Print individual item prices when a “minimum charge” is applied to an order
16=Print “Apply to Invoice #:xxxxx” for credit memos. (N-do not print; blank or 2-print on the 2nd header line (this is the default); 3 or 4-print on 3rd or 4th header line)
17=Print division number on line two of header. (N-no; Y-Yes, if the division number is greater than 01; A-always)
18=Print Promise Date and Time. (Y-Yes; N-No; F-Freight Position; y- promise date only; f-promise date only in freight position.
NOTE-- If documents (Invoices, etc) are printed on plain paper, please read the following:
The programs that print O/E documents (invoices, picking tickets, etc) now automatically selects whether to print in a format designed for STANDARD pre-printed forms, or for plain paper, because if it's plain paper the various heading and captions must be added. This selection is done by checking the system printer table in Software Maintenance (Module 10), System Management Functions (Task 32), Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17), System Printer Definition Table (Option 1). If the letters: PLP appear anywhere in the description field for any given printer, then any order documents sent to that printer will be formatted (with headings & captions) for plain paper.
If order documents print in "plain paper format" then you must add PLP to the description field for the specific printer. Be sure after any change is made to the tables, to use F to save the change after using ESC to leave the tables.
If the company name and address previous printed at the top of order documents and they no longer do, check the Setup Company Parameter files (Software Maintenance - Module 10; System Management Functions - Task 32; Setup Company Parameter - Sub-task 26). If the first character of the first line (where the company names goes) is a blank, then the company name and address will NOT be printed. If you want them to be printed, then make sure the first character is not blank.
2. Parameter to exclude memo lines from order documents – both internal and external (customer) documents. Look for these parameters:
INT'MEMO'SKIP'PREFIX= Skip printing order & item memo lines that begin with this prefix on INTERNAL order documents. DO print on external (customer) documents such as quotes, shippers, invoices. Leaving blank will use default of ";". Set to NONE to disable this feature.
EXT'MEMO'SKIP'PREFIX= Skip printing order & item memo lines that begin with this prefix on EXTERNAL (customer) order documents. DO print on internal documents such as work-orders & picking tickets. Leaving blank will use default of "*". Set to NONE to disable this feature.
3. Large print on plain paper forms: on normal invoices, the line items and descriptions are printed using compressed print. However, for plain paper and some custom forms, large print can print for the line items and descriptions. Go to:
Software Maintenance (Module 10)
System Printers (Task 22)
- Field 06 – Keywords: 80
System Printers (Task 22)
Enter 80 into field #6 for the appropriate printers.
4. Copies of Order Documents: a parameter to determine the number of copies for each order document (invoice, work order, picking ticket, etc) – normally used with Laser Printers. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E – General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for parameter: PRINT'DOC'COPIES=
Item Description Search:
The Item Description search during the entry of line items in Order Entry & Editing (Task 1 in OE) can now use either the HOME or ENTER key for the "In-stock only & All" feature. The choice is parameter controlled. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
- O/E - General (Option 1)
Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the parameter:
ISTOCK'ONLY=ENTER ENTER or HOME is the key for in-stock when using descriptive searches
A new report has been developed which prints, in summary format, the sales:
1. by salesman
2. by customer
3. by date range
The report provides: 1) History Amount; 2) Amount in Invoiced Order Holding File (unposted to AR invoices) and 3) Open Order Amount. It can be found in:
Order Processing (Module 6)
Miscellaneous History (Task 16)
- Total Sales by Salesman, Customer, Date - Open & History (Sub-task 10)
Miscellaneous History (Task 16)
Search For Open Orders by Department & Salesperson:
A new search option has been added to the first screen of Order Entry. A search for open orders can be conducted by Department or by Salesperson.
By pressing the SPACEBAR, a single department or ALL departments can be chosen. Next the system prompts for Salesperson. Either a single salesperson (use TAB key to search for salesperson name/number) or ALL salespersons can be chosen.
Item History Purge:
For Item History (Task 18) a Warehouse/Division number range has been added to the print (Sub-task 4) and purge (Sub-task 5) functions.
Summary Invoices:
1. Parameter options. The standard summary invoice used the same parameters options as the regular invoice (prior – standard & summary invoices had separate parameter controls).
2. Additional “break” logic – review the entire “Summary Billing Options” in the parameters to determine which will work the best for your organization. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Parameter Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Parameter Functions (Task 32)
1. Both standard preprinted and plain-paper order forms have the option to print the list price on the second line (reason: to make the customer aware of the discounted price they are actually getting). Either the list price can print by itself or a label can be added with the list price printed after the user-defined label. For example, the label could read: Compare at: $ These function are controlled by two parameters. They are found in:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E – General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for:
PRINT'STD'PRICE= Options are V-never print list price (default), A-print for all discounts, N- print for non contract only, C-print for contract only
PRINT'STD'LABEL= User-defined label to print with the standard price (15 characters maximum)
2. A parameter has been added to allow the “Freight” label to be changed for printing on standard order documents. If the parameter feature is used, the working does NOT affect any other screen or report label throughout the system. Look for the parameter in 6/32/22/1:
PRINT'FREIGHT'LABEL= Print label on order documents for FREIGHT. If left ‘blank’, the default is ' Freight'. Some clients prefer to use the word
'Shipping' instead of ‘Freight’. (8 characters maximum)
3. Printer selection available for ‘on the fly’ situations of order documents. By naming a printer ASKME or ASKOPR the system will prompt the user, of a terminal, for a printer selection. An example of usage: if a terminal is used for several purposes, one of which includes printing invoices on-the-fly through tasks 1 or 2 in the Order Processing menu, a normal ‘assigned’ printer may not be the best option. By ‘assigning’ a printer name of ASKME or ASKOPR the user will be asked to pick a printer (in a normal printer selection screen). Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
- Order Entry Printer Assignments (Option 2)
- Holding File Printer Assignments (Option 3)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
"TERM10" , "ASKME ,TI810 ,TI810 ,ASKME ,TI810 ,TI810 " This setup (in Option 2 – Order Entry Printer Assignments) states when printing invoices (positions 1 – 6) and workorders (positions 22 – 27), the operator on Terminal 10 will be prompted with a printer selection screen.
4. A parameter has been added to determine the number of copies for reprinting invoices from History. For example, you may normally generate 3 copies when printing an original invoice, but when reprinting the invoice you only want to generate one copy. Go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: HISTORY’COPIES=
Order Entry:
1. The “Other$” field on the line item portion of a sales order has been moved (the “Other $” comes from field #9 – Other Cost – on the Inventory Item Master that is designated as a material item). The ‘cost’ is now rolled up and displayed as one figure, which is a combination of the selling price and the ‘other cost’. They appear under the “Price” column followed by “p+o” (indicating ‘price’ + ‘other cost’). These figures can be manually changed by going back to the line, where a pop-up box will appear with the two amounts and a place to change the amounts for this order only. Note: The “Other Cost’ is normally used as a surcharge to an item, an excise tax or any other pass-through cost.
2. A parameter has been added to allow or disallow the use of the ‘Serial #” field on the Shipping screen of an order for non “service” orders. Look in 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: NON'SERVICE'SERIAL= Options are Y, yes; N, no and W, warn only. Note: This is applicable when the department number is NOT in the parameter: SRV'DPT'NUM. Also this is only applicable with use of the optional Customer Service module. This is automatically allowed on Summary Billing orders.
3. Instead of accessing the Shipping Screen after the Collection/Action screen, the system can be configured to automatically go to the Shipping Screen once the first screen information has been entered. This is useful if you need to get shipping information for contract pricing purposes or to gather general information (PO #, Workorder #, etc.) BEFORE entering the line items. Go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: DFLT'SHIP'OPT= Options are: Y(yes – after the Collection screen, the automatic prompt is Yes, can be overridden to No); N(no – after the Collection screen, the automatic prompt is No, can be overridden to Yes); A(always go to the Shipping Screen after the Collection screen); V(never go to the Shipping Screen); B(before items – go to the Shipping Screen before entering the items)
Summary Invoices:
When reprinting a Summary Invoice, the original item order will remain the same. Summary Invoices are reprinted in: Order Processing (Module 6); Miscellaneous History (Task 16); Reprint Summary Invoice from History Files (Sub-task 12).
Division # Range:
In Item History (Task 18), a division range selection is available when printing (Sub-task 3 – Print Selected History Records) and purging (Sub-task 5 – Erase Selected History Records).
Display Profit $ or % in Sales Entry & Editing/Holding File:
This parameter allows the order-taker to see, in dollar or percent format, the profit on a line item.. Very useful if items (or items within a product code or report class) aren’t supposed to be sold below a certain dollar profit or percent profit. The $ or % is displayed on the 2nd line of information on the line item in a sales order (just before the ‘Tx’ notation) in both Task 1 (Sales Entry & Editing) and Task 2 (Holding File). Go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: DISPLAY'LI'PROFIT= P%P$
The parameter can have 4 characters. The first 2 are used in Sales Entry & Editing, and the 2nd 2 are used in the Holding File.
First character, the choices are N, C, P or M
N=No profit display (standard/default)
C=Display cost
P=Display profit
M=Display markup
Second character: only used if 1st character is a P or M; choices are % or $
%=Show amount as percent
$=Show amount as dollars
Third & forth characters: Repeat of 1st & 2nd characters for the Holding File (leave blank if the same as the choices in 1 & 2)
Password – Credit Memo:
A password can be setup that must be entered before a Credit Memo can be written in Order Processing. This option is controlled by a parameter. Go to 6/21/22/1 and look for the parameter: CRMEMO’PASS. If left ‘blank’, the parameter DLFT’PASS is used, plus this parameter overrides the parameter: DFLT'PASS which is used for refund of deposit, canceling an order and creating credit memos.
Memo Notes:
1. Two parameters have been added to control the maximum number of memo lines per order and per item. Look for the parameters in: 6/32/22/1
2. Second and Third characters have been added to an existing parameter to allow existing rules for ‘memo’ control to be applied to new and/or changed orders. Go to 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: SALES'MEMO= Access to Customer/Sales memo notes by order-taker in Order Entry & Editing..
1st Character (this option is not new). Choices are: S, E, D, A, P or Z
S-See memo by using the ‘fkey’
E-Edit memo by using the ‘fkey’
D-Automatically display
A-Auto edit
P-Auto display if<>0
Z-Auto edit if<>0
2nd Character (new) only applies when 1st character codes D, A, P or Z are used. Choices are: C, O or B
C-Apply only upon entry of customer number (Standard)
O-Apply only when displaying existing order
3rd Character (new) has the same functionality and options as 2nd, but it applies to the Holding File (Task 2) if you want it to act differently than open orders found in Task 1.
1. A new parameter in Order Processing overrides a parameter from the Inventory module regarding item inquires in Order Entry & Editing. To find the parameter, go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: DFLT'ITEM'ON'INQUIRY….should system default, while inquiring, to the previous item? If this parameter is left ‘blank’, the parameter in the Inventory module is used. The parameter in the Inventory module (found in 5/32/22/1) is: DFLT'ON'ITEM=.
2. The Warehouse # field is displayed, along with other invoice information, in the History Inquiry (Task 26)
The item history report: Customer/Item/Date (IHSCUS) can be printed in either customer number or customer name order. This report is found in:6/15 (Special Item History), it’s the first report on the list.
Reprint Invoices:
Invoices can be re-printed through the History Inquiry (Task 26 in O/E module) via the F2 key (this saves having to lookup the correct invoice, then having to go out to the reprint functions for regular or summary invoices.)
Cross-Warehouse Selling:
Order Entry has an option to allow warehouse/division to be specified at the line item level. This can be used for "Cross warehouse selling" of all item types, both material and labor. This can be particularly useful when services are performed by multiple divisions, within your company, on a single order. It makes for easy & accurate recording of who performed various work functions on a given order and for appropriate sales credit on the accounting side without having to do interdivision transfer orders. In situations where interdivision work is marked up or sales credit is shared on a given line item then the standard inter-company transfer order procedures should still be used so you have more granular control of the resulting data. If you are just transferring inventory from one warehouse to another, the standard inter-company transfer order procedures are also used.
1. Order Processing (Module 6):
The ability to sell line items from different warehouses on the same order/invoice is available via a parameter. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task22)
- O/E – General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the parameter CROSS’WHS’SELLING=YS
1ST digit: Y/N Allow selling individual line items directly from a different warehouse. Distribution of line item revenue & cost are then FULLY attributed to the line item warehouse/div rather than the selling division/whs.
2nd digit: A/S A=ask on entry, S=skip (ask on left arrow from quantity ordered only.)
Setting Situation: When the first digit of this parameter is set to Y, and the second digit is set to S:
On the line item screen, of a new order, type in the line item:
The cursor will move to the “Quantity” ordered column.
The column between “Item #” and “Quan” will be “Whs”. To change the warehouse on the line item press the left arrow key, the cursor will move to the
“Whs” column.
Type in the warehouse number from where the item is coming from, or the warehouse that is doing the service.
· If the item is a material item, the bottom of the screen will change. The bottom of the screen shows the quantity available, on/order, on-hand and etc… from this warehouse. As the warehouse number is changed these numbers change to reflect the warehouse. Material items MUST be in the warehouse that is on the line item.
· If the line item is a dimensional item, the system will prompt for the Sets first, then press the left arrow key to move the cursor to the “Whs” column. The cursor will then go back to the Sets, Originals,Width & Height.
Setting Situation: When the first digit of the parameter is set to Y, and the second digit is set to A:
When at the line item of an order, after typing in the line item, the cursor will automatically stop at the column “Whs”.
NOTE: The “Whs” column will default to the warehouse number that the terminal is set up to default to.
· If the terminal is set to default to warehouse 01 and the front screen warehouse is changed to 02, the warehouse numbers on the line items will still default to warehouse 01.
· If the terminal doesn’t have a default warehouse, the line item warehouse will be the same as the warehouse entered on the first screen of the order.
2. Invoiced Order Holding File (Task #2):
Print Invoice Order Edit List (Sub-task 4). If an edit list or posting is generated for one division at a time, the division on the front screen of the order is the division edit list and posting register that the order will appear on.
· The G/L account number distribution will divide the sale into the separate divisions. For example: you have a sale for $300.00. The line items were $100.00 for division 01 and $200.00 for division 02. The G/L distribution will be 541-00-01 = $100.00 and 541-00-02 = $200.00.
3. Reports:
Item history reports will break out the sale according to the line item division. These reports can be found in Task #15 – Special Item History – in the Order Processing module.
4. Inventory Control (Module 5)
Task # 19 (Warehouse Master): The quantities sold to the customers come from the line item warehouse not the front screen warehouse of the invoice.
5. Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
- Generate A/R to G/L Interface (Sub-task3)
The G/L account number for the Siamese sales and cost-of-goods sold accounts follow the line item division of the invoice.
Zero Price on Line Items:
The system will now require operator entry for $0.00 line item prices rather an accepting “Return/Enter/CR” as a legitimate keystroke. This is designed to prevent operators from forgetting to input a price on inventory items that have no default or automatic price. Note: this does not apply to items that are specifically coded for “0” as a customer Price Level or where a 100% Item Contract Discount is used.
Zero Cost on Line Items:
An existing parameter has been expanded to require a cost on items (must be ‘material’ items that are ‘non-dimensional’) that have a $0.00 cost on the Item Master. This logic applies to new items as well as stock items. The parameter can be found in:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task22)
- O/E – General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the parameter: ASK’COST’FLAG: Options are Y(es), N(o) and R(equire)
“Promise Time”:
If the “Promise Date”(field #16 on the Shipping Screen of a sales order) is filled-in, only then will the “Promise Time” field be prompted for information. The time can be entered as, for example: 8:00 a.m. as 8 or 800. 2:00 p.m. as 2p or 2+ or 1400
Contract Pricing (Customer Contract Item File is found in Task 21 of the Order Processing module):
- Pricing can be based on the Average or Last cost (in addition to the standard 9 price levels found on the Item Master). Field #5 – Type ($/%/T) must be %, then field 7 Price Level can be set to one of the 9 price levels or Average or Last cost.
- Entering a negative discount percent (in field 6 – Price /Disc) allows for a “mark-up” from cost, in addition to the normal discounts from prices.
- Contract pricing using Product Codes and Report Classes has been enhanced to allow “fixed’ dollar pricing, in addition to using percentages and price levels.
- New contract records can be created based using existing contract records based on item number. The utility is found in 6/32/12 – Replicate Contracts by Item. (note: there is also a utility using customer number – 6/32/9 – Replicate Contracts by Customer)
Order Entry & Editing – Task 1:
- Decimal points. On an order’s item quantity, price and discount fields a manual “.” (decimal point) can be entered. Any entry made in those fields by an operator that contains an actual decimal point will be automatically converted to the appropriate decimal accuracy for the item by adding trailing zeros or rounding (as necessary). Note: the “Input Format” -- field 22 on the Item Master must be greater than 0 for item quantity; and the price (using field 7 on the Item Master for decimal accuracy) must also be greater than zero. I.e. an item with an ‘Input Format’ of 3 can be entered as 1.5, instead of 1500, and the system will convert to 1.500 automatically.
- Non-stock items and new items added through Order Entry can now specify whether the item is “Dimensional’ or ‘Serialized’.
- Order Lookup: another choice has been added to lookup orders. By using the F12 key orders can be looked up by the route code. The route code is found on field #36 of the Customer Master file and on field #15 of the Alternate Ship-to file.
Promised Date and Promised Time: new parameter has been added to require the Promised Date and/or Promised Time (field 16) must filled in on the Shipping Screen of an order. Look in 6/32/22/1 for the parameter: PROMISE’REQD. The options are: Y/N/B for the first character and I or blank for the second character.
- Y = only Promised Date is required; N = neither Promised Date or Time are required; B = both Promised Date and Time are required.
- I = require the information when invoicing; blank meaning for actions other than invoicing (i.e. pick ticket). Most likely the “I” wont’ be used because it is assumed if the order is already invoiced, the Promise Date or Time aren’t needed.
- Note: see parameter PRINT’ON’DOC= position number 18. Must be set to allow the Promise Date/Time to actually print. Options are Y/N/F/y/f
- Order Source: A new field (#10) has been added to the first screen of a sales order. Based on a user-defined table, the ‘source’ of the order can be added. Examples of ‘sources’ could be: Phone order, Planwell, Internet, etc. The table is set up in 6/32/17/21.
Teller Code:
Additional option has been added to the parameter ASK’TEL’CODE to allow the display of BOTH the teller number and name on the collection screen instead of just one or the other. This is helpful when reprinting invoiced orders to re-enter the original teller code so the checkout/balancing information remains with the original teller. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify 6Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E General (Option 1)
Modify 6Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for: ASK’TEL’CODE=YxB Ask teller ‘Clerk/Cashier#’
1st digit = Y(es) or N(o)
2nd digit = T means to also require a password (any other letter means no password)
3rd digit = What should be displayed (if anything) on the screen….N= don’t display; Y = teller number; A= teller name; B = both teller number and name.
Minimums on Customer Pickup Orders:
A new parameter has been added which allows the pickup order minimum to override the customer minimum order amount. Setting the override to “Yes” allows for minimum delivery amounts specific to a customer but one standard pickup minimum for all customers. Setting the parameter to “No” means specific customer minimum applies to both pickup and delivery – just as it has worked in the past. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the parameter: MIN’PKU’OVRIDE’CUST=
Note: Customer’s with a “No minimum” (minimum = 99999 on field 40 – Min $ Order – in Customer Master file) will continue to apply to both delivery and pickup regardless of the new parameter setting.
COD Customer/Invoicing Options
Invoicing COD customers has been enhanced with multiple options. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter File (Sub-task 22)
- O/E General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter File (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the parameter: COD’CHG’FLAG= Can C.O.D. customers charge? Note: on field #24 of the Customer Master file, a customer can have an actual credit limit dollar amount (i.e. 2000 for $2,000) or use a ‘code’ to indicate they are a C.O.D. customer (or other ‘codes’ indicating, for example, ‘No Limit’, etc.)
Y = Allow customers with a credit limit of zero to charge their sales
N= C.O.D. customers cannot charge any sales.
NC= Do not allow customers, with a credit limit of zero, to charge C.O.D. sales.
NT= Do not allow any C.O.D. order to be charged.
NB= Do not allow both – neither C.O.D. orders or customers with a credit limit of zero can charge sales.
Note: to invoice a C.O.D. customer without a payment method filled in, but to hold the invoice in Task 2 (Invoice Holding File) until a payment method is filled in, set this parameter to Y, set the Credit Limit to 0 (field 24 on Customer Master) and the Billing Term to C.O.D. (field 39 on the Customer Master).
Invoice Printing:
1. A parameter has been expanded to direct the printing of invoices based on retail or non-retail customer numbers. Go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: INVOICE’TYPE’RULE= Choices are: 0, 1 or 2
0 = No special rules
1 = ‘Charge’ orders will go to standard printer, ‘cash’ orders will go to WALT* printer
2 = Standard accounts will go to standard printer, Retail accounts will go to WALT* printer.
*WALT Printer – Walt is the receipt printer, whereas standard is for forms. Choices 1 & 2 require the parameter: WALT’INVOICE’PROMPT be utilized.
2. A “Multiple Tray’ selection has been added for document printing. This allows each copy of an order document to pull from a different tray of a given printer. For example: different colored paper to correspond to each copy…..customer = white; office = yellow, etc. Go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter:
DOC’DPT1’TRAYS Then ‘arrow key up’ about 15 lines to the wording: “Input paper trays” to read the complete instructions. If you have questions, please contact us.
Printing sequence of Invoice, Shipper, Work Order:
Two new parameters have been added. One determines which prints first the invoice or shipper when the Invoice “action” is selected on the Collection screen of a sales order, and the same parameter dictates the same information when an invoice is reprinted. The other parameter works in the same manner except it refers to a shipper and a work order, and the reprinting of a shipper. Look in 6/32/22/1 for the parameters: INVOICE’PRINTS’SHIPPER and SHIPPER’PRINTS’WORK’ORDER. See the parameter instructions for detailed instructions.
Dimensional Type:
A new dimensional type has been added. The type is “Y”, which has the same input factors as type “D” (Sets, Originals, Width, Height). The breakpoints, on the Discount Quantity Tables if used, are the number of copies (sets) and the discount price is based on the number of Square Feet. The new type is found in 5/32/17/18 – Dimensional Types.
Tax Reporting for Non-taxable Sales:
A parameter has been added to control which state non-taxable sales are reported under. This parameter allows for greater control in tax reporting when selling from multiple states. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
- Posting and Label Options (Option 4)
Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the Parameter: SELLING’STATE’NTX’FLAGS
- Customer range has been added to the Lost Sales report, found in 6/23/4.
- Item numbers range has been added to the Activity Report by Ship-Screen Fields (OHSACT) found in: 6/16/4.
Commission Maintenance:
Commission Maintenance has the added capability of the ‘Item Key’ (field 2) to be a specified product code, whereas previously only a report class or item number were allowed. Commission Maintenance is found in 6/24.
Order Entry & Editing (Task 1):
- The “F7” key, which is the line item history lookup, has been enhanced to look at items from both the Holding File as well as the History File.
- Invoices can be automatically e-mailed or faxed based on customer and ship-to location either from normal Order Entry & Editing or through Open Order Batch Printing. The invoice can be both plain paper or in the new e-Form invoice format. Note: requires optional package.
- The ASK’TEL’CODE (the parameter that controls if a Teller/Cashier number is entered during Order Processing) has been enhanced to allow the system to prompt for a teller/cashier code on ALL orders, not just orders where monies have been collected.
- The ‘line item’ screen has been enhanced with new options to PgUp and PgDn on multiple screen orders.
- The ‘line item’ screen has a new option to go directly to a specified line by pressing the F10 key and entering the Sequence#/Line# the operator wishes to see. This feature is available only after leaving the ‘item screen’, going to the ‘Collection Screen’ and coming back to the ‘line item’ screen.
Fuel Surcharge or Other Delivery Charges:
- A new option has been added to the Freight Term table (found in 6/32/17/1). By placing a dollar amount and an “H” on the freight term, the dollar amount will go to the “Handling” field on a sales order instead of the “Freight” field, as the Freight field is typically used for outside freight carrier charges. The “Freight Terms” are placed on field #37 of the Customer Master.
- A parameter determines the name of the ‘Handling’ field on the Collection Screen of a Sales Order (which then carries over onto the Standard order documents). The parameter is found in: 6/32/22/1. Look for the parameter: PROMPT’HANDLING
Force Entry of Payment Terms, Shipping Method and Freight Terms:
- By entering a $ sign as a code in the table for Payment Terms (found in 6/32/17/6) or Shipping Method (found in 6/32/17/4) or Freight Term (found in 6/32/17/1), and then placed on the Customer Master fields 37, 38 and/or 39, it will force the operator to select, from the displayed table, the appropriate Shipping Method, Billing/Payment Term or Freight Term.
- Additional the Shipping Method has been further enhanced to ‘force’ a specific Freight Term value. For example, this can be used to set a Freight Term with a fuel surcharge on a Shipping Method of ‘Our Truck” and set the Freight Term of “No Charge” w/ $0.00 on the Shipping Method of a “Customer Pickup”. This will then better automate or co-ordinate these two fields were the Shipping Method implies a specified Freight Term.
Customer Pickup:
A new parameter PICK’Y’SHPVIA (found in 6/32/22/1) allows automatic setting of the ‘Ship Via” field on the shipping screen of a sales order when the “Customer Pickup” field is set to Y (found on the first screen, field #9 of a sales order), this is similar to the existing parameter PICKUP’Y’FGHTRM which sets the “Freight Term” field on the shipping screen of the sales order.
History Inquiry (Task 26):
- History Inquiry now shows orders from the Invoiced Order Holding File (Task 2) as well as orders from Order History.
- The “Opened By” and Cashier/Teller” codes are displayed in the history Inquiry.
Fill Backorders:
The automatic fill-backorder program (Task 7 in Order Processing module) has been enhanced to include Purchase Order numbers as one of the selectable ranges (in addition, but not limited to: Item #, Order # and Customer #)
Customer Contract File – Import:
A new program has been developed to import records for the Customer Contract Item File (Task 21). This routine is used for adding, deleting or updating the files. You can export from the Contract Item file into a spreadsheet for manual manipulation and then import back into Profits Plus to make the changes ‘en mass’. The spreadsheet could also be created manually (or from another source). This can be used for prices changes, updating expiration dates, deleting obsolete contracts, building new contracts, used for temporary promotions & resetting pricing afterwards, recovering pricing after undesirable price & other changes (if an export was done & saved before making the changes). The program is found in: 6/32./13 – Update/Create Contracts by File.
- Capability, by division, to determine if state tax should be charged for Freight and Handling. (field 11 on the Division Master)
- By division, you can specify if a custom e-form is used. (field 16 on the Division Master)
Note: The Division Master is in the General Ledger module, Task 21.
Summary Orders – Edit List:
The Summary Billing Edit List (option #2 in the Invoiced Order Holding File – Task 2) has an expanded list and number of fields that can be included in the ‘order reference’ (i.e. PO #, Order-by, etc.).
Service Department:
A new option has been added to the SRV’DPT’NUM parameter to disable the customer/owner name and address cross checking/warning/updating on the shipping screen. This may be useful if most of the owner records represent drop ships or other entities that would not typically match the customer information.
Promise Date/Time:
Field 16, on the Shipping Screen of an order, is Prom Date/Time. The name of this field, along with should it be a ‘required’ field is controlled by the parameter: PROMISE’REQ’D (found in 6/32/22/1). The options for the 1st position are: Y-Yes; N-No; B-both date and time are required. For the 2nd position the options are: I-invoicing or B-blank (see parameter for more details). The 3rd position currently isn’t being used. However positions 4 through 15, if filled in, will be the wording that appears on Field 16 of the Shipping Screen.
- There is a new analysis report that provides invoice level sales/cost/profitability/tax and freight figures, along with a count of invoices and averages. The name of the report is: Order History Analysis – Salesperson/Customer/Date. It can be found in 6/13 (Salesman History)/14. There is a unique option that allows the user to specify a dollar order minimum, which is then used to calculate and report the number and dollar amount of orders below the minimum. This feature can be used to evaluate the effect that setting a specific order minimum would have on revenue and profitability.
- Two reports have been enhanced to print Item History memo notes along with transaction detail. The reports are found in:6/13/1 (Salesperson/Customer/Date – IHSSCD) and 6/15/14 (Customer Rebate Page Report – JRECUS)
Notification of Voids, Cancels, etc.:
The system is capable of e-mailing or faxing notification of any voided or cancelled order in Order Processing, along with any credit memos entered or refunds given. This functionality required an optional server package.
Alternate Ship-to:
A new parameter has been added to control the default order for the Alternate ship-to address listings seen during Order Entry. Default choices to view by are: Alternate Ship-to number, Alternate Ship-to Name or Route order. Go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: ALTSHP’ORDER’BY:
The invoice number range and multiple selection capabilities have been added to the EDI invoice history export function.
End-of-Month Discounts Tax Accrual:
Tax can be accrued on End-of-Month statement discounts, based on Customer Contract Item File (task 21). For explanation of how ‘End-of-the-Month Discounts” work, please see the document titled: Statement Discounts in the AR section of the website.
Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- Posting & Label Options (Option 4)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
1st parameter: SET’STM’DISCOUNTS Y/N This parameter decides whether the discounts are set during Order Entry postings as available discounts, which then can be treated as Prompt Payment discounts and available in AR as such, if not then the discounts will be calculated when the statements are generated (often referred to as End-of-the-Month Statements) and still be treated as a Prompt Payment discounts. If the discounts are to be given as credit memos, instead of being treated as Prompt Payment discounts, then set this parameter to N.
2nd & 3rd parameters: STM’DSC’EXP’PREFIX & STM’DSC’ALW’PREFIX are used to accrue the discounts at the time of posting so the General Ledger reflects the NET SALES daily. Prefix for debit to Discount Expense account and credit to Discount Allowance account IF End-of-Month discount is be accrued during posting. The Prefix will overlay the original item revenue GL account. For example: the standard GL account number is 7 digits (first 3 indicate Assets, Liability, etc.; middle 2 for department; last 2 for division). If the department and division are to remain the same, only enter the first 3 digits as the prefix, whereas a 5 digit parameter prefix would keep only the last 2 digits (the division) of the revenue account.
4th parameter: STM’CREDIT’TAX: Y/N Calculate the tax credit on the discount amounts? Y – calculate tax credit, N – don’t calculate.
5th parameter: STM’DISC’TAX’PREFIX: which GL account/prefix for tax discount debit, leave blank if TAX for discount WILL NOT be ACCRUED. Note: this parameter is only used if STM’CREDIT’TAX is Yes.
Bill-of-Material (a.k.a. Kits):
If using Bill-of-Material, ‘component’ items can be added to the ‘parent’ item without any pricing or costs. This can be used when the parent/kit item contains all the pricing and cost, but the components need to be added/used to account for inventory control purposes. The parameter that controls this can be found in:
Ø Inventory (Module 5)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Modify Parameter Files (Sub-Task 22)
· Bill of Material (Option 2)
Look for the parameter: AUTOBUILD’DOLLAR= PARO indicates that the cost/pricing comes from the ‘parent’ item, not from the ‘components’; whereas anything else entered (or left blank) indicates that the cost/pricing comes from the ‘component’ items. Note: the parameter: AUTOBUILD’BOM must be YES for this parameter/feature to be implemented.
Print ‘Remit-To Information:
The standard order document can print a “Remit-to” name/address/phone/fax at the top of the form. This can be used for company information, division information or a mix of both when the remittance is sent to the company office, but the phone number and fax number of the individual billing divisions need to be shown. Go to: 6/32/22/1 and look for the parameter: DOC’STD’REMIT= CO means to print the Company name; DIV means to print the Division name from the G/L Division Master file; MIX means to print the Company name and address PLUS the Division phone and fax numbers.
Summary Invoice – Reprint:
The reprinting of summary invoices, from history, has been removed from the menu and is now automatically used in conjunction with the regular history invoice reprint….found in 6/16/8 – Reprint Invoices from History. This means you can select ranges of summary invoices (by date, customer, invoice number, etc.) in addition to single invoices numbers for reprinting. IF the selected range includes a mixture of ‘regular’ and ‘summary’ invoices, they will physically be printed separately with all the summery invoices first, followed by the regular invoices.
- The report: Class or Code / Item / Date (IHSCLS) found in 6/15/7, has been enhanced to include field #34 from the Item Master (referred to as Price Code or Price Category), in addition to the standard Report Class or Product Code options.
- The report: Customer / Date /OP (Generic) (Item, State and Tax Options)_ (OHSCUS) found in 6/15/15 has the option to omit the line item detail and also has two options that make it useful for tax state and /or state taxability status. The state tax code is also shown for non-taxable invoices. I.e. for a state tax audit the report could be run for one specific state and non-taxable invoices only within a date range. The resulting report would list each of the non-taxable invoices, by customer, with invoice totals, the tax-exempt flag and possibly a “Job” or “Project” ID (depending upon the ship-screen configuration). This shortens the work necessary to document the tax-exempt sales and/or obtain any necessary backup information from your clients. The line item detail can be included, if desired, to possibly avoid having to provide individual invoice copies in some situations or omit providing copies if not necessary.
Credit Limit:
Credit limit checking has been extended to check, as previously done, when a new order is opened, it is also now done when choosing an “action” on the Collection Screen of a sales order. The ‘limit’ is rechecked with the total of the current order taken into account.
Order Minimum:
Another option has been added to the minimum order parameter. If the word TAB is entered next to the parameter, it warns the order-taker that the order is below minimum, but by pressing the TAB key it allows the order to be processed. Look in O/E module, Task 32, Sub-task 22, Option 1 for the parameters: MIN ‘ITEM= and MIN’PKU’ITEM=
- Item History audit report has been created to flag when manual price changes have occurred. The report selection are invoice number range and item number range. The report can be found in the O/E module; Task 16 (Miscellaneous History); Sub-task 13 ((Item Price Change Audit by Invoice #, Item # - IHSCHG)
- A report prints month-to-date history sales for a selected period and year-to-date from current year and equivalent periods from prior year. The report can be run by “Salesperson” or “Opened-by”. Because the report is based on individual orders, the salesperson basis can be different from what the similar A/R report by salesperson would show. For example, this reports reflects the final salesperson on each order versus the assigned A/R salesperson. The report can be found in the O/E module; Task 13 (Salesman History): Sub-task 16 (MTD Sales by Salesperson or Open-by/Customer)
- A newly created report prints sales dollars for 12 months of sales history for item numbers. The report can be found in O/E module; Task 16 (Miscellaneous History); Sub-task 14 (12 Months of Sales $ by Item /Customer)
- A newly created report prints sales quantity for 12 months of sales history for item numbers. The report can be found in O/E module; Task 16 (Miscellaneous History); Sub-task 15 (12 Months of Sales Quantity by Item/Customer)
Holding File (Task #2)
An option has been added to in the Invoiced Order Holding File edit list (Sub-task 4) to print by an “Open- by” range.
Order “Look-up” Option:
In Order Entry and Editing (Task 1), the Invoiced Order Holding File (Task 2) and History Inquiry (Task 26), a new ‘look-up’ option has been added, along with looking up orders by customer name or number, job number, PO#, etc. The new ‘look-up’ option is field #24 on the shipping screen of a sales order. Usually the field is referred to as :Meter. The name of the field is user-defined. To change the field label for field #24, go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
System Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E – General (Option 1)
System Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Looks for the parameter: PROMPT’METER=
Item Memo Notes:
Line item memo notes can be printed above or below the items. For example, if the information for a line item would be better utilized if it was printed BEFORE the actual line item, such as ‘For Job Name: Atlanta Westside School”. Go to
· Order Processing (Module 6)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ System Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
· O/E – General (Option 1)
Looks for the parameter: LSPACE’ITEM=
1ST Option…add a space between line items. A – All documents; P – Picking Ticket only; N or blank means no line space between line items
2nd Option….. MI means print memo notes BEFORE items instead of after the items.
Note: Options 1 and 2 can both be used, in any order.
Contract Item (Task 21)
Utility has been added to identify and remove obsolete Customer Contract records. User is prompted: Print invalid customer / ship-to / item records only? Y/N
Daily Checkout (Task 11):
Added individual bill-to sales and finance transactions on the daily checkout report.
Half-Size or Reduction Prints:
This option calculations prints so they can be entered with a final print dimension however be calculated at ½ the full normal square foot size instead of ¼ , which is the actual square footage. The calculation for the actual square foot print size of the ‘reduction’ is ½ of what the square feet would be at the normal print size instead of ¼. The Dimensional type on the item determines the calculation. The Dimensional field is #26 on the Item Master file. The available dimensional types are: d,f,e,z,t and y. Please see the table and document titled: PRICE BASED ON ½ SIZE REDUCTION for further explanation. The Dimensional types are found in:
Inventory (Module 5)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
- Dimensional Types (Option 18)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Order Entry (Task 1):
1.) A parameter has been added to specify the Order Entry line item ‘ship’ quantities should automatically increase up to the lesser of quantity ordered or quantity available when changing line items with partial shipped quantities. Go to:
· Order Processing (Module 6)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ System Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
· O/E – General (Option 1)
Look for the parameter: SET’SHIP’QTY= Z or A
Z – Change only if shipped quantity is zero and the available to ship is greater than zero (this is how the system works normally)
A – Increase shipped quantity if the available to ship is greater than the current ship quantity.
2.) The “Order Source” (field #10 on the front/first screen of a sales order) has been added as a selection to the report: Sales by Salesperson, Customer, Date (found in 6/16/10). This can be used of report on individual ‘sources, such as Planrooms, e- commerce, special promotions.
Delivery/Fuel Surcharge:
A Customer beginning and ending number has been added to the logic of delivery/fuel surcharge. These can be found in 6/32/22/1, look for the parameters: DELV’START’CUS= and DELV’END’CUS=
History Inquiry (Task 26):
Option #2 in the Inquiry – Order Date / Customer Alt-Ship has been added for ease in finding orders/invoices via the Alternate Ship-to address.
Tax Audit:
Additional auditing has been added to track changes to tax dollars on Sales Orders after the order has been invoiced.
PDF Copies of Invoices:
If you have optional components (such as e-mail, e-form) an option has been added to automatically archive PDF copies of posted invoices. These can be used to populate the MVSWEB/ODAS on-line views (internal or external) or just create an automated repository for invoices.
New pricing option to markup “sell-by” quantities when the quantity is less than one stock-by unit. This can be used to charge for small quantities requiring ‘broken cases’. This option is controlled by a parameter. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E – General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the parameter: SHOW’UNIT’TYPE= S or blank
S = Flag items sold in Sell-by quantity where item has a different Stock-by (i.e. Sell-by the Each; Stock-by the Box)
Blank – Don’t flag.
Alternate Ship-to:
1.) A parameter has been added to allow ‘on the fly’ permanent alternate ship-to names/addresses through normal Order Entry (Task 1). On the Shipping screen of a sales order, by pressing the F2 key (if the customer has no previous alternate ship-to’s) or the F3 key (if customer has existing alternate ship-to’s), the order taker can add a permanent alternate ship-to for the customer. Go to:
· Order Processing (Module 6)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
· O/E – General (Option 1)
Look for the parameter: ADD’SHIPTO= Y/N/V
Y = Add the alternate ship-to, the default prompt is Yes
N = Can still add the alternate ship-to, however the default prompt is No
V = Never allow an alternate ship-to to be added through normal Order Entry
2.) The alternate ship-to name and address have expanded field sizes.
3.) In History Inquiry (Task 26); the second option: Order Date / Customer / Alt-Ship was enhanced to use Alternate Ship-to’s.
IHSAID has been enhanced to provide a list by G/L account number, the items sold (within a date range, by division, by customer, etc.) along with the quantity sold, total sale dollar and profit dollar/percent. This report can be found in
Order Processing (Module 6)
Special Item History (Task 15)
- G/L Sales Account / Item / Date (Sub-task 12)
Special Item History (Task 15)
The Commission Maintenance file (Task 24) can be printed (using Sub-task 4 – Print Selected Commission Records) using All Salespeople, along with All Customers and All Alternate Ship-to’s for a baseline of default costs, commission basis, expiration dates, etc.
½ or Reduction Size:
The ½ size (aka: Reduction size) dimensional items have additional pricing options added. See the parameters which are dedicated to ½ / Reduction Size, found in 6/32/22/1. DIM'HSIZE'1522= (This is the new parameter) DIM'HSIZE'FACTOR= DIM’HALF= DIM’1ST= DIM’2ND=
Opened By:
The “Opened By” in Order Entry has been expanded to display the name, instead if the number, of the person opening an order. The parameter which controls this feature is found in:
· Order Processing (Module 6)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
· O/E – General (Selection 1)
Look for the parameter: ASK’OB’CODE=
An N in the 3rd digit will show the person’s name that opened the order versus their assigned number.
Dimensional Items:
A new parameter option was added to exclude a range of item numbers from the minimum quantity on dimensional items. All of the parameters are found in 6/32/22/1. The parameter for standard minimum dimensional quantity is: DIM'MIN'QTY.
The parameters for the range of item numbers to EXEMPT from the DIM’MIN’QTY is:
The locking on the O/E Holding File from exclusive use has been changed to non-exclusive use to allow transferring invoiced orders into the Holding File while others are using them.
Default Transaction Type by User:
New option allowing default transaction types in Order Entry by individual users. For example: select users can be limited to "quotes only" in
Order Entry & Editing (Task 1), making it handy for sales people to do their own quotes and reserve the "Invoicing" function for separate billing staff. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 22)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
- Default Terminal Whs/Dept/Trx" (Selection 7)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
System Management Functions (Task 22)
In addition to the default transaction type of Sales (1) or Quote (2), you can also choose to "lock" that transaction type so the user cannot change it by placing a # in front of the transaction type. Below is an example:
TERM01" , "xx.xx,05,04,03,02,01 1" allowed to see companies 1 thru 5, plus have a default transaction type 1 (Sale) and the user is allowed to change transaction types.
TERM02" , "xx.xx,01,03 #2" allowed to see companies 1 and 3, plus have a default transaction type 2 (Quote) and the user is not allowed to change transaction types because of the # in front of the type
End-of-Month Discounts – Calculation:
New option for posting End-Of-Month discounts without A/R statement recalculation afterwards. Helpful when discounts & taxes change. Go to: 6/32/22/ 4 (Posting & label options) Look for the parameter: SET'STM'DISCOUNTS=
- Expiration Date: An expiration date has been added to the Commission Maintenance file (Task 24)
- New parameters have been added to pickup the commission percentage from the Salesperson Master (Task 20) as a default when there is no applicable commission record available. These two new options can be combined to setup a temporary commission rate, especially for new accounts which may have a special commission rate for a limited time and then automatically revert to the default / standard commission rate. This also allows use of the Commission Maintenance (Task 24) based reports for commission calculations but with fewer Commission Maintenance records in some situations. These parameters are found in:
· Order Processing (Module 6)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
· Posting & Label Options (Selection 4)
Look for the parameters: POST'DFLT'SLP'COM= and DFLT'COM'BASIS=
POST’DFLT’SLP’COM: Y / N Should the salesperson master commission percentage be used when posting to the item history if there is no applicable
Commission Maintenance file record. Default = No.
DFLT’COM’BASIS: P / R Default commission calculation basis. P=Profit, R=Revenue (sale amt). Default = P.
The report: Month-to-Date Sales by Salesperson or Open-by / Customer (OHSMTD) has been expanded to specify an "Inactivity Window". This further expands the report’s use for "new business" to include "renewed" business as well.
Alternate Ship-to File (Task 19):
An option been added to the print (sub-task 4) and purge (sub-task 5) options to: Print/Purge invalid customers only (Y/N). This allows the easy removal of all alternate ship-to addresses for A/R customer accounts that no longer exist.
- New option added for the number of copies by printer. This is particularly useful when automatically creating electronic PDF copies of invoices for on-line archiving where only one copy is needed.
- Added new option in the printer assignment tables to skip the printing of "Voids" to save paper if a printed copy is not needed or desired.
Meter Field:
The Meter Field (field 24) on the Shipping screen of a sales order has been expanded to nine (9) digits.
Want List:
The ‘Want List’ interface with the Purchase Order module has been expanded to allow ‘want list’ tracking of overshipped items, in addition to backordered items. Go to
· Order Processing (Module 6)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
· O/E General (Selection 1)
Look for the parameter: ADD'IWL'FLAG=
The 1st character is for adding backordered items to the Item Want List (IWL)
(N)o - Not using IWL file at all
(Y)es - Add items to IWL if appropriate
(A)lways - Add ALL backordered items to IWL
(C)onditionally – Prompt is the item special order, answer with Yes/No (if item is backordered and there is on-hand quantities)
The 2nd character is for adding overshipped items to the Item Want List (IWL)
(N)ormal/DEFAULT - Do not put overshipped items on IWL
(Y)es - Add overshipped quantity to the IWL (ship-avail)
(A)ll - Add entire ship quantity to IWL if > available
(C)onditional - Ask if overshipped quantity is a special order
- The report : Orders by Division, Customer, (w/$ Range, Open & History) ORDREV has been enhanced to run the report by Salesperson, Opened-by or Cashier. The report lists all three in addition to the ‘Account admin” from the Customer Master.
- A new order history report has been created. The report is ASPIRE, which reports new and renewed customer sales. This is similar to the OHSMTD (Month-to-Date Sales by Salesperson or Open-by / Customer) but ASPIRE has parameterized G/L numbers based on sub-groups instead of prior year figures.
- A history option has been added to the contract item maintenance reports (Task 21) so you can have sales history, by date range, on item specific contracts to take into account when reviewing and renewing contracts.
Minimum Fee:
New option has been added to exclude specific Report Classes from counting towards order minimums. This might be used for document fees, delivery and shipping or fuel surcharges that are implemented as line items where you do not want them counting towards meeting minimum order dollar amounts.
Instead of placing a dollar amount in the “Min order $” column, place EXCLU in the column to exclude items with the report class from the WHOLE order minimums. See the example below:
"01" , "Production code 1 25.75" Indicates a $25.75 minimum order
"02" , "Production code 2 50" Indicates a $50.00 minimum order
"03" , "Production code 3" Indicates No minimum order
"55" , "Packaging EXCLU" Don't include any items
Ø Item #550-0 PACKAGING is in report class 55.
Ø The parameters are set this way:
An order, that will be delivered, has the following items:
160-0 PPC BOND 12.00
190-0 BW COPIES 8.5X11 8.00
550-0 PACKAGING 7.00
This order hasn’t met the $25.00 order minimum because item #550-0 (in Report Class 55) is excluded from the whole order minimum of $25.00. So the system will add item #900-9 for $5.00 to meet the $25.00 minimum.
Bill of Materials (a.k.a. Kits):
1. Order Processing of kits/packages using the Inventory’s Bill of Materials now supports "V"ariable component quantities. This can be used in cases where the quantity for one or more components is not a fixed amount or specific amount "per parent" item and needs to be operator entered each time the kit/package is placed on an order.
Field #5 (BOM Qty-Type) in Bill of Materials file in the Inventory module, for selling kits / packages of items in Order Entry, with a P, A and now V.
P - `Quantity' * #-parents-sold is added to the order.
If you sell 4 Parents, 4 Component(s) would be added.
A - This exact `Quantity' will be added, regardless of #-parents-sold.
For any # of Parents sold, 1 Component(s) would be added.
V - Will force system to ask for how many Components on each order
2. Another option has been added on the Bill of Materials AUTOBUILD'DOLLARS parameter for "packages/kits" to pull price from parent item only and cost from components only. To view this parameter, go to:
· Inventory Control (Module 5)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
Ø Bill of Materials (Selection 2)
AUTOBUILD’DOLLARS: How to handle price and cost with auto build
PARO = Dollar amount comes from parent only, no price or cost on autobuilt components
PARPCMPC = Pricing dollar comes from parent only and the cost dollar comes from components only.
Default / anything else will pickup normal prices and costs on all items.
Note: special cost options cannot be used with Order Entry parameter: REFRESH'COST=I
Order Processing changes through 07/31/13:
Extended the standard alternate ship-to logic of open account customers to the generic retail accounts (999xx) as well. That automatically also opens up broader contract pricing options too. These extensions can be used in various ways such as:
- Establishing multiple generic ship-to locations under the one retail account and use them for specific tax and/or pricing situations rather than using multiple retail customer accounts and/or changingcustomers accounts on an order just to make use of special pricing.
- Tracking repeat retail customers as alternate ship-to's so you can more easily see their buying history, don't have to re-enter their name & address information each time, and can give them specific contract pricing
Extended date handling in the contract item update/build from import to accommodate more spreadsheet date formats.
Extended existing contract record audit tracking to include "Erase".
Order Entry
Improved the logic in order entry & editing to keep manually entered ship-to name & address information when changing the bill-to customer.
Expanded the parameter options for order entry & editing "Shipping screen" required fields so they can be applied to Quotes only, Orders only (the original logic & default), or Both.
Added an overall "OrderTotal" on the open order status by order number report in addition to the existing line item sale total. The new figure includes: tax, freight, shipping, discounts, et al so you can see the final order total along with the total item sale amount.
Added new option in order processing "Actions" to change open orders to "Quotes". This allows you to "correct" the status of an order where it should have been a quote and line items have already been added without having to remove the items to change the order type. Changing an open order to a quote "un-commits" the line items, etc so inventory is no longer affected and the status of the order will group & identify it appropriately for reporting & tracking purposes. This function can be configured to require a password or be left unrestricted.
Revised the field sizes in the download/import function used to build orders so the imported fields support the maximum size of the standard order entry fields.
Order history inquiry can now automatically open archived images of invoices from Windows based Profits Plus servers. The archived images can automatically be generated from Profits Plus as a side benefit of using our optional e-Forms + email package. You can also manually scan & archive the images to store "signed" invoice copies and/or include additional documents such as customer & internal workorders. For those using MVSWEB (ODAS) you already have the archive so the integrated viewing does not require any additional overhead, just a one-time setting of the new parameters to point to the archive
Added a 2nd minimum order quantity for dimensional items within a specified item # range.
Added payment fields to order history maintenance screens.
New order history report OHSSUM to print history based on selected ship screen fields with item information in a summary fashion. This can be printed on plain paper or a letterhead to present to clients as a type of summary invoice such as by "Project" or "Job name", etc.
Added option to include memo's in the order history maintenance printing function.
Sales Analysis
Sales history report OHSMTD "inactivity" window for renewed business enhanced to allow specific date ranges as an alternative to the original logic which used # months ending for the prior fiscal year.
New salesperson based order history report (OHSLMN) with trailing 24 month reporting similar in format to the A/R SASLMN report which shows current & prior year monthly activity. Because the new report is order history based it will NOT include A/R adjustments or finance charges so it will more closely align with the order processing module reports for commission & sales reporting.
New options added in various sales reporting and export functions.
Added audit & other fields to the lost sales tracking for increased visibility & analysis capabilities.
Order Memos
Expanded HEADER'MEMO parameter options to include two "Preload" options. One is from the O/E sales memo of the A/R customer the order is being written to and the other is from a generic customer representing the selling division on the order (ie selling division 10 would look for an A/R customer #10) so you can have standardized order memo's based on the selling division. The division based memo could be used for location specific announcements & advertising such as hours of operation, holiday closings, monthly sale specials, etc.
Credit Limit
Expanded LIMIT'TEST parameter options with "NONE" to disable credit limit checks altogether.
Added auditing to all commission master add/change/delete functions and created a separate 2nd import with add/update/delete capability. Also added an option to print/purge only records where thecustomer+ship-to or items are invalid. This allows easy identification & removal of obsolete commission records.
Expanded the ship screen "duplicate" field value test & restriction options so they can be based on only the current customer rather than across all customers. Refer to your Project Maintenance parameter file for imbedded configuration details.
Replaced the fixed-width format of the import for building new ship-to master records with a CSV format and added a report output option.
New routing fields created in the alternate ship-to master and access triggered in order entry & editing.
Added option to include alternate ship-to routing along with the customers in the customer routing export function.
New customer routing functions added to "Shipping system" menu and customer master file. Allows for definition of master routes, delivery vehicles, and default customer delivery schedules by specific day-of-the-week for both normal & "Holiday" weeks.
New parameter option CRMEMO'FGHTRM created to allow automatic override of normal customer freight terms on credit memos. This can be useful where the normal freight terms trigger automatic delivery charges.
Changed BOM package handling in order entry so that any automatically added components come from the warehouse of the parent item rather than the selling division for that order. This only affects situations where you are cross-selling package items from a different division.
Added option in OHSSUM report to break on "Ship-to" location
Enhanced the warehouse pick/pallet label printing with the option to exclude the control labels and print only the item package labels which will avoid wasted label printing in situations such as where a salesperson may be dropping off an order rather than going through the normal delivery. In that instance there is no need for route & pallet control labels.
Added support for new millimeter (MM) dimensional types where metric measurement is desired in place of imperial inches.
Created another option on the CROSS'WHS'SELLING parameter to allow a default for the line item warehouse # to the main order division in all instances regardless of how the individual user's division default is configured.
Modified the warehouse pick/pallet label sequence to generate in truck "load" order (reverse) for packing and easier loading rather than "delivery" stop order. Also created a new parameterized option to sort-by-stock-area within each stop rather than across the whole route.
Added option on cross-warehouse selling option to control the account distribution division separately from the physical warehouse.
Created new EDELIVERY'SUBJECT parameter to specify additional information fields on the "Subject" line of emailed e-Form invoices; i.e. the customer PO or Job name, customer order #, etc.
Added parameter option to bold & enlarge the "Balance Due" on standard invoices so they standout more to your clients.
Added a "log" function to track invoice edeliveries for advanced review/analysis. The log shows each invoice sent via edelivery (email or fax), who sent it, when, and to what address/# similar to the A/R statement log.
Added customer "Invoice code" options for inclusion/exclusion in the summary invoicing function.
European date format option added to standard order document printing.
New parameter option triggering a customer attribute lookup to override normal e-Form invoice formats. This lets you "tag" groups of customers to use special e-Form invoices which could be customers you want to invoice with a special entity name or format. i.e. Where the customer knows you by a different name or if you are acting as a fulfillment agent for another entity.
Added "Summary billing types" selection to the holding file edit list and posting so you can selectively review & post specific types such as "Weekly", "Bi-weekly", "Monthly", etc as configured in your particular system table.
Added an independent "Start date" in the commission master file to allow better definition of new business.
Expanded the options of DFLT'CST'FLG parameter to allow "Other $" to be excluded from the cost side of material items so it is applied only as an additional revenue/sale amount.
Expanded the summary billing reference parameters to allow the use of more than two reference fields.
New option in DOC'COPIES parameter and system printer COPIES keyword to override normal setting for # copies to print on "Deposits".
Added options to password protect the state tax field on the order processing "collection" / action screen.
EDI (electronic data interchange) "Invoice export from history" (ARCEXP) has a new custom parameter that allows line item detail to be omitted from the export if it is to be used for a more basic export providing invoice level information without the previous item detail.
New customer/item class ranking report added in the analytics menu.
New parameter option created to allow the disabling/bypassing of the "prepaid" transaction side of posting transfer orders.
Added option in IHSRCX to base the report on the "Currently Assigned" salesperson instead of the "Actual Historical" salesperson. Various new reports were added throughout 2010.
Created a parameter control for the holding file edit list and posting register to control which of the standard sections print and which are omitted. This allows you to shorten the report if there is a particular section(s) that you do not want to print. i.e. if there is never any collections processed through order entry then the collections section at the end may be dropped or if you do not want the salesperson breakout that could be dropped.
Created a new dedicated export of order history information designed for use with tax auditing.
Tax Services
Released new optional integration with real time external tax services such as Avalara to calculate & track sales taxability and tax.
Order Order & Holding File
Function key order lookup's in the open order & holding file entries now use a "listbox" so you can page forward and back through the listed orders rather than repeating a lookup if you inadvertantly go past the order you wanted. The display has also been expanded to two lines per order to show additional information.
Order Entry
Order entry collection screen now supports automatic rounding of cash payments for international users in countries where there are no pennies.
New "Approved by" option created where you can automatically require orders above a specified amount to be approved by another teller/manager in order entry before the invoice function can be completed.
Holding File
Holding file posting requirement for exclusive use of the history files was removed. This means you no longer have to back anyone out of the order history inquiry or history reports in order to post from the holding file. There is still some necessary restriction on the A/R & A/P transaction entries but those typically affect few if any other users.
Collection Screen
Collection screen fields are now also locked down once an order is invoiced for audit/control purposes just as line items have always been.
Printing Parameters
Extended the SHIPPER'PRINTS'WORKORDER parameter option from 2 documents to three and now includes pick tickets as a choice along with work orders.
Independent minimum order handling parameter established for quotes.
Quote printing enhanced with independent DOC'PRINT'PRICES options including 'Totals' only, "LineItem" only, and "Skip document".
State Tax
Added parameter to identify specific states where tax should be "origination" based instead of the traditional "destination" basis.