FAQs»Basic System Information»Printer Assignments
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Last modified on 2/19/2016 3:15 PM by User.

Printer Assignments


To change the tablized printer selections for automatic printing of forms such as:  checks, invoices, order documents & purchase orders, follow the steps described below:

  1. At the main module list, make note of the Term: #  (located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen)
  2. The printer name must be known.  If you don’t know the printer name, proceed to:
    • Software Maintenance  (module number varies by client)
      • System Printers (Task 22)
        • Change Existing Printer Records (Sub-task 2)
          • Press the TAB key to view all the printers….
            • Find the correct printer name and make note of it….the printer name is on the left side of the table under “NAME”, it has a maximum name size of 6 characters.  Main printer is usually TI810 and other printers typically will be PRINT2, PRINT3, etc., but it could be named something totally different.
  3.  Choose appropriate module: Payroll for checks, Accounts Payable for checks, Order Processing for customer order documents (work orders,  picking tickets, invoices, etc), Purchase Order for PO's, receivers,vendor invoices, etc.  In each module, proceed to :

    • System Management Functions (Task 32)

      • Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)

        • Choose appropriate printer assignment table (i.e. in Order Processing it is: Option 2 – Order Entry Printer Assignment and Option 3 – Holding File Printer Assignment)

  4. Follow notations and format of the selected table to make the desired changes.  When finished, press the ESC key to get to editors command mode (">") and then type in the letter 'F' (for Finish) followed by pressing the ENTER key to save the changes and exit the table.  Note: Use 'Q' (for Quit) to exit WITHOUT saving changes, if necessary.

    •  If it is necessary to add a line for the terminal, because the terminal number isn’t listed, go to the line below where you want the newly added terminal number to go and while holding down the CTRL key, press the letter B to create a new, blank line.

    • If your printer assignment table opens up in word-pad use the normal rules for word-pad.



Order entry printer assignment table example:




In our example:

  • The printer name ASKME doesn’t exist in the Software maintenance module, System Printers.  Instead of the order entry documents going to a specific printer this causes the printer screen to display on the screen. The operator may choose a printer in the normal way.  See the document Printer Screen Information for normal printer screen options.
  • Terminal 01 the printer screen will display for all order processing documents.  The operator will be able to select the printer on the printer screen.  The printer screen will default to the last printer selection for an order by terminal 01.
  • Terminal 02 will print all order processing documents on PLASER.  PLASER may be a portrait laser printer.  
  • Different order processing document can be assigned to different printers, i.e. picking ticket on a warehouse printer, shipper on a printer in the shipping department, Front counter terminal print on invoice printer on front counter, etc…






Parameter to set for allowing each user to have different printer defaults for each document type:

Go to Order Processing (Module 6)

  • System management functions (Task 32)
    • Modify parameter files (Sub-task 22)
      • 1 O/E – General. Look for:
          • SAME = same defaults
          • DIFF = different defaults

          • Can each column in the printer assignment table that has an ASKME printer have the same default?  If this parameter is set to DIFF & the O/E printer assignment table is set to ASKME  the following printer screen selections will allow each user to set different printers and # of copies for each document type.




See the document Printer Screen Information for normal printer screen options.  As previously stated in this document, when the order entry printer assignment table is set to ASKME the printer screen displays on the screen after selecting an action on an order.  The printer screen has 9 fields. We are only going to concentrate on field 1 Printer: & field 2 Num copies: of the printer screen.           

Field 1. Printer : __ ‑ The name of the printer the document will go to.

  • Press the F2 key to set Default Preferences.
    • The ‘preferences’ need to be set for each specific terminal/user/job.  Either login under each terminal/user/job or go to each terminal/user/job to set the preferences correctly FOR EACH DOCUMENT TYPE. 
    • There are 2 prompts that allow the user to keep the “preferences” always the same, keep the same for just ‘this’ reports, ask for printer number each time, etc.
      • Prompt #1. For this specific report, I want the “Printer” field to:
        • (_) Use the default setting in #2 below
        • (_) Remember my last entry
        • (Y) Always start with OFFLSI
        • (_) Make me enter it every time   
      • Prompt #2. But for most other reports, I want the “Printer” field to default to:
        • (Y) Remember my last entry
        • (_) Always start with OFFLSI
        • (_) Make me enter it every time  
  • EXAMPLE 1: I am sitting at Sally’s desk in the accounting office & we are setting the preferences for when she prints an invoice.  Her terminal is #10.  The order entry printer assignment table is set to ASKME for all the document types for terminal 10.  We selected the action Invoice on an order.  The printer screen is displaying on the screen.
    • Select field #1 Printer: & press the F2 key for set the default preferences
    • Then select 1.  We put a Y in: Always start with: The cursor let’s you select a printer from the printer list or you can type in the printer name.  We use OFFLSI (Office laser eform invoice printer). 
    • Press the enter key until you are back at field 1 Printer: make sure you have the correct printer.  Press enter key again to go to Any change? At the bottom of the printer screen.  [Now set the # of copies for the invoices.]

Field 2. Num Copies: ___‑ Enter the number of copies needed - the default is 1.

  • Press the F2 key to set Default Preferences (similar to field #1 – Printer)
    • The ‘preferences’ are set for each specific terminal/user/job.  Either login under each terminal/user/job or go to each terminal/user/job to set the preferences correctly FOR EACH DOCUMENT TYPE.  
    • There are 2 prompts that allow the user to keep the “preferences” always the same, keep the same for just ‘this’ report, ask for “Num copies” each time, etc.
      • Prompt #1. For this specific report, I want the “Num copies” field to:
        • (_) Use the default setting in #2 below
        • (_) Remember my last entry
        • (Y) Always start with 2
        • (_) Make me enter it every time  
      • Prompt #2. But for most other reports, I want the “Num copies” field to default to:
        • (Y) Remember my last entry
        • (_) Always start with 1
        • (_) Make me enter it every time



  • EXAMPLE 2: I am sitting at Sally’s desk in the accounting office & we are setting the preferences for when she prints a WORK ORDER.  Her terminal is #10.  The printer assignment table is set to ASKME for all the document types for terminal 10.  We selected the action SHOP on an order.  The printer screen is displaying on the screen.
    • We select field #1 Printer: & press the F2 key for set the default preferences
    • Then select 1.  We put a Y in: Always start with: The cursor let’s you select a printer from the printer list or you can type in the printer name.  We use OFFLSP (Office laser portrait).  Work orders don’t print on the eform invoices they just print on her laser portrait printer. 
    • Press the enter key until you are at field 1 Printer: make sure you have the correct printer.  Press enter key again to go to Any change? At the bottom of the printer screen.  [Now set the # of copies for the invoices.]
  • EXAMPLE 3: I am still at Sally’s desk, we are still setting the preferences for when she prints work orders.  The printer screen is still on the screen.
    • Go to field #2 Num copies: Press F2 to set default preferences.  Press 1 to go to prompt 1.
      • 1 For this specific report, I want the “Num copies” field to:
        • (_) Use the default setting in #2 below
        • (_) Remember my last entry
        • (_) Always start with 2
        • (Y) Make me enter it every time  
      • Prompt #2. But for most other reports, I want the “Num copies” field to default to:
        • (Y) Remember my last entry
        • (_) Always start with 1
        • (_) Make me enter it every time
    • With these examples, when Sally prints an invoice it will automatically print 2 copies on the OFFLSI printer.  Sally can randomly select a different printer for an invoice on the printer screen. But the next time she does an invoice it will default back to the OFFLSI printer.  Same with # of copies, she can randomly select # of copies 4, but the next time she does an invoice it will default back to 2 copies. 
  • When Sally prints a work order it will print on her OFFLSP printer. She will need to type in the # of copies she needs.  Each time she prints a work order she gives a copy of the work order to each department needed.


NOTE:  Look at the O/E parameter


This parameter sets the # of copies for each document type for all users.  The 6th character of this parameter is the # of copies for invoices.  If this parameter is set to print 3 invoice copies and you set the printer screen to print 3 you will get 9 copies.


Printer Screen:

1 Printer:         OFFLSI

2 Num copies: 3

3 Form type:   

4 Delete Rpt:  

5 Spool Rpt:    

6 Lines/page:   

7 Page width:

8 Company name:

9 Requested by:


With the parameter set this way and the number of copies set to 3 you will get 9 copies of invoices.