Modules»Payroll»Federal Tax Rates for 2014
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Last modified on 9/11/2015 1:42 PM by User.


Federal Tax Rates for 2014

Below are the Federal figures needed in the Tax Table Maintenance program (Task 23 in the Payroll module).  The ‘codes’ indicate its purpose, for example: USWKLY means Weekly Single rates for Federal Withholding.  US- United States; WK – Weekly; SL – Single.  Please see the document titled:  2012 Tax Tables and FICA Limits for additional information, especially regarding FICA limits, printing W2 forms and first payroll for a new year.


These rates are based on the website “Publication 15 (Circular E), Employer’s Tax Guide for use in 2014”.   

Social security and Medicare tax for 2014. The social security tax rate is 6.2% each for the employee and em-ployer, unchanged from 2013. The social security wage base limit is $117,000.


The Medicare tax rate is 1.45% each for the employee and employer, unchanged from 2013. There is no wage base limit for Medicare tax.


Social security and Medicare taxes apply to the wages of household workers you pay $1,900 or more in cash or an equivalent form of compensation. Social security and Medicare taxes apply to election workers who are paid $1,600 or more in cash or an equivalent form of compensation.


Withholding allowance. The 2014 amount for one with-holding allowance on an annual basis is $3,950.






Additional Medicare Tax withholding. In addition to withholding Medicare tax at 1.45%, you must withhold a 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax from wages you pay to an employee in excess of $200,000 in a calendar year. You are required to begin withholding Additional Medicare Tax in the pay period in which you pay wages in excess of $200,000 to an employee and continue to withhold it each pay period until the end of the calendar year. Additional Medicare Tax is only imposed on the employee. There is no employer share of Additional Medicare Tax. All wages that are subject to Medicare tax are subject to Additional Medicare Tax withholding if paid in excess of the $200,000 withholding threshold.

For more information on what wages are subject to Medicare tax, see the chart, Special Rules for Various Types of Services and Payments, in section 15. For more information on Additional Medicare Tax, visit and enter “Additional Medicare Tax” in the search box.




2014 FUTA:

For 2014, the FUTA tax rate is 6.0%. The tax applies to the first $7,000 you pay to each

employee as wages during the year. The $7,000 is the federal wage base. Your state wage base may be different.


To verify you may contact the IRS, Telephone assistance for Businesses: Toll-Free, 1-800-829-4933 


  • To update the Federal tax tables go to Payroll (Module 1)
    • Tax table Maintenance (Task 23)
      • Change existing tax record (Sub-task 2) 


            USWKSL                    Exempt $        76.00


WEEKLY, SINGLE             

BREAK                      TAX                RATE

Field 9                                     7865.00                       2271.36           39.6

Field 10                                   7834.00                       2260.51           35

Field 11                                   3627.00                         872.20           33

Field 12                                   1762.00                         350.00           28

Field 13                                     753.00                           97.75           25

Field 14                                     218.00                           17.50           15

Field 15                                       43.00                           00.00           10

Fields 16 – 20, all zeroes



            USWKMR                  Exempt $        76.00



BREAK                      TAX                RATE

Field 9                                     8963.00                       2460.89           39.6

Field 10                                   7953.00                       2107.39           35

Field 11                                   4525.00                         976.15           33

Field 12                                   3025.00                         556.15           28

Field 13                                   1582.00                         195.40           25

Field 14                                     512.00                           34.90           15

Field 15                                     163.00                           00.00           10                                           

Fields 16 –20, all zeroes



            USBISL                      Exempt $        151.90


BIWEEKLY, SINGLE          BREAK                      TAX                RATE            

Field 9                                    15731.00                      4543.02           39.6

Field 10                                  15667.00                      4520.62           35

Field 11                                   7254.00                      1744.33           33

Field 12                                   3523.00                        699.65           28

Field 13                                   1506.00                        195.40           25

Field 14                                      436.00                          34.90           15

Field 15                                        87.00                          00.00           10       

Fields 16 – 20, all zeroes


            USBIMR                     Exempt $        151.90 


BIWEEKLY, MARRIED      BREAK                      TAX                RATE

Field 9                                     17925.00                     4921.68           39.6

Field 10                                   15906.00                     4215.03           35

Field 11                                     9050.00                     1952.55           33

Field 12                                     6050.00                     1112.55           28

Field 13                                     3163.00                       390.80           25

Field 14                                     1023.00                         69.80           15

Field 15                                       325.00                         00.00           10

Field 16 – 20, all zeroes



            USSMSL                    Exempt $        164.60


BREAK                      TAX                RATE

Field 9                                     17042.00                     4921.73           39.6

Field 10                                   16973.00                     4897.58           35

Field 11                                     7858.00                     1889.63           33

Field 12                                     3817.00                       758.15           28

Field 13                                     1631.00                       211.65           25       

Field 14                                       472.00                         37.80           15

Field 15                                         94.00                         00.00           10       

Fields 16 – 20, all zeroes


            USSMMR                   Exempt $        164.60 


SEMIMONTHLY, MARRIED      BREAK                      TAX                RATE

Field 9                                     19419.00                     5331.91           39.6

Field 10                                   17231.00                     4566.11           35

Field 11                                     9804.00                     2115.20           33

Field 12                                     6554.00                     1205.20           28

Field 13                                     3427.00                       423.45           25

Field 14                                     1108.00                         75.60           15

Field 15                                       352.00                          00.00          10       

Fields 16 –20, all zeroes



            USMOSL                   Exempt $        329.20


MONTHLY, SINGLE           BREAK                      TAX                RATE

Field 9                                     34083.00                     9842.99           39.6

Field 10                                   33946.00                     9795.04           35

Field 11                                   15717.00                     3779.47           33

Field 12                                     7633.00                     1515.95           28

Field 13                                     3263.00                       423.45           25

Field 14                                       944.00                         75.60           15

Field 15                                       188.00                         00.00           10       

Fields 16 – 20, all zeroes


            USMOMR                  Exempt $        329.20


MONTLY, MARRIED          BREAK                      TAX                RATE

Field 9                                     38838.00                   10663.75           39.6

Field 10                                   34463.00                     9132.50           35

Field 11                                   19608.00                     4230.35           33

Field 12                                   13108.00                     2410.35           28

Field 13                                     6854.00                       846.85           25

Field 14                                     2217.00                       151.30           15

Field 15                                      704.00                         00.00           10

Fields 16 – 20, all zeroes