If a credit card deposit was entered through Order Processing and a credit ...Last edited by User on 1/11/2016 2:47 PMformatting
This document explains how to have all A/R credit cards payments go to a ...Last edited by User on 12/29/2015 3:45 PMformatting
This document explains the importance of verifying the “Total amount received” ...Last edited by User on 12/24/2015 11:03 AMformatting
Enter, in a separate batch. direct deposit payments into Cash/Receipts. ...Last edited by User on 12/17/2015 4:55 PMformatting
Direct Deposit Service (DDS) Setup Notes ****This feature is an ...Last edited by User on 9/24/2015 12:20 PMupdated contact info
This document explains the steps when a vendor wants a payment, before they ...Last edited by User on 9/17/2015 9:25 AMformatting