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Last modified on 8/14/2015 12:29 PM by User.


Multiple email installations on the same server

On hosted (cloud) computers we will have to support multiple email clients on the same server.  Both Blat and Stunnel can handle this but you have to configure them differently.


As of 05/17/2015 we use stunnel version 5.17 which is stored in moche E:\download\stunnel\5.17.   Avoid stunnel version 5.14 (it fails).

Stunnel will establish a local IP address and port for itself so you can point Blat to it.  Stunnel will encrypt/decrypt the messages to/from gmail using the SSL protocol.  This is all transparent to Blat.  So far, this has worked well with gmail, bluehost, and godayddy.

stunnel is open source software.  It's home page is

1. Create new directory on the customer's server c:\Program files\stunnel.  If this is a 64-bit Windows server then the directory will be c:\Program files(x86)\stunnel.

2. Download the contents of  Google Drive \My Drive\Applications and tools\stunnel\5.17 directory to the customer's stunnel directory. 

3. Install stunnel by double clicking the stunnel-5.17-installer.exe file.  If you want to install a newer version you can download it from

  • Leave the two installation checkboxes checked (install stunnel, and add start menu shortcuts) 
  • You must let it install into the default directory C:\Program files\stunnel  [or Program files(x86)\stunnel]

4. Copy the stunnel-5.17-samples.conf to overwrite stunnel.conf.   Edit the stunnel.conf file so only the connection clients you need are active. The samples include connections for,, and

As of version 5.17 it isn't wise to allow stunnel to do any logging.  It seems to interpret the "debug=7" parameter backwards and logs everything EXCEPT errors. 

5. Install stunnel as a Windows service.

  • Start --> all programs --> stunnel --> service install

6. Start the stunnel service for the first time.  The "service install" task doesn't start the service.

  • Start --> all programs --> stunnel --> start service


You can't use the blat_install.bat.  It only works for one instance and we need to be more flexible, so whatever information was given in blat_install.bat will have to be given in the blat.exe command line at run time.  This is the mail server and -f (from user).   You must change the C:\mvs\xxx\win32\bin\blat_opt.txt file to talk to a specific server, port #, and give the -f (from) user.

This particular example is using stunnel for the server (  What is important is that the -port number should be different for each instance of stunnel and the -f argument is the SMTP auth user for that email server.

-server -port 40025 -u -pw mvsoftware -f -try 2 -q -debug -log C:\mvs\xxx\dsk0\100001\trash\blatlog.txt


Here is an example of blat_opt.txt when stunnel isn't being used. .  The port can be what ever the server expects  (25). 

-server -port 25 -u nmiller -pw nmiller1 -f -try 2 -q -debug -log C:\mvs\xxx\dsk0\100001\trash\blatlog.txt