Modules»Purchase Order»Task 03 - Vendor Invoice Entry…
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Last modified on 12/21/2015 10:59 AM by User.

Task 03 - Vendor Invoice Entry & Editing

  • Accounts Payable (Module 7)
    • Vendor Invoice Entry & Editing (Task 3)
      • Enter New Invoice (Sub-task 1)

Listed below are the fields/lines on the screen followed, in parenthesis, the number of characters allowed per field

Note: The fields aren't accessed one after the other (lines 1 thru 25). Depending on the information entered on various lines, other lines are accessed.

01. Vendor # : ____(5) Vendor number

02. Invoice # : ____(16) Vendor Invoice number

03. Inv date : ____(6) Invoice date, will default to today's date

04. Terms : ____(1) Payment terms (default is the term code setup on the vendor's record, but it can be changed. Use TAB key to get list of valid term codes)

05. # of payments: ___(3) Number of payments that will be made on this invoice, will fill in automatically based on the term code

06. Due date : ____(6) Due date, will fill in automatically based on the term code

07. Warehouse# : ____(1) Which warehouse is the invoice for

08. Merchandise$: ____(10) Total of the line items (merchandise) on the invoice, do not include freight or tax

09. Sales tax : ____(10) Amount of the Sales Tax

10. Freight : ____(10) Amount of the Freight

11. Oth amount : ____(10) Any other amount that is not Merchandise, Freight or Sales Tax

12. Oth G/L Act#: ____(7) If Other Amount (line #11) has an amount in it, then a GL account can be entered (use TAB to find the account number is it is not known). If line 11 is 0, then this cannot be entered.

13. Instit. code: ____( ) For Floor Plan -Code representing the financial institution that is doing the floor plan.

14. F/P code num: ____( ) For Floor Plan - the Floor Plan code number

15. F/P due date: ____(6) For Floor Plan - the Floor plan due date

16. F/P int date: ____(6) For Floor Plan - the Floor plan interest date

17. Non disc amt: ____(8) An amount (freight, tax, labor, etc) that is non discountable. The system will automatically enter the total of lines 9 and 10.

18. PPay discount: ____(4) Discount allowed for paying promptly - default is for %, enter 300 for 3%. To enter an actual dollar amount, press the TAB key.

19. Reference #: ___(20) Any notation you want to enter

20. Pre-Pay: ______(6)  How was the voucher/invoice paid? 

  • N – Unpaid, open on-account
  • 1 – Company Check (prompted for a check number)
  • 2 – EFT
  • 3 – 3rd Party Vendor (prompted for 3rd party vendor’s number.  Enter number or TAB to look up by name)

21. Disc taken : ____(8) Pre-paid discount taken. If check number above (line #20) is blank, then this field cannot be accessed.

Lines 22, 23, 24 and 25 are for accruals and special discounts. Each line has some information that needs to be entered. The information includes Percent, Description, etc. The information and screen layout are shown below:

Accrual/special disc -Pct- Act Use Acct-numb ----Description----

  • Pct - Enter the percent amount. Use 500 for 5%
  • Act - which Action should be taken. for take discount off of the invoice A to accrue to a specified GL account
  • Use - R to reduce item cost for profit - leave item cost as it is, but reduce the invoice amount.
  • Acct-numb & description - information for a GL account number is accessed only if an A (for accrual) is entered under the Act field.

At the bottom of the screen after pressing RETURN at the "Any Change?" prompt, the question "Obtain received items? (Y/N):" appears at the bottom of the screen.

  • If "Y" is answered, the system prompts for the Receiver number, the PO number, and/or  the vendor order number.
  • If "N" is answered instead, then the system prompt will be "Obtain PO's.? Y/N" Note: A warning message appears at the bottom of the screen - "Do Not use PO if items were received on a Receiver or you will double up".

Next appears the screen for the items.

  • If Y was answered to "Obtain received items?", the items will appear. Confirm the quantities.
  • If was answered, but was answered to "Obtain PO's", enter the PO number and confirm quantities.
  • If N was answered to both questions, then enter the items, PO number (if any, or enter 0 if no PO),the quantity received, the cost and any discount (if applicable)
    • At the far right of the screen, a letter indicates what should be done with the cost. The choices are:
      • Y - change last cost
      • P - change last cost and recalculate prices
      • N - no change

After the line items and the line item memos are entered and quantities received verified, the total amount of distribution to GL accounts will appear on the screen. At the bottom of the screen, a message and a list of four actions appear:

Vendor Invoice Entry Completed - Action?


One of these must be selected.

0 = No Action. Nothing happens, leaves the invoice open to be added to, corrected, etc.

1 = Cancel. The entire entry will be cancelled, it's like nothing was ever entered.

2 = Print this trx. Print the entry

3 = Post/voucher. System will assign a voucher number (write it on the vendor's invoice). The system will then prompt asking if the transaction should be printed.  If this action is chosen, the voucher automatically is transferred to the Accounts Payable module.  To view and post the transactions, go to the AP module, Voucher Entry & Editing (Task 1) and proceed with Sub-task 3 to print an edit list and Sub-task 4 to Post.  Notethe items are no longer in Task 22 – Received Items (No Invoice).