Modules»Job Tracking»Job Tracking Setup
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Last modified on 9/8/2015 3:28 PM by User.


Job Tracking Setup


A number of parameters must be setup for the Job Tracking system to function.  To begin, go to:

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • Job Tracking System (Task 4)
      • System Management (Sub-task 32)


The following screen will appear:


                    Modify application tables
1. Driver name codes
2. Department codes
3. Shipment methods (ship via) and pickup/delivery rules
4. Printer assignments
5. Terminal assignments

                       Modify parameters
6. Job tracking options

7. Night processing log


Modify Application Tables.


1. Drive Name codes:

Driver codes are alphanumeric. Divisions must be exactly 2 characters.  See below for examples:


Code  Driver name        Divisions numbers (separated by a comma  or $$ for all divisions)

--     ----.----1----.--- ----.----1----

"1 " , "Duane Twain      $$          "

"2 " , "Juan Martinez     01,02,03"

"3 " , "Francis Key        06          "

"4 " , "Albert Fine         01,02,03"


Note: after using the ‘Esc” key, and ‘q’ or ‘f’ to exit the screen, a secondary screen will appear (the described information is also valid with the other setup codes), which looks like this:



Edit  driver name codes

(choosing this option will take the user right back to the screen with the codes on it)


Help for editor commands

(list of file and line commands  i.e. Search for a word (print).... s print or Insert a blank character...ctrl f)


Print driver name codes

(the standard printer selection screen)


2. Department Codes:

Generic codes are already set up.  The user may change the codes to match their departments and descriptions.  The format must be followed exactly when making changes or adding departments.


Below is an example of a Job Tracking Department table:


Key Description          A   B  C  D

DZ  DIAZO                91  91 C

CC  COLOR COPY           01  01

CS  CUST SERVICE                   I

FR  FREIGHT              96  99 *


DL  DELIVERY             96  97    C


Column A = Department/Report Class,   Numeric, Maximum of 2 characters

Column B = Department/Report Class 2, Numeric, Maximum of 2 characters

(A comma between columns A and B means this is a RANGE of report classes)


Column C = Are the Invoice Rules

  • C=cannot invoice order until this department is Closed
  • *=cannot invoice order until department is Active
  • " "=(meaning a blank space) can invoice order regardless of department status

Column D = Are the Open/Close rules

  • " "= (meaning a blank space). must be manually opened and closed
  • O=Open open department when added to job
  • A=Close department when added to job
  • I=Open department when invoiced
  • C=Close department when invoiced


Orders cannot be invoiced until they contain at least one matching line item for every billable Job Tracking department. 

Lines and departments are matched on Report Class.

Non-billable departments should NOT have a numeric report class in columns A or B, therefore a line item will not be required for those departments.



3. Shipping Methods (Ship-via) and Pick-Up/Delivery Rules:

(**Note: before actually setting up the Shipping Methods, the Delivery Rules  (found in 6/4/21) and Pick-up Rules (found in6/4/23) must be setup.  Instructions for both the Delivery and Pickup Rules are below the Shipment Method instructions).

Below are examples of the Shipment Methods:


                   Delivery    Pick-up

Code   Description  Rule *      Rule **


"1" , "Our truck    INHOUSE     INHOUSE "

"2" , "UPS Ground   DEFAULT             "

"3" , "Cust pickup  CUSTPICKUP  SIMPLE  "

"4" , "Air freight  DEFAULT             "

"5" , "Comm truck   DEFAULT     MINIMUM "

"6" , "Parcel post  DEFAULT             "

"C" , "Courier      COURIER     COURIER "

"D" , "Delivery     DELIVERY            "



* Also see: In Job Tracking (Task 4) the “Delivery Rules” (Sub-Task 21) for where the Delivery Rules are created.   Job Tracking can only use the Shipping Methods that have a Delivery Rule associated with them.  See below for instructions on setting up the Delivery Rules.

** Also see:  In Job Tracking (Task 4) the “Pick-Up Rules” (Sub-task 23)  for how Pick-up Rules are created.   Job Tracking can only use the Shipping Methods that have a Pick-Up Rule associated with them.  See below for instructions on setting up the Pick-Up Rules.



Delivery Rules: 

  • (found in 6/4/21)  Below is an example of a Delivery Rule:


01. Rule name:              COURIER (user defined, 10 characters)

02. Description :           No dept, Use slips (user defined, 20 characters)

03. Notes:                    3 lines for additional information

04. Cust pickup:           N/Y  Is this a customer pick-up order?


===Job Header Options======

05. Allow slip:              N/Y/R (No, Yes, Required – for single delivery jobs, should a delivery slip be allowed?  NOTE: “Slip” refers to the delivery documents needed for Split Deliveries, however on this field it means: even though it’s a single delivery, print a delivery slip any ways.  i.e. “slip” for a courier)

06. Driver info:            N/Y/R 

07. Driver name:          N/Y/R

08. Driver unit:             N/Y/R

09. Amount:                 N/Y/R

10. Received-by           N/Y/R

11. Print router :           N/Y/R

12. Closed when :         F/A/D/R/I (When should the Job Header be considered  closed? F - when ‘Final’ department is active; A – when all departments are closed; D – when driver is entered; R- when received-by is entered or I – when Order is invoiced Note: more than one code can be entered.  Be sure that the codes don’t conflict)


===Delivery DEPT===

13. Allow DEPT :         N/Y/R

14. Dept code:             If Y(es) or R(equired), use TAB to get a list of all departments, select the Delivery Department

15. Open when :           A/M/I   When should the Delivery Department be opened? A-when added to order. M-manually opened in the department entry.  I-when

the order is invoiced.

16. Closed when:          A/O/M/I   When should the Delivery Department be closed? A – when all delivery slips are closed. O – when all other departments are closed.  M – manually close in department entry. I – when order is invoiced.


  ===Delivery SLIP=== (Slip refer to the delivery documents needed for Split Deliveries)

17. Allow SLIP:           N/Y/R  (No, Yes, Required – is a separate delivery slip allowed for split delivery?)

18. Driver info:             N/Y/R  (if fields 19 or 20 are “Y or R”, then field 18 can’t be “N”.

19. Driver name            N/Y/R

20. Driver unit              N/Y/R

21. Amount:                 N/Y/R

22. Received-by:          N/Y/R 

23. Print slip:                N/Y/R 

24. Closed when:          P/D/R/A  (When should delivery slip be closed? P –when slip is printed the first time. D – when ‘Driver name’ is entered. R- when the ‘Received-by’ is entered. A – always closed.


  ===Field Labels==== (user-define, 20 characters; the labels seen on the screen of a Job Tracking order by the user.  If left ‘blank’, the “default” names from fields 25 – 30 will appear on the screen.)

25. Driver name:           Driver name      (corresponds to fields 7 & 19 above – i.e. if both fields have Y(es), this label will appear for the user to see)

26. Unit #:                    not used           (corresponds to fields 8 & 20 above)

27. Amount:                 Delivery fee      (corresponds to fields 9 & 21 above)

28. Receive date:          Receive date    

29. Receive time:         

30. Received by:           Received by     (corresponds to fields 10 & 22 above)



 Pick-Up Rules: 

(found in 6/4/23)  Below is an example of a Pick-Up Rule:


01. Rule name :             SIMPLE  (user-defined, 10 characters)

02. Description :           Simple Pickup Rule (user-define, 20 characters)


Note: Questions 3,4,5 and 6 define actions taken when a Pickup becomes ready to become a sales order.

 === Pick-up entry rules ====

03. When ready:           D/P/A/C When is Pick-up ready for Sales Order (D – when driver is assigned.  P – when job is Picked-up, a date and time are entered.  A – when job arrives, a date and time are entered.  C - always ready to become a sales order.)

04. Open Order:           3/A  How should Pick-up entry open Sales Order when pick-up is ready?  (3 – pressing F3 allows user to proceed directly to Order Entry screen.  A – user automatically goes to Order Entry screen.)           


 === Order entry rules ======

05. After order :           5/A What should Order Entry do after the order is opened? (5 – pressing F5 allows user to proceed directly to Job Tracking system.  A –

user automatically goes to Job Tracking system.)


 === Job Tracking rules =====

06. JT rules:                  P/S/O (P – set pick-up number from pickup.  S- returns to Pick-Up Entry and Editing.  O -  returns to Order Entry & Editing)


===Field labels ==== (user-define, 20 characters; the labels seen on the screen of a Pick-Up by the user.  If left ‘blank’, the “default” names will appear on the screen)

07. Drivers name:

08. Unit #:                    Truck #

09. Amount:                 Fee Collected:

10. Call time:

11. Assign time:

12. Pickup time:

13. Arrive time:             Back to shop:


===Field Permissions==== (should the fields 07 through 13 above be accessed?  Y-yes; N-no; R-required)

14. Drive Name:           Y/N/R

15. Driver Unit:            

16. Amount:

17. Call Time:

18 Assign time:

19. Pickup Time:

20. Arrive Time:

21 Order Number:

(**NOTE: go back up to the instructions for entering the Shipment Methods)


4. Printer Assignments:  

(Alphanumeric, Maximum of 6 characters, must use all six characters for the printer name, using a blank if necessary. "TI810 ")


Column #1 - Positions 01 to 06  =  Package labels

Column #2 - Positions 08 to 13  =  Delivery slips

Column #3 - Positions 15 to 20  =  Pickup slips


             #1      #2     #3

"TERM01" , "TI810 ,TI810 ,TI810 "

"TERM03" , "TI810 ,TI810 ,TI810 "

"TERM04" , "TI810 ,TI810 ,TI810 "

"TERM05" , "TI810 ,TI810 ,TI810 "

"TERM06" , "TI810 ,TI810 ,TI810 "



5. Terminal Assignments:

Add a record for every terminal that will use Job Tracking.   See "Default Terminal Warehouse/Dept's" (6/32/17/7) for a list of all terminals that currently use Order Entry. Below is an example of how a terminal is setup and used in conjunction with Job Tracking.


Terminal    A  B  C

"TERM01" , "$$ 01   "

"TERM02" , "$$ 01   "

"TERM12" , "03 01   "

"TERM14" , "$$ 01,$$"

"TERM20" , "01.01   "  


Column A: this is the default department assigned to the terminal.  “$$” in Column A indicates that this terminal can view and enter, using all departments.

A period/dot (.) between columns A and B is used for a ‘front counter’ terminal and it indicates that the terminal NOT required to transfer to the Job Tracking program.

Column B: this is the default division assigned to the terminal.

Column C: “$$” indicates that this terminal is a “super-user” and can work with orders from all divisions.



Note:  individual terminal numbers appear in the upper right-hand corner of each terminal on the very first screen of Profits Plus (the screen with the module listing).



Modify Parameters:


6. Job Tracking Options:


JTK’TIME’FORMAT=12 or 24.     12 means to use a 12-hour clock (AM/PM), 24 means to use a 24-hour clock (Military time). 

Controls how the time is printed on all screens and reports.  Uses either a 12 or 24-hour clock format.  All time input fields will accept either the 12 or 24-hour format at entry, but the entered time will be converted into the format designated in this parameter.


TRACK’USAGE= Yes or No.  If Job Tracking is going to be used, this must be YES.



TRACK’DLVAMT=  The amounts automatically charged for Pick-Up (PUAMT) and Delivery (DLVAMT).  If an amount is followed with an “m”, then the operator cannot change the amount to a lower value. 

Example of the parameters:

TRACK’PUAMT=100            Means a default $1.00 pickup charge, operator may

override to a higher or lower amount.

            TRACK’PUAMT=100m         Means a minimum $1.00 pickup charge, operator

may override to a higher amount, but not a lower amount.

            TRACK’PUAMT=                  Means no minimum or default pickup charge.  Any

amount may be entered.


**Note: the dollar value only prints on the Delivery or Pickup document.  It doesn’t interact with the Invoice or AR, it prints only to notify the customer that they will be charged a Pick-Up and/or Delivery fee.  However, a report will list all charges for Pickup and Delivery (found in:   6/4/10/1 Pickup/Delivery Charges : Detail & Summary  - JTRCHG – the report is grouped and totaled by vehicle number with a date range.)


**Note:  if an ‘item’ is added to the sales order for Pick-Up or Delivery charge, assign the same Report Class to the item as the Delivery Department  (found in Department Codes in Section 2 of this document) so the order cannot be invoiced unless the Pick-up or Delivery amount is on the order.



TRACK’HISTORY’MONTHS=24  The purge program will leave the designated number of months in the history files (i.e. 24).  Note: if left blank (or zero) it

disables the purge program, meaning “do not purge” any history files.


INI'PURGE'DAYS'PAST'DUE= 90     Some orders are never closed or invoiced.  Therefore, this parameter allows you to enter the number of days a job can be ‘past due’ before it is automatically posted/purged.  Options are to leave blank, which means the old, past-due jobs will never be closed/purged.   Or enter the number of days, i.e. 90 indicates when jobs are more than 90 days past due, let the system automatically post/purge the order.


INI’CUST’SEARCH’RULES=AM  Allow lookup, via the TAB key, of Customers Alternate-ship to Addresses and/or Customer Mailing Lists

A=Show Alternate Ship-To addresses

M=Show Mailing Lists


INI’PICKUP’METHOD=1               The default “ship via” code for new pickups (see #3 Shipping Methods (Ship-via) and Pick-Up/Delivery Rules above

for ship via codes)


INI'PICKUP'SCREEN=R                 Determine if the “Recurring” Pickup option should appear on the Pickup entry screen.  Enter “R” if Yes, leave blank if No.  “Recurring” means as soon as a Pickup for a customer is completed/closed, a new or ”recurring” Pickup will be automatically entered into the system.  This option is used for customers that have daily Pickups.


INI'PICKUP'SLIP=SFCGPA            Determine which fields should print on the Pickup documents.  Options are:

C=Print Called date/time

G=Print Assigned date/time

P=Print Pickup date/time

A=Print Arrive date/time

S=Print signature line on document

F=Print Pickup Fee on document


INI’PICKUP’CONTACT=  During Pickup Entry a “contact’ name can be entered and automatically transferred to Job Header screen of Job Tracking and the Shipping screen of a sales order.   This parameter ties to one of the following fields on the Shipping Screen: PORO (field 1); SHPDPT (field 2); MAKE (field 21); MODEL (field 22); SER’ENG (field 23) or GEN’1 (field 25).   The label for the field can be changed – look for the parameters beginning with:  PROMPT'PORO= in 6/32/22/1 

**Note: in order for all three fields to be ‘in sync’, ensure the fields are tied together via the parameters beginning with: INI’ORDERED’BY’REF=   The instructions for these parameters are presented a little further down in this document.



Up to 8 lines of text can be printed on ALL Pickup documents, using the 8 parameters ‘MSG1 through ‘MSG8.  Each line can be up to 70 characters long.  Blank lines print as blanks.     


INI’ASK’CASHIER: Y or N.  Should the system prompt for a Cashier number?


INI’ASK’QUALITY= Y or N. Should the system prompt for “Quality Checked By”?


INI’QUALITY’SLP’TYPE=   A 3 character “Salesperson Type” that is required for Delivery Quality Checkers.  “Type” is on field 15 of the Salesman/Technician File (Task 20 in OE).  If left blank no special salesperson type is required.


INI’SEND’INVOICE= Y or N.  Should the default question, on the Job Header screen,  “Send invoice with job?” be Yes or No? Note: this is an ‘informational’ question only.


INI'NIGHT'PHONE'REQUIRED= y or N     Is the operator required to enter a night phone number if the job is due between 5pm and 10am.   Default is Y.


*Note regarding the following parameters: Once these parameters are set, most likely there will never be a reason to change them.  These are the “codes” that the user sees under the listing of the various departments within an order in Job Tracking.  i.e. a “C” indicates that the process in a particular department has been completed and the department has been ‘closed’, whereas to indicate that it is an “open” – not yet accessed – use the letter “O”, for example or have a “blank” space (blank = a single blank space or null  = no character at all, not even a blank space).


INI’STAT’FUTURE=blank   Indicates that the order will be going to this department, but it hasn’t arrived yet.  

INI’STAT’CLOSED=C         Indicates that the order has already gone to this department, the work processed, finished and the department is closed.

INI’STAT’ACTIVE=*           Indicates that the order is currently (active) in the department




Special Fields on Job Tracking Header Screen:


Note: This section can be confusing, because of the many variables.   Before reading this section, go to the O/E parameter ‘PROMPT’ (see Additional Information regarding the link… bullet point **2, located below, to establish where the parameters are located) as it will help in the understanding of this section.


There are fields on the Job Tracking (JT) screen (found via F5 in a sales order or through the JT menu – 6/4/2 –Track Order Management) that can be “linked” to fields on the Shipping/Customer Information screen of a sales order, meaning that information entered on the Job Tracking screen will be carried over to the Shipping Information screen.   What links the two screens are the “field references” in the Job Tracking (JT) parameters. The available “field references” are:  PORO, SHPDPT, MAKE, MODEL, SER'ENG, GEN'1



   Field # on

Parameter Name                                            JT screen        Default Label    Data Length

INI'ORDERED'BY'REF=PORO                  field 07.            Ordered by             18

INI'PROJ'NUM'REF=GEN’1                      field 10.            Project #                  20

INI'PO'NUM'REF=                                     field 11.            P.O. #                      20

INI'WORK'ORDER'REF=MAKE               field 12.            Release/Req#           16




( Figure 1.  Field references connect Job Tracking fields with Order Entry fields)


To convey the concept involved, below are examples – both visually and verbally - to show the relationship between the Job Tracking and Shipping Information screens.  The example will use the Job Tracking parameterINI’PROJ’NUM’REF= (which is field #10 on the JT screen) and the various “field reference” names that can be used: 


                                                                         Field Reference names  )


(field 10 on JT screen)








Fields on Shipping Information Screen of a sales order







                                                ( ↑ Figure 2.  Shipping Screen field reference names.)


Therefore, as an example, using the information from either the small table above (Figure 2) or the large table below (Figure 3), if the Job Tracking parameter INI’PROJ’NUM’REF (field 10) has the “field reference” name: GEN’1, the information entered into field 10 on the Job Tracking screen will appear in field 25 of the Shipping Information screen of a sales order.  OR, if this same JT parameter had a ‘field reference’ of MAKE, the information entered into field 10 on the JT screen will appear in field 21 of the Shipping Information screen of a sales order.


(Job Tracking Header screen fields 7, 10, 11 & 12 can be linked to the O/E Shipping Information screen by “field references”” assigned to the Job Tracking parameters)

Fields on Job Tracking Header screen that use the JT “parameters”

Fields on O/E Shipping Information screen that use “field references”


1.  PORO















9.                                                                  15.


10. INI’PROJ’NUM’REF=GEN’1            16.


11. INI’PO’NUM’REF=                            17.




13.                                                                19.


14.                                                                20.

14.                   20.                                        


15.                   21.  MAKE


16.                   22.  MODEL


17.                   23.  SER’ENG


18.                   24. 


19.                   25.  GEN’1

( ↑ Figure 3.  Job Tracking field references link of Order Entry Shipping screen fields.)



Additional Information regarding the link between the JT screen and the Shipping Information screen of an order:

**1. If no link is desired between the two screens, then leave the space after the parameter name blank (blank = none).  For an example, see INI'PO'NUM'REF=  in Figure 1, the large box located near the top of this section and Figure 3, the box directly above. When the field reference is blank the Default Label (P.O. #) will appear in field 11 on the Job Tracking screen and the information entered in field 11 will not automatically appear on the Shipping/Information screen.


**2.  Fields 1, 2 and 25 from the Shipping Information screen can print on order documents.  Each client may use these fields differently, so please check the following parameters in (6/32/22/1): 

PRINT'ON'DOC=                 YYNYYYN, etc.


Also look at the following parameters (also in 6/32/22/1) to determine the wording used as field labels on the Shipping Information screen:

PROMPT'PORO=              (field 1)             

PROMPT'SHPDPT=             (field 2)            

PROMPT'GEN'1=              (field 25)


**3. Fields 7 and 12 from the Job Tracking screen appear on many of the JT reportswhereas fields 10 and 11 don’t.


**4. The label provided in the OE parameters (6/32/22/1) can also be the label used on the corresponding JT screen (if a “link” is made).  The parameters that control the labels are the same as listed in #2 above (PROMPT’PORO, etc.) plus fields 21, 22 & 23 from the Shipping Screen.


**5.  However, if different labels are desired on the Shipping Information and on the Job Tracking screen, but still maintaining the “link”, then the following parameters in JT (6/4/32/6) need to have the desired label name provided (Note: please be careful utilizing these parameters.  A “link” may be established because of the “field reference”, meaning that the information entered on, for example, field 10 on the JT screen will also appear on field 25 of the Shipping Information screen – but if the two fields are titled differently, it maybe a cause of misunderstanding for your personnel).  To have different titles on linked fields, in the JT parameters look for:

INI'ORDERED'BY'LABEL=           field 07

INI'PROJ'NUM'LABEL=                field 10

INI'PO'NUM'LABEL=                     field 11.

INI'WORK'ORDER'LABEL=         field 12.

A blank will default to the assigned O/E ship screen field label or the shown default.



----See 2. Department Codes: towards the top of this document for an explanation of where & how departments are entered (setup in 6/4/32/2).


INI'CUST'SERVICE'DPT= Use the department defined as the Customer Service department.

INI'FREIGHT'DPT=            Enter the department that will be used for Freight in Job Tracking

INI'DELIVERY'DPT=          Enter the department that will be used for In-house Delivery Department in Job Tracking

INI'CUST'PICKUP'DPT=    Enter the department that will be used for Customer Pickup Department.

INI'RUSH'DPT=                   Enter the “rush” department.  The orders designated with a “rush” department will print at the top of the JT report called: "Print on-time Tracking By Customer" (JTRCOT)

INI'REQ'DPT'ANY=            The list of departments, on a sales order (field #22 on the JT screen), must contain ANY of the departments listed here.  Separate multiple departments with commas.  i.e.:


INI'REQ'DPT'ALL=             The list of departments, on a sales order (field #22 on the JT screen),  must contain ALL of the departments listed here.  Separate multiple departments with commas.  i.e.: CS,SH,BY

INI'FINAL'DEPARTMENTS=  Department(s) that are always the last department that an order will go to and where the order will be invoiced.

Note:  if a job is to be tracked, but you don’t want to manually enter a department (because at least one is required), the department code that is put in this parameter will automatically be entered on the

Job Tracking Header Entry Screen, if no other departments are added first.

INI'AUTO'CLOSE'DIV=      A list of division (s) that should automatically close (Auto Close) orders during posting when all the departments in that order are closed.  ALL = means all divisions will close automatically, at posting, when all the departments on the order are closed.


----Special parameters for the INI'AUTO'CLOSE'DIV parameter, found directly above:


INI'AUTO'CLOSE'DRIVER=Auto Closed         


The Order Entry collection screen can automatically close the final department.  If the final department is "Delivery" then it will automatically assign the “auto'close” driver name and unit number.  For example:




Delivery Slips (Tickets)


INI'DLV'SLIP'WHS=ORDER or TERM    Which warehouse location to print of the delivery slips?  Blank or TERM means to print the delivery slip at the warehouse assigned to the terminal selecting ‘Print Delivery Slip’.   ORDER means to print the delivery slip at the warehouse assigned to the sales order       


INI'SLIP'TITLE=    NONE means no title will print on the delivery slip.  If left blank, the title DELIVERY SLIP will print at the 27th column of the delivery slip.  By specifying what and where, you determine the title and placement on the delivery slip by using the text with ^nnn,  where nnn is the column #.  i.e. INI'SLIP'TITLE=DELIVERY TICKET^32   means to print the title:  DELIVERY TICKET at column 32.


Enter the message lines that should appear at the bottom of delivery slips.  There can be up to 9 message lines, if left blank, nothing will print.











NOTE:: Message 10 if left blank, the standard:    "Received by:...Date...Time..." message will print.  Set to "NONE" if you want it to not print anything.