FAQs»Basic System Information»Edit Commands
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Last modified on 10/4/2015 11:57 AM by User.


Edit Commands

The commands listed below are used depending on what type of a system being utilized.  Windows servers may also use Word Pad or other applications for editing the application tables and parameter files in Profits Plus and when previewing print files, in those cases the Word Pad commands will be applicable (i.e. find/replace from the Edit menu).  


When you go into any module’s System Management (Task 32), Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17), all of the application tables have some or all of the commands listed below at the end of the table.  This is a list of the most commonly used commands:


Holding down the CONTROL key and pressing:

B – Creates a blank line.

D – Deletes a space

E – Last screen

F – Inserts a space.

R – Scrolls to previous screen

T – Scrolls to next screen.

Y – Deletes from where the cursor is to the end of the line.

Z – Deletes a line (Use carefully)


There are places some of these commands can be used and other places they cannot. 

·        If changing a name of a customer in the Customer Master file, you can use the Control D, F, or Y. 

·        If changing information in a Memo note, in addition to Control D, F or Y, Control Z can also be used. 

·        If while in Order Entry, and the cursor is at order #,  you can scroll to the previous order by using the Control R or Control T to scroll forward to the next order.



Below is a list of the complete editing commands:

    Screen Editing Commands:


right.............(cntrl L)                insert character........(cntrl F)

left..............(cntrl H)                 scrunch character.......(cntrl D)

up................(cntrl K)               delete to end of line......(cntrl Y)

down..............(cntrl J)              auto insert........(cntrl Q)

page up...........(cntrl R)             delete word........(cntrl V)

page down......(cntrl T)             next word..........(cntrl W)

home..............(cntrl ^)              last word..........(cntrl A)

end of file.......(cntrl E)              beginning of line........(cntrl U)

insert line.......(cntrl B)               next match.........(cntrl X)

delete line.......(cntrl Z)              command mode.......(escape key)

concatenate.......(cntrl O)          break..............(cntrl C)

set marker........(cntrl P)            undo..............(cntrl ])  

enter control char.(cntrl G)        end of line.......(cntrl N)  

center display.....(cntrl S)




    Command Mode Commands:

F)inished - update and save file additions or changes          

S)earch - search for string, as in: S print   you will be brought to the first occurrence of any word or portion of a word with ‘print’ in it (note:  if that isn’t the correct occurrence, use the Cntrl key and the letter X…as noted above for the next match)

Q)uit - no update or changes will be saved          

Copy - copy block

R)eplace  - search

replaceClear -clear block markers