FAQs»Basic System Information»Expanding Files
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Last modified on 10/4/2015 12:04 PM by User.


Expanding Files

The files that are expandable are the ones located in the top half of the menu screen in any given module (i.e. Transactions and Masters).   The procedure for expansion is the generally the same for all of the modules.  It is a good idea to pay attention to the amount of unused records in these files, however the system will prompt a user to expand the files if it determines the files need to be expanded and may suggest what the new maximum needs to be.


To expand a file, (in this example the Sales History file needs to be expanded), go to:


·       Accounts Receivable (Module 2)

o      Sales History (Task 19)


Information is shown, at the top of the screen, regarding the history records.  See below for an example:



Sorted monthly hst records  126     Deleted monthly hst records 0

Unsorted monthly hst record 2       Unused monthly hst records  75



NOTE: There are currently 75 Unused records, 2 Unsorted and 126 Sorted monthly history records in this file, for a Current Maximum record size of 203.


·       Proceed to Sub-task 7:   Adjust size of  monthly hst file


The screen will display the following message:

Current maximum record size is 203

and the records in use are 128.

What do you want as the new maximum? --------


Enter in the number of records needed for the new maximum (for the example, 300 will be used).  Press the ENTER key.


The result will be:



            Sorted monthly hst records 126     Deleted monthly hst records 0

            Unsorted monthly hst record 2      Unused monthly hst records  172



The new maximum (300) is the total records in use (126 + 2) plus the unused records (172).