FAQs»Enhancements»A/R Enhancements
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Last modified on 12/20/2018 2:01 PM by User.

A/R Enhancements

Table of Contents
  1. AR Changes Through 10-31-01 
    1. Statements:
    2. Customer Master Changes:
    3. Customer File Memo Box:
    4. Cash Entry:
    5. Edit & Posting List:
    6. Auditing Reports:
    7. Tax Zone:
    8. Cleared AR Invoices, DM, CM & Payments:
    9. Batch Control:
    10. Label Printing:
  2. ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE CHANGES through 12-31-02
    1. Mailing Labels:
    2. Detailed Aged Trial Balance:
    3. Cash Edit List:
    4. Statements:
    5. Posting Credit Card Payments & ‘Other’ Cash into AP Checking:
    6. Treatment of ‘Outbound Freight’:
  3. AR CHANGES THROUGH 12-31-03:
    1. Customer Account Inquiry Features  (Task 27)
    2. Customer Master Files:
    3. Past Due Customer Analysis:
    4. Tax Zones:
    5. AR Aging:
    6. Label Printing:
    7. Statement Discounts:
    8. Notes:
  4. A/R CHANGES THROUGH 12-31-04:
    1. Customer Master File:
    2. Cash Receipts:
    3. Customer Inquiry – Task 27:
    4. Cash History Inquiry – Task 29:
    5. Average-Days-To-Pay Report:
    6. Cleared A/R History – Task 24:
    7. Customer Data Export:
    8. Specify G/L Prefix:
  5. AR CHANGES THROUGH 12-31-05
    1. Collection Report:
  6. Sales Entry & Editing ‘Edit Report’ & ‘Posting Register’:
    1. Tax Zones:  
    2. End-of-Month Discounts Tax Accrual:
    1. Tax Zone Report:
    2. Statements:
    3. Cash Receipts:
  8. AR CHANGES THROUGH 12/31/07
    1. Track sales ‘net of discount’:
    2. Class Code:
    1. Variance:
    2. Finance Charge:
    3. Labels:
    1. Reports:
    2. Reversal of Finance Charges:
    3. Statements:
    4. Invoice Code:
    5. Tax Zones:
    6. Importing into the Customer Master:
    7. Cost for Tax and Freight:
    8. Mailing/Label Control (Task 25)
  11. A/R changes up to 09/30/12: 
    1. Cash/Receipts Entry (Task 2) Apply Multiple Payments
    2. Customer account inquiry (Task 27) – F1 Payment inquiry (not just check inquiry)
    3. Tracking job # of cash/receipt entry
    4. Aged trial balance with detail ARTDTN export to CSV
    5. Statement log
    6. Customer master, Misc options
    7. Credit Card & Cash Independent
    8. Specific e-form by customer
    9. FORSTM Printing e-delivery statements or printed statements
    10. Customer inquiry history lookup includes backup documents
    11. Put cleared A/R history back in A/R Open items
    12. S or $ for Singapore dollars
    13. Statement question
    14. Miscellaneous:
  12. A/R changes up to 06/26/13:
    1. Tax Zone Master
    2. Email Statements
    3. Edelivery of Customer Invoices
  13. A/R changes up to 04/01/15:
    1. Subdivision Report
    2. Tax Zone Report
    3. Cash Receipts
    4. Log File
    5. Label Export Program
    6. Finance Charges
  14. A/R changes up to 11/13/15:
    1. Change apply-to in A/R Customer Account Inquiry
  15. A/R changes up to 07/28/16:
    1. EOM Statement w/o Printing Discount Amount 
  16. A/R changes up to 08/03/16:
    1. Internal Email Address Option for Statements
    2. Support for Color Logos on Customer Statements
  17. A/R changes up to 07/27/17:
    1. Dedicated Export for Customer Email Addresses
  18. A/R changes up to 09/12/17:
    1. Report of net unpaid $ by Customer & Invoice in ATB

AR Changes Through 10-31-01 



Plain paper statements (8.5 x 11)  now supports laser (sheet-feed) printers.


The standard statement program supports a divisionalized printing option.  Therefore statements for each division can be printed separately.


Customer Master Changes:

(1)  A new field has been added to the Customer Master file to require field #25, on the Shipping Screen of a sales order, be filled in.  Go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Customer Master (Task 17)
      • Enter or Change Customer Record (Sub-task 1 or 2)
        • Field 47 (the name of the field is controlled by a parameter, see below for explanation)

The parameter that controls the name on field #47 is:  GEN'PROMPT=  

Note: the parameter that controls the name of field #25, on the Shipping Screen of a sales order is:  PROMPT'GEN'1=    (found in the O/E module – 6/32/22/1).  Therefore, if the title of field #47 on the Customer Master file and field #25 on the Shipping Screen of a sales order are to be the same, then both of the above mentioned parameters must be the same.  I.e. you want field #25 to read:  Project Name, then both parameters (GEN’PROMPT and PROMPT’GEN’1) must also read:  Project Name.



(2)  Also there is a parameter that requires fields #1, 2 & 25 on the Shipping Screen for new customers created in Order Entry be filled in.  See parameter:  NEWCUS'REQ'FLG=  in 6/32/22/1.      



(3)  There is a parameter that controls the initial default “answer” on field #42 (Contract?).  Look for parameter:  DFLT'CUS'CONTRACTChain/Yes/No.  The parameter is in 2/32/22/1.  Note:  a prior enhancement allows for lookup of Alternate Ship-To locations and O/E Contract records directly from AR Customer Master records.  On field #42 (Contract?) use the TAB key to view the information.  This is handy to confirm alternate location information and/or check on special item/pricing deals.



Customer File Memo Box:


The number of lines on the Customer Master File (Task 17) for AR Accounting notes (field 78) and OE Sales notes (field 79) is controlled by a parameter.   Go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • A/R-General (Option 1)

Look for the parameters:

ACCT'MEMO'LINES=                    Maximum # lines of A/R accounting notes

SALES'MEMO'LINES=                  Maximum # lines of O/E sales memo




Cash Entry:


(1)  The option to display a customer's aging on the 2nd screen of Cash Entry has been added.  This option is controlled by a system parameter.  Go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • A/R General (Option 1)

Look for the parameter:  SHOW'AGE'CASH=Y       


(2)  A new search option is available to help find a customer’s unpaid invoice by using their document number.  Options to search for unpaid customer invoices are by:  Document #, PO/Customer Order #; F1 to manually select invoices and F2 to automatically have the system select invoices to be paid based on a date range.


(3)  When entering the date on a cash record, a ‘reverse video’ warning message appears on the screen to identify a possible date error.



Edit & Posting List:


There are advanced warnings to identify possible date errors.  First the user is notified, via ‘reverse video’, when a cash/sales record is entered, and again when the edit/posting is printed.  The printout even indicates the actual number of transactions that possibly have date errors.   The following message will appear on the printouts: 

The program checked the invoice dates of all transactions and determined that some are from differing periods.


Please refer to the printout for the transactions with possible date errors.  The REC-DATE of each is preceded by an `*'.



Auditing Reports:


A couple of new reports were added to help with auditing issues.  Both are found in:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Identify A/R Open Duplicates  (Sub-Task 10)
      • Compare Sales Hist / Dist / Open (Sub-Task 11)


Tax Zone:


A new Report Code has been added to Tax Zone file (Task 23 in AR).  It is a 6-digit, alphanumeric field. 


The Tax Zone Summary report (2/10/14) can now be printed using the Tax Zone NumberReport Title, or Report Code.



Cleared AR Invoices, DM, CM & Payments:


It is now possible to review AR Invoices and other documents that have been ‘cleared’ from the AR Open Items (Task 18).  Go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Cleared A/R History (Task 24)
      • Print Paid History-Records (Sub-task 4)

Previously, the user had to resort to looking at a physical copy of a prior month’s AR Open to determine which invoices were paid with a customer’s check, which credit memo was applied to an invoice or debit, memo etc.  With this report, you can enter the customer number, along with a date range of all unpurged records, to get the information.  Note:  this is phase one.  Phase two will have an account inquiry and a separate Aged Trial Balance report for all cleared AR records. 



Batch Control:


A date range has been added to the Batch Control (Task 22 in AR) program for both the print function (Sub-task 4) and the purge function (Sub-task 5).



Label Printing:


The Customer label program ( Sub-task 2, found in 2/25/2: Generate Mailing Labels from Customer Master –LABELS) has a new selection available.  The labels can be printed using the tax status of the customers.  The tax status is on field #20 of the Customer Master File (Task 22 in AR). 


This is useful for mailing, for example, non-taxable customers a request for updated tax exemption certificates.







Mailing Labels:

Some mailing label printing programs now have the customer name as a selection.  Go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Mailing / Label Controls (Task 25)
      • General Mailing Labels from Customer Master (Sub-task 2)
      • Generate Form Letter from Customer Master (Sub-task 5)
      • Print Envelopes from Customer Master (Sub-task 6)



Detailed Aged Trial Balance:

1. There is an option to omit “future” aging on the detailed ATB (Task 9 in AR).

2. The programs “remember” each user’s previous selections for the various configuration options selected when the Aged Trial Balance was last run.



Cash Edit List:

New parameter option to NOT sort by Apply-to.  The edit list can then match the order in which the invoice applications were actually entered versus sorting and printing by document number.  Note: the Posting Register still sorts by document number for ease in lookup and auditing).  Look for the parameter: SORT'APPLYTO'ON'EDIT=.  It is found in:

  • Account Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
        • A/R – General (Option 1)



The pre-printed standard AR statement program supports printing the statements on plain paper with all of the existing features plus the added options for Prompt Payment Discounts and individual line item aging.



Posting Credit Card Payments & ‘Other’ Cash into AP Checking:

Two parameters have been added to allow credit card and ‘other’ cash received in Cash/Receipts Entry & Editing (Task 2 in AR – field #2: Trx Types 3, 6, 7-9) be included in the automatic posting to the AP checking account deposit (like regular cash received is currently processed)   The parameters are found in:

  • Account Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
        • A/R – General (Option 1)

Look for the parameters:

POST'INCLUDE'OTHER=              Include "Other $"  when the parameter POST'TO'AP=Y  

POST'INCLUDE'CCD=                   Include "Credit Card $" when the parameter POST'TO'AP=Y

Note: the parameter POST’TO’AP must also be Y(es)




Treatment of ‘Outbound Freight’:

A parameter has been added to determine if outbound freight should be consolidated or divisionalized, this is independent of the existing parameter: BAL’SHEET’FLAG option.  This parameter allows for consolidated Balance Sheets but divisionalized “sales” treatment of the outbound freight.  The parameter is found in:

  • Account Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
        • Interface (Option 3)


Look for the parameter: 

CONSOLIDATE'FREIGHT=            ;Override to allow outbound freight (Sales side O/E & A/R) to be handled differently than as specified by the BAL'SHEET'FLAG parameter.  Same options as BAL'SHEET'FLAG to specify setting or leave blank to use BAL'SHEET'FLAG.





Customer Account Inquiry Features  (Task 27)


The Customer inquiry function provides means to examine AR data at a glance or in detail on a specified customer's account.  The inquiry is capable of "drilling down" to the item level for specific transactions and re-printing the invoice.   Account activity can be sorted by document number, document type, division, date, ‘amplifying’ information, (‘Amplifying’ information could be PO #, Job #, Project #, etc) apply-to number, and age.   


To examine a customer's account go to:


  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Customer Inquiry (Task 27)


The inquiry consists of three basic screens:


         1st screen, Customer Number:

-                     Enter the customer #, name, or an open document number.

-                     Set aging based on due date (F1) or document date (F2).


         2nd screen, Customer Information:

-                     F1 searches for a specific check # from that customer.

-                     Displays “Average Days to Pay”


         3rd screen, Transaction Detail:

-                     Enter Y on a transaction to see its underlying line item detail

-                     F2 to reprint a selected invoice

-                     F9 toggles an information box at the bottom of the screen.


The first screen is used to select a customer, and set the aging basis.  Selectable options on the screen include:  entering a customer number, using tab to search for a customer by name, or using the ENTER key to search by document number. Press the F1 key to age by due date for Cash Flow/Collections, press the F2 key to age by document date for Auditing.


The second screen displays basic account information for the selected customer and displays account balance (including Open Order totals and Average Days to Pay) information.  F-key selections allow the user to conduct an inquiry based on a customer's check number and provide access to accounting and sales department notes.  Selectable options on this screen include:

Y =    see the open transactions for the selected customer (see third screen below for further information)

F1 = check # inquiry – enter the check number and see the invoices which were applied against the check number

F2 = see acct dept notes,

F3 = see sales dept notes. 

(Access to the notes, so additional information can be recorded, is controlled by using the A/R - General parameter settings:  ACCT'MEMO and SALES'MEMO).


The third screen presents a list of open transactions; in the upper right-hand corner the system will display the total number of pages – and which page you are on – for the chosen customer. 

Note: when you first see the data, it may be in a manner you are unfamiliar with (normally in “Apply to” order).  See #3 below for explanation on the various ways the date can be displayed. 

Also Note: once a selection of how the data is to be displayed, the user’s terminal will retain the display.  Therefore, each terminal/user will hold the user’s preference in viewing the data.


1.  Individual invoice and credit memo documents, originated in Order Entry, can be "drilled down" (by invoking the “Order History Inquiry”) to the order detail and item level.  Use Y to select an open invoice/credit memo created in Order Entry and Editing for further information

·        Press Tab to see the line items for the selected invoice/credit memo

·        Press F2 to reprint the invoice (a printer selection screen will appear)


2.  Move through the various screens by using:  Ctrl T for next screen; Ctrl R for previous screen; Ctrl E for last screen; and Home for first screen.


3.  Press F9 to toggle the “Information Box”, located at the bottom of the screen, to allow the information to be presented in several different ways: 

·        The “Legend Info” shows the six document types that will appear on the account

1.      A = advance payment  

2.      F = finance charge                            

3.      C = credit memo      

4.      I = invoice                                    

5.      D = debit memo       

6.      P = payment

·        The “Options Info” allows the data to be shown in either: A = Apply to #, or R = Running Balance.

·        The “Aging Info” shows prior and future month aging data.

·        The “Document Info” gives detailed information on the document selected, such as batch #, check #, running balance, and ‘apply to #’.

·        The “Sorting Info” features F-key selections that allow the information to be sorted by key columns such as: document #, document type, division, date, amplifying information, apply-to #, and age.



Customer Master Files:


1.  Three new fields have been added to the Customer Master (Task 17 in AR module).  On the 3rd screen find:  #49. Add invoices;  #50. Invoice code and #51. Acct admin #.


·        (49) Add Invoices:  indicate the number of additional invoices to print for this customer.  I.e. particular customers may always requires 2 extra copies of an invoice, enter ‘2’ in field #49.

·        (50) Invoice Code:  a user defined code for frequency or grouping for the re-print of invoices.  I.e. a particular group of customers may want re-print of all invoices each week.  With this ‘code’, the user may select all invoices, within a date range, for all customers with the same code.  Reprinting is done in the Miscellaneous History (Task 16 in O/E module).  A parameter will prevent zero invoices from being reprinted, look for the parameter:  ICODES’DUE’ONLY  in 6/32/22/1.  Note: reprinting of a single invoice can be done through either Customer Inquiry (Task 27 in AR) or in History Inquiry (Task 27 in OE) by using the F2 function key.

·        (51) Acct Admin #:  to “assign” AR accounts to individual persons.  The trial balance called “Aged Trial Balance by Salesperson/Admin# - ARTSLM” can be printed by ‘admin #’.  The names for the ‘administrator’ are set up in the Salesperson/Technician file (Task 20 in O/E module).


2.  The name, address & city field sizes (fields 2, 3, 4 & 5) have been expanded in the Customer Master (Task 17 in AR module).  The ‘name’ field has been expanded to 35 characters, both ‘address 1 & 2’ have been expanded to 30 characters and ‘city’ has been expanded to 20 characters.


3.  The ‘country’ field is tied to a master file which can support translation of an abbreviated code in the full country name when needed for printing or display.  The country is found in:

·        Order Processing (Module 6)

o       Shipping System (Task 5)

§         Country Maintenance (Sub-task 5)



Past Due Customer Analysis:


The “Past Due Customer Analysis” report can be printed in customer name  or customer number order, it also shows the billing terms for each customer.  This report can be found in:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Aged Trial Balance (Task 9)
      • Past Due Customer Analysis (Sub-task 6)


Tax Zones:


1.      The Tax Zone report (found in A/R module; Task 10 – Sales Analysis; Sub-task 14 -- Tax Zone Summary by Division # / Zone / Date Range) has been enhanced to include additional figures needed for cross referencing (i.e. balancing issues) directly to Sales History and the A/R to G/L interface reports.

2.      A new Tax Zone report has been added.  This report prints in ‘tax zone and division’ order (versus sub-task 14, which prints in ‘division/tax zone’ order).  The report is:  Tax Zone Summary by Zone / Division # / Date Range (found in A/R module; Task 10-Sales Analysis; Sub-task 15).




AR Aging:


An option has been added to age amounts due by accounting periods.  If your accounting periods are not the standard ‘monthly’ accounting periods but, for example, 4 weeks one ‘month’, 5 weeks the next ‘month’ and then 4 weeks in the final ‘month’ of a quarter, you may want to instead ‘age’ by the accounting period.   To accomplish this, go to:

·        Accounts Receivable (Module 2)

o       System Management Functions (Task 32)

§         Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)

·        Aging and Statement Control (Option 2)

Look for the parameter:  TYP'OF'AGE=      Options are:  DAILY or MONTHLY or PERIOD




Label Printing:


The customer label printing program has been changed to use new customer tables specifying relevant label size and placement settings.  This allows the user to reshape the label printing to fit the exact requirements for the forms and printer attributes.  For example – if you change laser lable stock suppliers or have multiple formats, you can  configure them without a programmer having to change the program.



Statement Discounts:


Used when a customer wants to turn his invoices over to one of his clients for re-imbursement at the retail price, and wants to negotiate a discount price for himself.  This method works when the MV Software/Profits Plus standard pre-printed form  (program: FORSTM found in AR/Prepare Monthly Statements) is used.


Step 1:

A contract record will need to be set up for the customer – in the Customer Contract Item File, found in Task 21 of the Order Processing module.  The record can be keyed to an item or groups of items using report classes, product codes, or a special category.  The discount will show on the customer's statement and will be treated in AR like a prompt-payment discount.


Below is a sample contract record:

*01. Customer #  : 00227                     RIVERTECH INC.       

*02. Alt ship-to#:00000

*03. Contract Key:09                

 04. Cust/item#  :

 05. Type ($/%/T):%

 06. Price / Disc:     10.00

 07. Price level :N

 08. Exp date    :

 09. Commission %:0.00

 10. Ref mark    :

 11. Application :S

 12. Allow EOM   :N



1.  Contract key can be an item #, report class, product code or special category

·        For a specific item #: set a % off a Price level or a specific $ amount.

·        If all items this customer purchases are subject to the discount, set up a contract record for each product code for the customer.

2.  Set field 12 of the contract record to N.


Step 2:

The following Accounts Receivable parameters need to be set.  The parameters can be found in:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • Aging & Statement Control (Option 2)

STM'FLG'OPT=( i.e. Y/N/A/a/B/b/C/c/e ) The custom statement flag options.  To get a Statement Discount, the letters A,a,B,b,C,c,D,d,E,e can be used in addition to Y and N.  Y strictly means that the customer gets a normal statement and N means that the customer doesn’t get any statement at all.  Detail can be provided on a separate piece of paper, after the statement has been printed, by using a lower case letter.   For example, a customer could use a C (a statement discount, without detail) or a (a statement discount with detail).

Customers can be given Statement Discounts based on a Special Category, Product Code, Report Class, Specific Item Number or ‘All of the Above’….which ever is designated in the Contract Record.

A & a = items grouped together in a specified Special Category (field #34 on the Inventory Item Master)

B & b = items belonging to a specified Product Code (field #23 on the Inventory Item Master)

C & c = items belong to a specified Report Class (field #24 on the Inventory Item Master)

D & d = a specific item number

E & e = All of the above   


STM'FLG'PROMPT(i.e. Y/N/A/a/B/b/C/c)  Which ‘prompts’ should appear at the bottom of the screen  at the “Get Statement” field on the Customer Master (Task 17 in AR).  These should match the options in STM’FLG’OPT

STM'CIX'DSC(i.e. A/a/B/b/C/c) Special trigger, other than Y or N, in statement program to prompt for which statements should be printed.


Step 3:

The following field needs to be set in the AR Customer Master File (Task 17) record:

22Get statemt.:

  • Note: This setting could be Y(es), N(o), or one of the capital letter (no detail) or lower (detail) case letters set up in STM’FLG’OPT .  In order for the statement discounts to work, it cannot be Y or N (Y = standard statement; N=no statement).


 Step 4:

Printing the Statement, go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Prepare Monthly Statements (Task 12)
      • Pre-Printed Forms  (program: FORSTM)


Make the normal selections, except for:

Please enter - starting customer statement flag type:  If statements are being run for all customers, press the ENTER key for ALL customers, however if statements are going to be printed for just the customers who get, as an example, a statement discount for Product Codes with detail, enter ‘b’.


Please enter discount cut-off date: this date regulates whether the discount is going to be given to the customer, or not.  Any documents older than this date will not receive the statement discount.


After the statement is printed, it will show the available discount at the bottom.  If the setting on field 22 (Get Statement) in the Customer Master file is an upper case ‘B’, no explanatory report will be printed.  If it is a lower case letter ‘b’, an explanatory report will be generated and printed.  Below is a sample of the explanatory report:




Using the sample Contract Record, at the top of this document, Item # 150-045 is in product code 9, and the contract record is set to give a 10% discount, whereas items with * would belong to another Special Category (A/a); Product Code (B/b) or Report Class (C/c)…this is based on the example where only A/a/B/b/C/c were allowed as valid options…and the item with ** is an item that didn’t belong to any Special Category, Product Code or Report Class set up with a Customer Contract Record that should receive a Statement Discount.


Note:  if the statement or explanatory report doesn’t print the way you need or want for your customers, please contact us for further discussion






Customer Master File:

  1. The Customer Master (Task 17) program option for automatic assigning of Customer numbers has been further enhanced to skip those numbers already used without giving the warning message (Key Value Already Exists) and requiring user input on each used number, as previously required.  The ‘auto-assigned’ numbers start checking at #300 if you go directly to the “Add New Customer Record” (Sub-task 1) or from the last customer number accessed if you go to the  “Change Existing Customer Record” (Sub-task 2) or “Delete Existing Customer Record” (Sub-task 3) and bring up a customer number immediately before going into the “Add” sub-task.  This allows you to control whether new customer records are inserted following a given customer or just starting with the lowest number.
  2. A new field (Misc. Options - field # 52) was added to the Customer Master File program.  This field allows, based on the customer, the override of system parameters such as allowing unit prices to print or to block prices from printing on the invoice, along with by-passing dimensional rounding for items.


Cash Receipts:

The  F2 - “Auto Select” function now defaults the discount control date based on the A/R parameter setting for CASH’DISC ( in 2/32/22/1), similar to the way the system defaults using Manual Select (F1).  Options for the parameter are:  F – Flag the discount with just an ‘*’  or D – Flag the discount with an ‘*’ and compare the receive/due date for the default.



Customer Inquiry – Task 27:


1.  The Account Admin #  from the Customer Master (Task 17, field 51) is displayed in the Customer Inquiry.


2.  Average-Days-to-Pay calculation is shown on the first screen of the customer account information (under Open Orders)


3.  Program now allows access to multi-page memos, in their entirety, in display-only mode as well as the edit-mode.  To determine which ‘mode’ currently is being used or to change the mode, go to:

  • Account Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify System Parameters (Sub-task 22)
        • A/R General (Option 1)


Look for the parameters:  ACCT’MEMO’ACCESS and SALES’MEMO’ACCESS.  Customer Inquiry (Task 27) is Position 1; Cash Receipts Entry & Editing  (Task 2) is Position 2; and Sales Entry & Editing  (Task 1) is Position 3.  Options are:

N – No access to the Customer or Sales memos

S – See the memo notes by using the “F” key

– Display the memo automatically

P – Display the memo automatically ONLY if text already exists.

– Edit the memo notes by using the “F” key

– Automatically edit the memo notes

– Automatically edit the memo ONLY if text already exists


Cash History Inquiry – Task 29:

  1. The Cash History Inquiry has been enhanced with the added option of finding specific checks by entering a check number or asking for all checks within a date range.
  2. In addition, the inquiry has been enhanced with a user selectable starting date and the user can also select “All” for customer selection. The inquiry allows you to review the Cash History for any given combination of customer, check #, and starting date.  This can be used to inquire on receipts starting from a given date for a specific customer or for all customers, as needed.


Average-Days-To-Pay Report:

A new report has been created to show the average-days-to pay OR average-past-due-days, along with additional credit reporting and collection information for analyzing customer payment history.  Running the program by “Due Date’ basis will provide Average Days Past Due; using the “Document Date” basis will provide Average Days to Pay.  Note:  the same “Date’ basis must be used in this program and customer statements if a direct comparison is required.  The “average days’ figure is also shown on the A/R Customer Inquiry (Task 27) and is being phased in to show on select aging reports.  This program can be found in:

  1. Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Aged Trial Balance (Task 9)
      • Customer Payment History Analysis-PAYHST (Sub-task 9)



Cleared A/R History – Task 24:

1.In Sub-task 4: Print  Selected Paid-History Records a customer number range option has been added.


  1. In addition to customer number range being added, a date number range has also been added.


Customer Data Export:

Telephone and fax number options have been added in the customer data export.



Specify G/L Prefix:

The ‘traditional’ system works using the prefix numbers of 1, 5 and 6 for the ‘siamese’ accounts of Inventory, COS and Sales (i.e  Inventory would be 124-00-01, Sales would be 524-00-01 and COS would be 624-00-01). There are parameters that let you set your own prefixes for the Inventory, COS and Sales accounts.  Enter a prefix, for all three, for a non-traditional pattern.  The parameter is found in:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 3)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter File (Sub-Task 22)
        • Interface (Option 3)

Look for the parameters:









Collection Report:

A new collection report tool to list individual past due invoices by customer has been added.  This report is geared strictly to collections rather than for balancing.  It is more streamlined than a full A/R Trial Balance report, leaving out paid but uncleared invoices, etc.


The information for this report is stored in the A/R Open Master file (Task 18 in the AR module).  The report can be run on due date basis, possibly running it by individual salesperson.  For this type of report, you may want to skip accounts that currently owe nothing or have a credit balance.


Selectable options are: 

  • cutoff date
  • aging period
  • report order (Numeric-customer # or Alphabetic-customer name)
  • print customer addresses
  • and skip zero/credit balance accounts.


Multiple range selections are:  division number, customer number or name, and salesperson number.


The report can be found in:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • Aged Trial Balance (Task 9)
      • Detailed Past Due Invoice Report – PASTDU (Sub-Task 10)



Sales Entry & Editing ‘Edit Report’ & ‘Posting Register’:


The Tax, Freight, and Discount Fields on both reports has been expanded.



Tax Zones:  

The Tax Zone reports (found in A/R, Task 10) have been enhanced to include accrued tax discounts when using End of Month Discounts.  See the enhancement below for explanation of how the tax accrual is set up in Profits Plus.



End-of-Month Discounts Tax Accrual:

Tax can be accrued on End-of-Month statement discounts, based on Customer Contract Item File (task 21).   For explanation of how ‘End-of-the-Month Discounts” work, please see the document titled: Statement Discounts in the AR section of the website.

Go to:

  • Order Processing (Module 6)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • Posting & Label Options (Option 4)

1st parameter:  SET’STM’DISCOUNTS Y/N    This parameter decides whether the discounts are set during Order Entry postings as available discounts, which then can be treated as Prompt Payment discounts and available in AR as such, if not then the discounts will be calculated when the statements are generated (often referred to as End-of-the-Month Statements) and still be treated as a Prompt Payment discounts.  If the discounts are to be given as credit memos, instead of being treated as Prompt Payment discounts, then set this parameter to N.

2nd & 3rd parameters:  STM’DSC’EXP’PREFIX & STM’DSC’ALW’PREFIX are used to accrue the discounts at the time of posting so the General Ledger reflects the NET SALES daily. Prefix for debit to Discount Expense account and credit to Discount Allowance account IF End-of-Month discount is be accrued during posting.  The Prefix will overlay the original item revenue GL account.   For example:  the standard GL account number is 7 digits (first 3 indicate Assets, Liability, etc.;  middle 2 for department; last 2 for division).  If the department and division are to remain the same, only enter the first 3 digits as the prefix,  whereas a 5 digit parameter prefix would keep only the last 2 digits (the division) of the revenue account.
4th parameter: STM’CREDIT’TAX: Y/N Calculate the tax credit on the discount amounts?  Y – calculate tax credit, N – don’t calculate.
5th parameter: STM’DISC’TAX’PREFIX: which GL account/prefix for tax  discount debit, leave blank if  TAX for discount WILL NOT be ACCRUED.  Note: this parameter is only used if STM’CREDIT’TAX is Yes.






Tax Zone Report:

The Tax Zone by Division (TZNRPT), found in A/R Module, Task 10, Sub-task 14, has been enhanced with an option to print a detailed list of ‘no zone’ transactions.  This report can be used to audit the ‘+nozone short’ figures on the report.



  1. The standard statement program (FORSTM), found in the A/R Module, Task 12, Sub-task 1, now supports bulk e-mailing and faxing of customer statements.  For this option to be implemented, the optional e-mail and/or faxing packages and e-form printing are required.
  2. At the time the statements are printing, an option has been added to co-generate invoice reprinting


Cash Receipts:

Cash Receipts Entry and Editing (Task 2 in A/R module) has been changed to track cash receipt entries by operator (terminal #).  Edit lists and postings can be done separately, based on terminal number, rather than having to post everything in the cash receipts file at one time.  In order for this parameter to work, another one must also be set.  These options are activated by setting the following parameters, go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • A/R General (Option 1)

Look for the parameters:  CASH’BY’TERMINAL=Y (for Yes) and CASH’LOCK’MODE=M (for Multiple users)





Track sales ‘net of discount’:

A new parameter has been added to allow you to track a customer’s monthly sales ‘net of discounts allowed’.  The sales figures are in the Customer Master fields 54-65 and 67-78.   All sales reports using the Customer Master for the data will reflect sales minus the available end-of-the-month discounts.   Look for the parameter in:

o       Accounts Receivable (Module 2)

o       System Management Functions (Task 32)

§         Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)

·        A/R – General (Option 1)


The reports which use the Customer Master fields are found in:

A/R, Sales Analysis (Task 10), reports 1 through 8

A/R, Sales Distribution (Task 11), reports 7 through 11.



Class Code:

1.)  New field (#53) added to the Customer Master record (Task 17) for "Class Code".  The label for the field is user-defined, go to:

·       Accounts Receivable (Module 2)

o       System Management Functions (Task 32)

§         Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)

·        A/R – General (Option 1)

Look for the parameter:  CUS’CLASS’PROMT


There is also a new table to define valid Class Code selections, it is found in 2/32/17/9 – Customer Classification Codes



2.)  A report has the option of Class Code added.  The report is:  Sales Analysis by Cust Type / Tax Status / Class, All Months   This report is found in 2/10/3




A ‘variance’ column has been added as part of the sales history audit when the A/R Open Items (Task 18) report is printed via Sub-task 4 (Print Selected Open-Item Records).  Answer Y(es) to the system prompt:  Audit discount amounts against sales history (Y/N).


Finance Charge:

1.)  A parameter has been added to allow the reporting of Finance Charges from a single division versus reporting them separately for each division.  Go to:

  • Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
        • A/R – General 1 (Option 1)

Look for the parameter:  SINGLE'FCH'DIV=           ; Create finance charges with this division #.

Enter in the division number if one division is to be used.  The standard/default is to leave this parameter blank, which means the system will calculate and track the Finance Charges separately by division in A/R.  Also see the A/R Interface parameters (2/32/22/3) which can "consolidate" to a specific division on the G/L Interface independent of the setting here so they can be separate in A/R but consolidated for G/L financial statements.


2.)  The Finance Charge program has been changed to assign document numbers using the Order Entry invoice counter numbers instead of using a separate A/R Finance Charge invoice counter.  This will eliminate the possibility of the document numbers overlapping due to separate counters being used.  The ‘counters’ are found in all modules in System Management Functions (Task 32); Set Values for Counters (Sub-task 28).


3.)  A new G/L Interface account for “Finance Charge Receivables” has been added so they can be kept separated from the normal “Receivables’.   This will allow the Finance Charges to be (1) tracked separately in the G/L; (2) not co-mingled with the regular Receivables and (3) not recognized as income until the Finance Charge has been paid.   For more details and complete instructions, see the following document which is available in theAccounts Receivable section of the Knowledge Base on the Website:  RECORD FINANCE CHARGES when FC INVOICE is PAID




The “Generate Mailing Labels from Customer Master” program (found in 2/25/2) can be printed with the optional Active or Inactive customer status.








The A/R report: Sales Analysis by Salesman # / Customer Name for All Months (SASLMN) has the option to include BOTH the active and inactive customers and can print the current year only sales figures (omitting the prior year).  Using these options and the existing "Entry date" range option it is easy to get a monthly sales summary snapshot of new customers.  These options can of course also be used with the other existing options for a multitude of sales reporting scenarios.

End-of-the-Month Discounts:


 The "End-of-Month discount" calculation option (set10n O/E) has been expanded so the discounts can be set by the O/E posting ONLY and NOT reset when the statements are printed.  This is VERY IMPORTANT if tax credits are included in the calculations and a tax rate change occurs or when you modify discount contracts.  The statement recalculation effectively makes both of those types of changes retroactive. If you DO NOT want changes to be retroactive then you need to change the setting of the SET'STM'DISCOUNTS parameter from "Y" to "P" in O/E/32/22/1.  Even with this change it is still VERY IMPORTANT to consider the timing of changes to the tax rates and discount contracts since they are used at the time of the order posting, not the order or invoice date.  That means you really need to have a clean cutoff of order invoicing and posting when you are implementing tax rate changes when statement discounts are involved.


Reversal of Finance Charges:

The Finance Charge program (Task 4 in A/R) has been enhanced to allow for the system to automatically create negative Finance Charge invoices and apply them to the original Finance Charge invoices.   This program can be run by a single, range or all customers.   There is a cutoff date you enter that the system uses to look for Finance Charge invoices.   The program will not reverse the FC invoices if there is any activity prior to the date entered (i.e. older-dated invoices/credit memos) or if there is any activity on the actual FC (i.e. a partial payment).  



The standard A/R statement printing program now has the option of automatically archiving all of the statements that are printed.   Archiving the statements will be in a .pdf format in a separate directory that you specify. The archived file names will usually contain the customer account number and the statement date for ease in locating them if it becomes necessary to do so, for example: 58500_20090630_stmt.pdf would mean the statement is dated June 30, 2009 for customer 58500.   Note: there is some setup work that must be done before this feature is functional, please contact us for help.



Invoice Code:

You can now create your own ‘invoice codes’, which are placed on field #50 in the Customer Master file.  These codes can be used for grouping customers for a billing period, as an example.  The codes are setup in:

·        Accounts Receivable (Module 2)

o       System Management Functions (Task 32)

§         Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)

·        Invoicing Codes (Selection 10)



Tax Zones:

“Copy Existing Tax Zones/Create New Ones”, which is sub-task 8 in the Tax Zone Master file (Task 23), has been enhanced with ‘skipping’ and ‘replacing’ when copying existing tax zones.


Importing into the Customer Master:

There is a program which will take input from a CSV format file to update one designed field in the A/R Customer Master records.  For example, you would like to update the Finance Charge field on the Customer Master from N to Y, this program allows the ease of that change.  The import program is found in:

·         Accounts Receivable (Module 2)

o       System Management Functions (Task 32)

§         Update Customers from Import (Sub-task 13)


The format of the .csv report is:   Customer account #, field of choice, X


Column 3 of each row MUST be a populated with an `X' as a placeholder to ensure the proper columns usage.  Any columns after that will be ignored so customer names, etc may be left for readability.

The first row of the file must contain headers, with column 2 being a valid customer file internal field name.  Go to the program, and then press TAB key for a list of valid field names to use in the import report.


Cost for Tax and Freight:

Removed restriction in the A/R to G/L Interface that suppressed all "cost $" for the Tax & Freight G/L interface accounts.  This allows Order Entry line items or manual A/R transactions distributed to these accounts to now have a "cost" component.  Dedicated freight & tax fields inherently have no such component and remain that way.


Mailing/Label Control (Task 25)

The program:    Generate Form Letter from Customer Master (CUSFMT) can now deliver the letters created via e-mail or fax, if you have the optional e-mail/faxing add-on and if the Customer Master file is set correctly to ‘read’ the e-mail address or fax number.



A/R changes up to 09/30/12


Cash/Receipts Entry (Task 2) Apply Multiple Payments

Cash receipts entry (Task 2) now allows selection of up to 35 unapplied open credits or payments (field 11) on one transaction for reapplying instead of just one.



Customer account inquiry (Task 27) – F1 Payment inquiry (not just check inquiry)

We extended the customer account inquiry F1 "Check inquiry" function to support non-check payment options as well so it now provides a more robust "Payment inquiry" capability.  This can be used to fine tune lookups to ask for: a specific check, all check payments within a specified date range, non-check (ie cash/credit card) payments within a date range, etc.


Tracking job # of cash/receipt entry

Extended tracking of the job number responsible for each cash/receipt entry transaction (Task 2), beyond the edit list & posting into the cash history master file (Task 20).



Aged trial balance with detail ARTDTN export to CSV

We modified the detailed aged trial balance (ARTDTN), to support exporting to standard CSV format.


Statement log

A statement "log" has been added to track statement printing for advanced review/analysis (Task 12 Prepare monthly statements), (Sub-task 5 View statement log STMLOG).  The log shows the ranges & other selections made. It identifies the outcome for each specific customer such as: "printed", "emailed to xxxx@yyyy.com", "faxed to ...", or the reason.  If they did not have a statement generated.  ie balance below minimum, customer type, etc.



Customer master, Misc options

Extended the customer master (Task 17) "Misc options" (Field 52) values to include "D/d" for customer specific override to show line item discounts on invoices.



Credit Card & Cash Independent

We made the Credit Card cash independent of regular A/R cash so it can be tracked separately rather than as a subset.



Specific e-form by customer

We added use of the new customer file generic attribute (field 54) in the standard statement program FORSTM which can be used to designate a specific e-Form by customer attribute.  ie If you had a custom statement for a given customer or group that is not uniquely identified by selling division, etc.



FORSTM Printing e-delivery statements or printed statements

The standard statement program FORSTM was modified to allow independent selection of delivery method for e-delivery statements vs printed ones.  This can be used for physically printing statements if your email server is down, reprinting only the printed statements and not resending emailed ones or vice versa, et al.



Customer inquiry history lookup includes backup documents

The existing customer account inquiry (Task 27) function linking to the order processing history inquiry now provides a gateway to viewing archived images of invoices which may include "signed" invoice copies and/or additional documents such as customer workorders.  This is currently available only on Windows based Profits Plus servers.  Contact us for details.



Put cleared A/R history back in A/R Open items

Cleared A/R history maintenance (Task 24) now has an option to move entries from the history back to the A/R Open items file(Task 18).  This can be very handy in cases where payments were misapplied and you want to "put the trx's back on the customer account" after they have cleared in order to make appropriate adjusting entries.



S or $ for Singapore dollars

We created a new parameter for adding a "Currency Marker" to the bottom line amount due on customer statements. ie "S$" for Singapore dollars.



Statement question

Statement option added to handle applied payments/trx's based on the date of the document they are applied to.  This only applies where the "Starting date" option is used with standard statements.


·       Long "Country" name printing added to standard statements.

·       Added another remit-to configuration option on standard statements




·       New daily routing fields added for both normal & holiday weeks.


·       New "cash basis" tax report created TAXCSH.


·       New customer attribute field created with table defining valid selections.


·       Modified the tax zone report (TZNRPT) output to split zone naming fields better for exporting.


·       Implemented divisional access restrictions in sales & cash entry based on the existing implementation from order processing.


·       Added option to include customer accounting memo notes on the PASTDU report for customer collections.


·       Added salesperson & admin selections to cleared A/R history report.


·       New sales analysis report by country/state/city.



A/R changes up to 06/26/13:




Tax Zone Master


An 'Update from import' function has been added in the tax zone master file maintenance to allow creation of new tax zone entries from a CSV spreadsheet file.  This function can also be used to update the tax rate of existing tax zones.



Email Statements


Extended automatic email delivery option for customer statements to support multiple email addresses per customer.



Edelivery of Customer Invoices


The collating sequence for edelivery of customer invoices along with statements has been changed so the statement will appear first in the email/fax followed by the associated invoices.


A/R changes up to 04/01/15:


Subdivision Report

Extended subdivision support from the whole invoice level down to the distribution line item level.

Tax Zone Report

Enhanced tax zone report TZNTZN to show the "State" for cross reference and an option to include "no-zone" transactions in the report detail for easier auditing.

Cash Receipts

Added "Unapplied amount & discount" to cash receipts edit list & register to explicitly show when payments are not fully applied.

Log File

Added final counts of print/email/archive from customer statements to the log file along with the existing on-screen display. Also added "customer name" range.

Label Export Program

Added customer memo option to the label export program. This includes a prefix 'filter' so you can limit to select memo lines such as email addresses.

Finance Charges

Added subdivision capability in the finance charge programs

A/R changes up to 11/13/15:


Change apply-to in A/R Customer Account Inquiry

Customer Inquiry (task 27) can apply/re-apply/unapply documents by picking them from the displayed list on-the-fly and seeing the results immediately. The makes the process much more efficient & visual than the dedicated task for “Change apply-to #’s”.  Use the F9 to toggle to info box “4. Apply-to info” for details on using A/T/U or contact us to walk through an example. You can also visit mvsalliance.com -> Knowledge Base -> A/R -> Task 27,  Customer Account Inquiry for details or simply click  here: http://fogbugz.mvsoftware.com/FogBugz/default.asp?W392

Please note the option for displaying the apply-to & age instead of running balance was changed from “A” to “P” (see info box “3. Options info”).  **Cash receipts is still used to “split” a single payment/credit document for applying to multiple documents.

A/R changes up to 07/28/16:


EOM Statement w/o Printing Discount Amount 

New parameter option PRINT’CIX’DSC’TOTAL to make statement printing of the end-of-month discount separate from the its recalculation & updating. So you can use EOM discounts and get the supplemental report without printing the amount on the statement itself.

A/R changes up to 08/03/16:


Internal Email Address Option for Statements

Created an option to email all statements to one address internally for collections processing without disrupting normal customer email delivery.

Support for Color Logos on Customer Statements

*** Add support for COLOR LOGOS on customer statements. ***

A/R changes up to 07/27/17:


Dedicated Export for Customer Email Addresses

Added a dedicated export for customer email addresses in Mailing/Label Control, task 25, subtask CUSMXA.


A/R changes up to 09/12/17:


Report of net unpaid $ by Customer & Invoice in ATB

New report to show net unpaid $ by customer & invoice in the Aged Trial Balance menu, task 9, subtask ARONET.