- Financial Statements (Task #10):
- Manual TRX Entry & Editing (Task 1):
- Prompts for Specific Interfaces (Task 2)
- Redistribute, by Percentage, from a GL Account (Task 1, Sub-task 5):
- Posting Register (Task 4)
- Reversing GL Entries (Task 18):
- Trial Balance & Financial Statements:
- Import Data into Manual TRX Entry and Editing:
- Print & Erase YTD Master Records (Task 20):
- General Ledger changes through 09/30/12:
- General Ledger changes through 04/04/13:
- General Ledger changes through 03/20/14:
- General Ledger changes through 10/05/17:
- Financial Statements (Task #10):
- Manual TRX Entry & Editing (Task 1):
- Prompts for Specific Interfaces (Task 2)
- Redistribute, by Percentage, from a GL Account (Task 1, Sub-task 5):
- Posting Register (Task 4)
- Reversing GL Entries (Task 18):
- Trial Balance & Financial Statements:
- Import Data into Manual TRX Entry and Editing:
- Print & Erase YTD Master Records (Task 20):
- General Ledger changes through 09/30/12:
- General Ledger changes through 04/04/13:
- General Ledger changes through 03/20/14:
- General Ledger changes through 10/05/17:
Year-end (Task #32, Sub-task #1):
Additional trappings of user errors while performing Year End closing and re-opening procedures.
Financial Statements (Task #10):
Financial statements can print a variance column.
Financial report options are stated differently. See below for example of new information/option screen:
1. Period dates 0401xx 04/30/xx (press TAB for list of accounting periods)
2. Division numbers ALL
3. Income statement? (Y/N) Y with supporting schedules? (Y/N) Y
4. Balance sheet? (Y/N) Y with supporting schedules? (Y/N) Y
5. Working capital? (Y/N) N
6. Print a separate report for each division? . . (Y/N) Y
7. Print today's date and time? . . . . . . . . . . (Y/N) N
8. Change format?(Y/N) N Period & YTD vs. BUDGET (press TAB for a complete list of report formats)
9. Use consolidated ratios in supporting schedules? (Y/N) N
Manual TRX Entries (Task #1):
The limit of 9 distributions, per manual transaction, has been eliminated.
Post Manual & Interface TRX’s (Task #4):
New fields appear on the Posting Register. “Source Document” is the type of entry being posted: M=Manual, I=Interface, R=Recurring. Also the “Batch Sequence Number” appears. Every line in the posting register is numbered with a unique sequence number so the Trial Balance can easily refer to it.
Trial Balance (Task #9):
The trial balance ties back every line to its original posting register by displaying the batch number, sequence number (the line # on the original posting register) and source type (type being Manual, Interfaced or Recurring).
Manual TRX Entry & Editing (Task 1):
Before there was a limit of nine distributions per transaction – this has been eliminated. There is no limit to the number of distributions/lines per transaction.
Prompts for Specific Interfaces (Task 2)
In “Obtain Interface Transactions” the system now prompts for the specific GL Interfaces to be obtained. A new screen prevents accidental double postings by allowing the user control over which interfaces will be obtained and posted for each batch. See below for an example of the screen:
Choose Interfaces to be Obtained
Last Last Obtain for generated obtained posting Interface for for now? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Payroll……………….. 10/31/xx 10/31/xx P/R (Y/N) N 2. Accounts receivable….. 10/31/xx 10/31/xx A/R (Y/N) Y 3. Accounts payable……. 10/31/xx 10/31/xx A/P (Y/N) Y 4. G/L recurring entries…. 10/31/xx 09/30/xx G/L (Y/N) N
5. Post the obtained interfaces to G/L period: 10 10/01 to 10/31 6. Assign a posting date with period 10 of: 10/31/xx
Any changes? |
Fields 1 through 4:
Answer Y (yes) to obtain and interface and add it to the current batch to be posted.
Answer N (no) to prevent an interface from being added to the current batch
The cursor will no go to a line that has been disabled in GL task #32; Sub-task 5 – “Setup automatic interface”
Enter the period number where the interfaces should be posted.
A pop-up window appears to show date ranges for each period and highlights the current period.
Field 6:
Enter the posting date that should be applied to all the obtained entries in the current batch.
The “Last generated for” column will be blank until new interfaces are generated, then the date when the last time the GL Interface was generated (in the AR/AP/PR modules) will appear.
The “Last obtained for” column will show the posting date used the last time this interface was obtained.
Redistribute, by Percentage, from a GL Account (Task 1, Sub-task 5):
A template can be created that will redistribute, via an automatically created Manual GL Entry, the amount in a posted GL account into one or more other GL accounts based on a percentage. For example, everything for automobile expense is put into one GL account when vouchered in A/P, then it has been decided to redistribute the amount into various departments based on a specified percentage or has been decided to create new, more specific GL accounts and the dollar amount should be redistributed.
Go to:
General Ledger (Module 4)
Manual TRX Entry & Editing (Task 1)
Redistribution Templates (Sub-task 5)
- Redistribution Templates Entry & Editing (Option 1)
- Create Manual Entries from Redistribution Templates (Option 2)
Redistribution Templates (Sub-task 5)
Manual TRX Entry & Editing (Task 1)
Option #1: the fields on 1st screen --
1. From G/L acct # - enter GL account number redistributing FROM (i.e. 701-00-01 Auto/Truck Expense)
2. Template name - when ‘creating’ entries, range can be by Template Name
3. To Source - is this an AP based entry, GL based, etc. Informational field
4. To Reference - a 30 alphanumeric space for a description. Informational field
Option #1: the fields on the 2nd screen are the GL accounts redistributed TO--
Account # Description Percent
1 704-00-01 AUTO/TRUCK - LEASING 40.00
2 703-00-01 AUTO/TRUCK - MAINT/REPAIR 15.00
3 755-00-01 AUTO/TRUCK – FUEL 45.00
Option #2: once the ‘template’ is entered in Option #1, the entries need to be created, below is the layout of the first in-put screen
Apply these templates: START END
1. Template account #. . . 7010001 7010001__
2. Division numbers. . . . ALL
To these posted transactions:
3. Transaction dates . . . 01/01/xx 01/31/xx
4. Batch numbers . . . . . ALL
5. Show help screens? [Y/N] These screens give step-by-step instructions on how to use, set-up and the end-result – which is an entry in Manual TRX Entry & Editing (Task 1, Sub-task 1 in the GL module). The entry then needs to be posted into the General Ledger using Task #4.
Posting Register (Task 4)
The posting register, from “Post Manual & Interface TRX’s” in Task 4, numbers every line with an unique sequence number that ties it to the trial balance and shows the source type of the entry (M=Manual; I=Interface; R=Recurring).
Reversing GL Entries (Task 18):
A new type of recurring journal entry has been added: reversing entries. These entries will automatically post a reversal of itself in the following GL period. Go to:
General Ledger (Module 4)
- Recurring Journal Entries (Task 18)
Below is an example of a recurring entry.
01. Debit acct : 344-00-01 ACCRUED INTEREST
02. Credit acct : 701-00-01 AUTO/TRUCK - GEN'L
03. Debit source: REV
04. Credit sourc: REV
05. Debit refer : Deductible interest
06. Credit refer: Deductible interest
07. Amount : $550.00
08. Start date : 12/31/xx
09. End date : 01/01/xx
10. Posting date:
The source in fields 3 and 4 must be REV. ‘State Date’ – field 8 – is the date when you want the entry to first be posted; ‘End Date’ – field 9 – is the date when you want the entry to be reversed. A reversing entry is only good for one period (note: see further instructions on how to use the same record more than once).
From the example above, when Task 2 (Obtain Interface Transactions) is processed for December, 20xx the entry will be a Debit for $550.00 to account #344-00-01 and a Credit for $550.00 to account #701-00-01. When Task 2 (Obtain Interface Transactions) is process for January, 20xx, the entry will be a Credit for $550.00 to account #344-00-01 and a Debit to account #701-00-01; thereby ‘reversing’ the original entry.
There is a “sub-task” list of options to help with the ease of using this option. Go to:
General Ledger (Module 4)
Recur/Reverse TRX Maintenance (Sub-task 8)
- 1. Copy reversing entries
- 2. Purge expired Rec/Rev entries
- 3. Rev/Rec JE listing by CR acct
- 4. Rev/Rec JE listing by DB acct
- 5. Change recurring entry dates
Recur/Reverse TRX Maintenance (Sub-task 8)
#1: Lets you create new Reversing Entries by changing the Start/End dates on existing Reversing entries all ready in Task 18
#2: Purges expired Recurring/Reversing entries by entering in a cut-off date. We suggest leaving two years of entries in case there is a need to re-do an old GL period.
#3: Prints a report of Reversing or Recurring entries, sorted by the Credit account number
#4: Prints a report of Reversing or Recurring entries, sorted by the Debit account number.
#5: This is only for Recurring entries (allows for changing the end date on a range of recurring entries)
Trial Balance & Financial Statements:
1. Both the GL trial balance and financial statements can be printed by ‘random’ division numbers, in addition to the standard ‘range’ of division numbers.
2. Every line of the Trial Balance ties back to the original posting register (produced in Task #4) by showing the batch number, sequence number and source type.
Import Data into Manual TRX Entry and Editing:
There is an option to import data into the distribution lines of a manual journal entry. This is useful for importing entries from an outside system or spreadsheet for Payroll, Depreciation Schedules, etc. There is on-screen help regarding the format of the files and other information. Note: contact us as needed for information and options regarding file transfer onto the server for your particular situation. Go to:
General Ledger (Module 4)
- Manual TRX Entry & Editing (Task 1)
1. Enter (ADD) New Transaction (Sub-task 1)
2. Change Existing Transaction (Sub-task 2)
At the bottom of the second screen (where the GL account numbers are entered) a ‘prompt’ appears: F1/TAB for name search, F2 for file import, left-arrow to delete/end.
Print & Erase YTD Master Records (Task 20):
Sub-task 4 (Print selected YTD records) and Sub-task 5 (Erase selected YTD records) prompts for a dollar amount range and a source type (Manual, Interface or Recurring).
Post Manual & Interface TRX’s (Task 4):
The “Post Manual & Interface TRX’s” program now requires all General Ledger account numbers about to be posted, must already be in to the GL Account Master file (Task 17 in GL module) with proper Financial Statement codes.
Financial Statements (Task 10):
There is a new question to answer prior to running the Financial Statements. The question is in position #8 – “Rollup Divisions into one line? Y/N”
- Y(es) will print just the sum of multiple divisions on a single line.
- N(o) will print each division amount on a separate line.
- The Financial Statements will no longer print pages that have all zero amounts on them.
Accounting Periods:
Each module now maintains its own account period dates. Therefore, ending the year in GL no longer affects the AR period dates. This is setup and maintained in:
General Ledger (Module 4)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
- Setup Accounting Periods (Sub-task 7)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Inactive G/L Accounts:
A program has been added to determine inactive General Ledger accounts (those with no transactions in the YTD Master file- Task 20). The report will show the account number, description, financial statement codes and any previous YTD amounts. Go to:
· General Ledger (Module 4)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Inactive G/L Account Report (Sub-task 11)
Trial Balance- Task 9:
The G/L Trial Balance has a new range (in addition to transaction dates, account numbers and divisions) to select the criteria for producing a Trial Balance. The new range is by Statement Code – which is found on field 3 of the G/L Account Master (Task 17 in G/L module). This option can help limit the report to specific sections of the Income Statement or Balance Sheet.
Statement Codes:
Statement coding choices have been enhanced to allow up to nine levels of totals for accounts…this allows for additional formatting capabilities. Contact us for help in making changes to financial statement formatting.
Specify Asset/Sales/COGS Accounts:
Traditionally the software uses ‘siamese’ GL accounts for Assets (accounts beginning with ‘1’), Cost of Goods Sold (accounts beginning with ‘5’) and Sales (accounts that begin with ‘6’). Meaning when an inventory item is sold (Asset), the corresponding COS and Sales accounts are automatically used. There are now parameters that allow specified asset, sales and COGS general ledger account prefixes to be used. This allows for more alternative numbering schemes. The parameters are found in:
Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- Interface (Option 3)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for:
Note: if these parameters are used, ALL 3 MUST be used.
Financial Statement Format:
A new statement format has been added when printing financial statements. It is: Period & YTD vs Prior-YR – Variance This option combines two previous options on a single report. Note: The columns for ratio % and dollar amounts have been reversed.
Transaction ID:
Each G/L transaction, whether it’s a manual or ‘obtained’ entry, will have a unique transaction number. This will assist when determining the debit and credit side of a journal entry when viewed on a G/L Posting register, a G/L Trial Balance report or in an YTD Master (Task 20) report.
Below will describe how this functionality affects the individual Tasks:
1. Task 1 (Manual TRX Entry & Editing). The system will automatically assign a transaction number in field 1. This ensures the ‘uniqueness’ of the entire transaction.
2. Task 2 (Obtain Interface Transactions). The system will automatically assign the same, new transaction number to all items in an interface (A/R, A/P, P/R). All items in a single interface will get the same transaction ID number, with each interface receiving a different transaction number. Therefore, all the items on an A/R interface will have the same ID number, and all the items on an A/P interface will have a new ID number. Note: this means you will be able to re-print an interface from the YTD Master file (Task 20) or from the Trial Balance report (Task 9) using the Transaction ID number once the transactions are posted.
3. Task 4 (Post Manual & Interface TRX’s). The auto-assigned transaction ID numbers will print on the posting register and go to the YTD Master Mile (Task 20)
4. Task 32/Sub-task 1 (Close G/L at Year End). The system will automatically assign the same, new transaction ID to all new Balance Brought Forward (BBF) entries and Retained Earnings account.
5. Task 18 (Recurring Journal Entries). When recurring templates are applied (either manually or automatically) they will also get a unique transaction ID number when they are added into Task 1 – Manual TRX Entry & Editing.
A column titled: TRX # in on the following reports:
1. Task 4 – the G/L Posting Register
2. Task 20 – the YTD Master report (a ‘range’ of transaction numbers can be used)
3. Task 9 – the G/L Trial Balance report (a ‘range’ of transaction numbers can be used)
A field called: Transaction # will be shown when in the add/change mode in Task 20 – YTD Master file. NOTE: All records in the YTD Master file (Task 20) prior to when this feature was implemented will have a transaction number of zero. – The YTD Master file is where all the information comes from to print Trial Balance and Financial Reports –
Recurring Journal Entries:
Task 18 – Recurring Journal Entries – has been re-written. Also reversing entries can now be recurring entries as well. Also the reversing entries can be automatically reversed using a user-defined date. The entries can have more than one debit and one credit (the way it was previously). Please see the document titled: Task 18 - Reversing and Recurring Entries for complete instructions on how the program works.
Division Master:
A few new fields have been added to the Division Master file (Task 21).
· Field #11. Tax F & H: Y/N. Are freight and handling taxable for state tax (zone taxes are used for taxes for county, city, etc.).
· Field #15: Type / group: Normally left blank, could be used to identify FM sites, as an example. The field then could be tied to special functions.
· Field #16: e-Form invc.: If the division had a custom e-form, the ‘name’ of the form is entered on this field,. For the standard form, leave the field blank.
G/L Postings:
A parameter has been added to allow the G/L postings to be in the same order they were entered in versus by G/L account number. By setting the parameter, the entries will remain in the "natural" or "entered" order for the posting register and subsequently will be "sequenced" (numbered) in that same order. This also makes it easy to export and sort by batch number, transaction number or sequent number after the fact to see the transactions in the same order as originally entered.
The postings typically sort before printing the registers so that records can be found easily when visually looking at them later. ie In this case to find entries for a particular account number, or where separate transactions are used to group or define related entries within a single posting. This allows easy lookup by either account or by transaction number for related entries.
To set this parameter, go to:
General Ledger (Module 4)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- G/L General Parameters (Selection 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the following parameter: INI'SORT'POSTING=
The logic for subdivisions has been added throughout the General Ledger module, where appropriate. For complete instructions regarding Subdivisions, please see the document titled: Add New Sub-Divisions in the G/L section of our website.
General Ledger changes through 09/30/12:
Report Menus
Menu report tasks & subtasks revamped to group by function and allow for more reports.
24 Month Report
Created a new 24 month report that can be used in place of a trial balance especially where an export is needed and/or summarization is more desirable for analysis. The report prints by account with monthly dollars pulled from the YTD master file content. As a printed report this shows on two lines for easy visual comprehension but as a CSV export each account & the dollar values are presented in a single row.
Credit Card Cash
Made the Credit Card cash independent of regular A/R cash so it can be tracked separately rather than as a subset.
Two new generic attribute fields have been added to the division master file along with application tables to define valid selections. These can be handy for grouping divisions by "Region", "FM" or "MPS" category, et al. You control the naming of the fields via parameter control and the valid contents via the tables. These fields can currently be referenced for specialized functions and will be added as selections in various standard reporting functions as needs arise.
Added subdivision support to the import function of manual trx entry & editing. *** ADDED a new line termination column. This is now required with and without use of subdivisions. See on-screen help for complete details.
Created new subdivision import function for update/add/delete.
YTD Reports
Modified the Budget-to-actual YTD comparative report to include budgets even on inactive (YTD=$0.00) accounts.
Created a new parameter option to override the division # on imported YTD transaction records.
General Ledger changes through 04/04/13:
Obtain/Modify/Post Transactions
The Obtain/Modify/Post tasks for interface transactions have been replaced by a single "Post interface transactions" task which allows for selection of which modules to interface like the old obtain and it then runs the selected interfaces (which used to be a separate task in each module) and posts them into the G/L YTD file.
Interface Transactions
Modification of interface transactions is no longer allowed. All corrections must be made in the originating module or with a manual journal entry. The new multifunction single task creates a direct link between the underlying source transactions and the resulting G/L transactions. This will facilitate an automated "Drill-down" function in additional upcoming G/L enhancements.
Post Manual Transactions
The "Post" function for manual transactions has been moved from the main G/L task menu to subtask #5 in "Manual TRX entry & editing", task 1, matching the other transaction postings throughout the system. So now all subtasks directly related to manual entries are grouped together in the one submenu. Obtaining recurring entries can still be done in the manual entry & editing via the "Automated templates" (moved from subtask 5 -> 8) but is also available directly as subtask 9 too.
General Ledger changes through 03/20/14:
Trial Balance Report
Expanded the subdivision selection options in the trial balance report.
G/L Account Master
Added a new "Update from import" option in the account master allowing updating of G/L accounts from a spreadsheet.
Manual Entry & Editing
Manual entry & editing enhanced with a new F10 function key allowing you to jump to a specific distribution line item rather than paging through long entries when you need to make a change or correction.