- INVENTORY CHANGES thru 12-31-02:
- Inventory Control changes through 02/28/13:
- Inventory Control changes through 02/28/13:
Adding New Item Numbers:
1. A “Warehouse #” field has been added to the Add New Items programs (Task 1, field 32; or Task 5, field 8). Inventory is added to designated warehouses only.
2. The parameter NO'WHS'ONE= allows a warehouse number to be skipped when adding New Items to the inventory. Y=Yes (Skip add of whs #1) ; N=No; S=Single specified warehouse # (specified # comes from entry and/or DFLT'WHS'NUM). For example NO’WHS’ONE=S & DFLT’WHS’NUM=04, new items will be added to ONLY warehouse #04, not 1 through 4
3.Discount Table lookup is available by using the TAB key when adding a new item – field 28 in Task 1; and field 25 in Task 8.
Inventory Reports:
1. The End of Month Status by Location inventory report was changed to include a General Ledger account number summary. The report is found in:
Inventory (Module 5)
Item Status -Warehouse (Task 10)
- End of Month Status by Location/Product Code or Report Class - WHSEOM (Sub-task 2)
Item Status -Warehouse (Task 10)
2. An option to include "overstocked" inventory items has been added to the Inactivity Report. The report is found in:
Inventory (Module 5)
Item History (Task 11)
- Item Inactivity or Overstock Report - WHSOVS (Sub-task 5)
Item History (Task 11)
Dimensional Items:
1. A new parameter has been added to control the minimum accuracy on the calculations of dimensional items. Go to:
Order Processing (Module 6)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- O/E General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for: DIM'MIN'DEC
This is for situations where unit sizes need to be calculated with more accuracy than what is desirable for the final total. For example: calculate unit size with 1 or 2 decimals, but then extend & round extended total towhole units.
2. Dimensional Type "Z"
A new dimensional type has been added, it combines the qualities of types D and E. During Order Entry, the system will prompt for: Sets, Originals, Width, and Height. (like type "D") for items with a dimensional type "Z". However, the system will use it like type "E" in all aspects except that item and discount table quantity breaks are based on TOTAL SQUARE FOOT. Dimensional types are placed on field #26 of the Inventory Item Master record.
Dimensional type definitions are located in:
Inventory (Module 5)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
- Dimensional Types (Option 18)
Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Line Item Quantity is the # of sets multiplied by the # of originals, which equals total number of prints.
Line Item "each" Price will be PER PRINT square foot [(width*height)/144] size multiplied by the per square foot price from the Price Levels or Quantity Discount Tables.
Extended price is the Line Item Quantity amount multiplied by the Line Item "each" Price.
Note: Line Item Quantity discount table, if used, must be setup to generate a square foot charge and the table name must start with a "Q". (i.e. QC)
Change Item Numbers:
The Change Item Number program has been expanded to also optionally change the Histories in Bill-of-Materials, Order Processing and Purchasing. To change item numbers, go to:
Inventory (Module 5)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
- Change Item Numbers (Sub-task 10)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Copy Item Numbers:
The tasks for copying inventory information to new vendors or warehouses have been moved from:
Inventory (Module 5); Adjust Price/Cost (Task 4); Sub-tasks 13 & 14 To:
Inventory (Module 5)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
- Copy Supplier Data to New Vendor #'s - BLDSUP (Sub-task 14)
- Copy Warehouse Data to New warehouse #'s - BLDWHS (Sub-task 15)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
Note: To copy inventory items to a new company or to copy item descriptions to a new company, the programs have not been moved -- they are still in Adjust Price/Cost (Task 4) in the Inventory module.
Supplier Master (Task 18):
A “Last Ordered Date” cutoff field has been added to the Print (Sub-task 4) and Erase/Purge (Sub-task 5) functions.
INVENTORY CHANGES thru 12-31-02:
Change Item Number:
In addition to the “Normal Mode”, there is a “Merge Mode” available in the Change Item Number program (found in Inventory (module 5); System Management Functions (Task 32); Change Item Number (Sub-task 10).
Use “Normal Mode” to change an existing item to a new one, whereas “Merge Mode” changes history and transactions records in selected files from one existing item number to another.
The system prompts for “N” for Normal change mode (changes existing item #) or “M” for Merge mode (change history & transactions to another existing item #). The program shows how many records were changed in each file, with options to:
- Change I/C BOM production orders and history files.
- Change O/E open and finished orders and item history files.
- Change P/O open, received, shipped-back orders and history.
- Merge I/C item monthly-history
In the Merge mode, the system will prompt for the change to take affect in various modules within the system. Answer Y(es) or N(o) as appropriate. Below are the system prompts:
I/C: Bill of Materials Production scheduling orders
Open Production Order item numbers may also be changed. These may take some time because every order line item must be checked.
Would you like to change open production order items? (Y/N)
Would you like to change production order history? (Y/N)
O/E: Order Entry & Editing & Invoiced Order Holding File
Open order and Invoiced Order item numbers may also be changed. These
may take some time because every order line item must be checked.
Would you like to change open order items? (Y/N)
Would you like to change order history? (Y/N)
P/O: Purchase Order Entry, Want List and Received and Shipped items.
Purchase order item numbers may also be changed. These may also take some time because every P.O. line item, Received item, and Shipped-back item must be checked.
Would you like to change open P.O. items? (Y/N)
Would you like to change P.O. history? (Y/N)
Reset Warehouse Year-To-Date Figures:
A program will the read the PO Purchased item history, Received items, Shipped items, and O/E Item history, Open orders (Invoiced only), and Invoiced Holding Files and recalculate the YTD information for the I/C Warehouse Master File (Task 19 in the Inventory module). To run this program, go to: (and please read the information regarding this program on the first screen of the program)
Inventory Control (Module 5)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
- Reset Warehouse YTD Figures from O/E & P/O (Sub-task 16)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
Memo Box Line:
1). The number of lines in the ‘Memo Box’ (field 35 on the Item Master, found in Task 17) is controlled by a parameter. Enter the maximum number of lines that will be allowable: Go to:
Inventory Control (Module 5)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
- I/C – General (Option 1)
Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Look for the parameter: IC'ITEM'MEMO'LINES= Maximum item memo lines (0/blank for default, min 10)
2). The Memo Box has also been widened to match the Order Processing line memos.
Discount Quantity Tables:
Discount Table Master (Task 22) supports a new pricing method via a new field added to the program. The field is labeled: Fixed / Cume
Fixed: is the traditional discount method where the discount is determined by locating a fixed point in the table based on the quantity sold and applying the discount at that point to the entire quantity being sold.
Cume (for cumulative): sometimes referred to as: STEP Pricing. This process adds the dollar amounts for quantities at each break up to the point where the total sale quantity is reached. The total accumulated dollar value is then divided by the total quantity to get a ‘unit’ price. This method is useful in situations where there is a setup (or other charges) that is applied to the first unit of an item, but no subsequent ones. See below for a sample setup and the calculations:
01. Table name : QG
02. Table descr: CUME EXAMPLE
03. Break on D/Q: Q
04. Amount type: $ (% L $)
05. Fixed / Cume: C
06. Quantity : 1
07. Price : 75.00
08. Quantity : 10
09. Price : 65.00
10. Quantity : 20
11. Price : 50.00
Customer buys 10 of an item that has Quantity Discount Table QG on field 30 in the Item Master and will pay a total of $740.00 (or $74.00 each) Based on the table QG, the calculation was determined by:
The first 9 of the item: 9 @ $75.00 = $ 675.00
The 10th item: 1 @ $65.00 = 65.00
Totals: 10 $ 740 .00 or $74.00 each
*The 2nd Quantity Break starts at 10, therefore first 9 are priced at $75 each, then the 10th item falls into the ‘next’ Quantity Break @ $65.00 each.
Another example: a customer buys 25 of the same item, the price calculation of a $65.00 selling price for each is determined as follows:
The first 9 of the item: 9 @ $75.00 = $ 675.00
10 thru 19 of the item: 10 @ $65.00 = $ 650.00
20 thru 25 of the item: 6 @ $50.00 = $ 300.00
Totals: 25 $1625.00 or $65.00 each
*The 2nd Quantity Break starts at 10, the 3rd Quantity Break starts at 20.
Inventory Report:
A new inventory report has been added. This report will forecast item sales for the next 30 days based on user-designated averages (30 to 365 days) of Sales History. Look in:
Inventory (Module 5)
Item Control (Task 9)
- PO Advice Projected Stock Levels Based on Sales History – ADV2MN (Sub-task 16)
Item Control (Task 9)
The report compares on-hand and on-order quantities to sales history and classifies items into 4 stock-level categories:
- under-stocked
- overstocked
- optimum
- new-items.
The report can be run by: Vendor, item, report class, product code, or warehouse. With options: # of days of sales history to use for computing, last-year vs. this-year % change, quantities printed in stock-by or sell-by units and a choice of which stock-level categories to print.
Also, while on the report option screen, users can Press F1 to see how the report is calculated.
“Rental” Types & Discount Tables:
The program that changes discount quantity table assignments for items or groups of items has been enhanced to include “R”ental type of items (the item type is found on field 21 of the Inventory Master). This program is found at:
- Inventory (Module 5)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
- Assign Item Quantity Discount Table to Items (Sub-task 4)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
(1) Option has been added to print only inventory items with memo notes to the Item Catalog program.
(2) Option has been added to include GL numbers as part of the criteria in the Item Catalog program.
(3) Vendor range has been added to the Item Catalog program.
Inactivity / Overstock Report:
The Inactivity / Overstock Report, found in Task 11, Sub-task 5, can be printed in Warehouse/Item number order or Item number/Warehouse order.
Added ‘Zero Cost’ Items to Report:
The Calculate Inventory Value (on screen) program, found in 5/32/9, has been enhanced
to print an exception report listing all zero cost items.
Purge Program:
The purge program has been enhanced to include a report class range. The program is found in:
Inventory Control (Module 5)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
- Purge Unused Item/Supplier/Warehouse Records (Sub-task 11)
Special I/C Processing Menu (Task 25)
Audit File:
An audit file tracks item changes that affect price and cost. Contact us for details regarding this function.
Update Item and Supplier Costs:
1.) A program, Change Item Number, has the updated functionality to update item and supplier costs from a CSV import file. See the document titled: Uploading Item Master File Changes in the regular Inventory section of the website.
2.) There is also an option, when using the Import function, to include “Average Cost”
Price Adjustment:
The program "Adjust Prices by Individual Item #" (found in Inventory module, Task 4, Sub-task 1) has been enhanced to include an option for updating the Order Entry "Customer Contract Item File" prices using the Increase/Decrease dollar amount options. This only apply to contract items with "$" type single pricing. This option allows you to update the nine Inventory base prices and/or the O/E contract pricing in one step. (For other contract item price update options such as percentage changes, specific amount replacements, etc refer to the standard O/E options already available.)
Added on-screen display of the column format to be used when importing item number and description changes from a spreadsheet / flat file.
Production History:
The Production Order number range selection has been added to the Production History (PIHMNT) print (sub-task 4) and erase (sub-task ) functions.
Update Cost & Price via an Import File:
Added the updating of the nine base item price levels to the previous cost import program, so now prices and cost can be updated by import. Go to:
Inventory Control (Module 5)
Adjust Prices / Costs (Task 4)
- Set Item & Supplier Costs and Prices From an Import File – CSTIMP
Adjust Prices / Costs (Task 4)
Purchase Agent:
A Purchase Agent can be added to the Supplier Master. This would only be used if the Purchasing Agent on the item/vendor record…the Supplier Master…is different than the Purchasing Agent listed on the Vendor Master (in the A/P module). The ‘agent’ codes are set up in the Order Processing module; Salesperson/Technician File (Task 20)
Import Data into the Warehouse and Supplier Masters:
An ‘Update from Import” program is found in 5/18/8 and 5/19/8 (Note: this functionality is also available for the Item Master – Task 17). This allows you to update/change nearly any user accessible field via a CSV spreadsheet.
The format for the Supplier Master on the .csv report is: Item #, Vendor #, Field of choice, X
The format for the Warehouse Master on the .csv report is: Item #, Warehouse #, Field of choice, X
The first row of the file must contain headers (column headings 1, 2 and 4 can have anything in them), however column 3 MUST be an internal field name. Go to Sub-task 8 in either the Supplier or Warehouse Master and then press the TAB key for a list of valid field names to use in the import report.
For the Supplier Master:
Column 1, starting with row 2, are the item numbers (use numbers, not names)
Column 2, starting with row 2, are the vendor numbers (use numbers, not names)
Column 3, starting with row 2 contain the actual information that will be imported.
Column 4, starting with row 2, each row MUST be a populated with an `X' as a placeholder to ensure the proper column usage. Any column after the 4th column will be ignored
For the Warehouse Master:
Column 1, starting with row 2, are the item numbers (use numbers, not names)
Column 2, starting with row 2, are the warehouse numbers
Column 3, starting with row 2 contain the actual information that will be imported.
Column 4, starting with row 2, each row MUST be a populated with an `X' as a placeholder to ensure the proper column usage. Any column after the 4th column will be ignored
Below is an example of what the .csv report would look like if all the warehouse records ‘Picking Sequence’ field were being updated.
Item # |
Warehouse # |
X column |
101001 |
01 |
B41 |
X |
101001 |
02 |
M348 |
X |
101301 |
01 |
B41 |
X |
101301 |
02 |
M349 |
X |
101555 |
01 |
B67 |
X |
101555 |
02 |
N02 |
X |
Save the report with a .csv extension. They using sub-task 8, enter the name of the saved file…..the selected field will be updated when the program finishes the process.
NOTE: to get a listing of your supplier or warehouse records, first export the Supplier or Warehouse Master files and the ‘massage’ the columns/rows to fit the columns/rows needed to import data back into the Supplier or Warehouse Master.
Quantity per ‘Layer’ or ‘Pallet’:
A new level has been added in the Supplier Master to indicate the number of ‘STOCK’ units per layer or pallet. These fields can be referenced in various Purchase and Shipping formulas or calculations.
Item Master:
There are two new fields on the Item Master (fields 35 & 36). The name of these two fields are user-defined (to make them more meaningful to you). Go to: 5/32/22/1 and look for the following parameters:
PROMPT'ABC= This is the prompt for inventory classification field (12max)
PROMPT'CUBES= This is the prompt for inventory cube measurement (12max)
Field 36 – Cubes – is a numeric field, which is intended primarily as a packaging factor for shipping functions, but it could be used otherwise as needed.
Field 35 – ABC – comes from a user-defined table, found in: 5/32/17/ Selection 22 -- Inventory Classification Codes. This is used to create categories to represent any type of item attribute needed.
Bill of Material:
1. Bill of Materials now supports "V"ariable component quantities. This can be used in Order Processing for kits/packages where the quantity for one or more components is not a fixed amount or specific amount "per parent" item and needs to be operator entered each time a new order is created. Field #5 (BOM Qty-Type) in Bill of Materials file in the Inventory module, for selling kits / packages of items in Order Entry, with a P, A and now V.
P - `Quantity' * #-parents-sold is added to the order.
If you sell 4 Parents, 4 Component(s) would be added.
A - This exact `Quantity' will be added, regardless of #-parents-sold.
For any # of Parents sold, 1 Component(s) would be added.
V - Will force system to ask for how many Components on each order
2. Another option has been added on the Bill of Materials AUTOBUILD'DOLLARS parameter for "packages/kits" to pull price from parent item only and cost from components only. To view this parameter, go to:
· Inventory Control (Module 5)
o System Management Functions (Task 32)
§ Modify Parameter Files (Sub-task 22)
Ø Bill of Materials (Selection 2)
AUTOBUILD’DOLLARS: How to handle price and cost with auto build
PARO = Dollar amount comes from parent only, no price or cost on autobuilt components
PARPCMPC = Pricing dollar comes from parent only and the cost dollar comes from components only.
Default / anything else will pickup normal prices and costs on all items.
Note: special cost options cannot be used with Order Entry parameter: REFRESH'COST=I
Inventory Control changes through 02/28/13:
Item Master
Added handling of ^/" replacement to item master update from import.
Extended existing item master audit tracking to include "Erase" subtask and enhanced the erase subtask to remove supplier, warehouse, contract, & other related records so no additional steps are needed.
Created new millimeter (MM) dimensional types where metric measurement is desired in place of imperial inches for the item dimensions. The calculated line item total remains sq ft.
New stocking information fields added to the item master records.
Warehouse Master
Enhanced the warehouse master "Update from import" with the ability to also create new warehouse records.
New warehouse tracking master file maintenance's & movement programs added.
Added option in the price/cost import (CSTIMP) to reset the "Req% profit" based on the updated prices & costs which establishes new profit margins to maintain with further updates that can be done in conjunction with ongoing vouchering, et al.
New fields added to the supplier master records for ABC ranking, vendor classification, and additional audit tracking of cost/quote changes.
Inventory Control changes through 02/28/13:
Change Item Number
Change item # program enhanced to allow selection of an "old item" that is not found and treat it as a "merge" to the "new item".