Profits Plus modules»Automated Updates»Testing the file conversion pr…»convert.ksh
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Last modified on 1/23/2015 12:41 PM by User.



Active Location:  /u/mvs/au/inbox/convert.ksh

Storage Location: /u/mvs/au/test/convert.ksh

A copy of the conversion files are always stored in the /u/mvs/au/test directory. Copy the following files to the /u/mvs/au/inbox directory before you make any changes to them.

Edit the first few lines of the /u/mvs/au/inbox/convert.ksh script to match your situation.

# This just tests the file conversion programs
# In production, the MFD has already been updated for this module.
test_env=                    # <- @change - location of
#                            #              null if not a test environment
company=001                  # <- @change - must be 3 digits
mod_number=240               # <- @change
mod_desc="Inventory Control" # <- @change
mod_abbrv=ic                 # <- @change - must be 2 chars, lower case
# You shouldn't have to change anything beyond this point

How to edit the convert.ksh script variables.

Variable Description
test_env This is the 4 character lower case device name where the program is located.   If it isn't in your test directory then leave this blank (which will default to dsk2).  Examples of test_env:  neil, jimd, stev
company Used in composing directory names.  It must be 3 digits with leading zeros.
mod_number The module number you are testing. again, must be 3 digits
mod_desc The name of the module. Enclose this in double quotes because it contains imbedded spaces.
mod_abbrv A 2 character lower case abbreviation of the module.  i.e.  sm, pr, ar, ap, gl, ic, oe, po, cs.  This is used to compose the name of your conversion program