Profits Plus»OneDrive
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Last modified on 8/23/2017 1:40 PM by User.



As of 4/5/2017 all of the attachment files referenced in this wiki are stored on MV Software's OneDrive account.

  • login:    password: MVSoftware84
  • or login with your own Office 365 home account.
  • You might have to check the mvs server company 5 vendor file "MICROSOFT" memo notes for the latest password.

If you don't want to install oneDrive on your PC you can map a drive to \\neil-pc-7pro\c$\Users\Neil\OneDrive.  Credentials must be username: Administrator  password: neil1

The Visual Basic project source code for vb6 and .net is kept on OneDrive\SoftwareTools\ProfitsPlus\vbprojects.vb6  and vbprojects.NET

The \OneDrive\SoftwareTools  folder is  shared with everyone but isn't sync'd with everyone.  You can use your onedrive drive app on your PC to pick just certain subfolders you want to sync with your PC.  Other folders that you don't choose to sync can only be accessed by logging into (login with your office 365 home account)  and downloading the files you want.   This way we only keep one copy of the files on the OneDrive server.

You can add new folders and files to the "SoftwareTools" folder as needed.   

These are subfolders of the "SoftwareTools" folder as of 4/5/2017:

   Individual Workflow Forms


Fogbugz backup:

A backup of the mysql files and fogbugz installation software is stored in OneDrive\archive\Fogbugz\buildserver\Fogbugz\backups

See the OneDrive\archive\Fogbugz\buildserver\"Build the Fogbugz server from scratch.docx" for instruction on rebuilding the Fogbugz server (again).  Of course if you need this document, you won't be able to see this web page because Fogbugz will be down!