MVS server backups»Do a mass compile
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Last modified on 2/28/2018 3:37 PM by User.


Do a mass compile

Go to the customer's  mvs_tools folder and open a PP_Dos_Prompt.bat window.  Make sure the DOS prompt shows the right MVS_ROOT folder for the company you want. 

First, make sure the has a date/time stamp of the current year.  It expires!  And each client company can have a different version date of   If you're doing this mass compile as part of a full software update then you know the is current because it always gets updated in S/M module update.   But if you are restoring files from a backup or making partial changes to software then you should verify the version first.  

  • Type cdpgmgen at the dos prompt to take you to the folder.
  • Then type dir at the dos prompt to see the date/time stamp.
  • If is from a previous year you'll have to get a newer one from the Unix MVS server /u/mvs/dsk1/050000/ 
  • To make double sure you have a current valid you can manually compile just one program as a test.  It should display periods as the progress character (........).  If it displays + signs as the progress character (++++++) then you know that is not current and needs to be replaced with the current one. 
    • cdar     (moves to the dsk0\210077 folder for A/R source code)
    • pgmgen batmnt.psm
    • You should see the progress of pgmgen displayed with periods (.....), not +(+++++).

When you are sure that pgmgen is a good version you can enter the maspgm command from any folder under %MVS_ROOT% 

At the dos prompt type:   maspgm   and press enter to start the mass compile.  It will take many minutes (up to an hour).  All programs in all modules will be compiled.


The mass compile will keep a log of any failures in the customers %MVS_ROOT%\au\logs\maspgm.log file.  If there were no errors then that file will not exist.   You should research and resolve any errors if possible and recompile the failed program again.

You can verify that all programs really did get compiled by typing oldrun xx  at the dos prompt, where xx is the 2 character abbreviation for a specific module.  For example, oldrun ar will show all .run files in the dsk2\210000 folder sorted by modified date.  If you see any files older than today it means they didn't get compiled.   It is normal to see old ?? files because we don't keep the source code .psm file in the ???077 folder for them.  To check all software modules enter the following commands into any DOS prompt within the %MVS_ROOT% folder.

  • oldrun pr
  • oldrun ar
  • oldrun ap
  • oldrun gl
  • oldrun ic
  • oldrun oe
  • oldrun po
  • oldrun cs