Modules»Payroll»Task 01 - Attendance Entry & E…
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Last modified on 9/11/2015 2:06 PM by User.

Task 01 - Attendance Entry & Editing

Enter new attendance record  (NOTE: The first thing that needs to be done is Sub-task 5 - Set Pay Ending Date/Deduction Frequency.  See document titled: Set Pay Ending Date/Deduction Frequency for instructions)


  • Payroll (module 1)
    • Attendance Entry & Editing (Task 1)
      • Enter New Attendance Record (Sub-task 1)


Below are the fields (in bold) that are used in entering employee attendance records:



  1. Employee #:____ Up to 4 digits, numeric.
  • Employees must first be entered into the Employee Master File (Task 17), before entering their employee numbers in this subtask.
  • Defaults for most fields in this subtask are drawn from the Employee Master. The defaults may be changed in this task for an individual paycheck.


Enter all employee numbers for those who are to be paid (enter employee number or use TAB to search by name). As each employee number is entered, the name, start date, employee type, and pay frequency will be displayed.


After the information is entered for an employee, and Enter is pressed, the computer will scroll through all employees, one at a time.  The employees will be displayed in employee number order. (If an employee is terminated and still remains in the Employee Master File - Task 17, that employee number will be skipped when "scrolling".)



2. Skip std pay: _Y/N.  This field is for salaried employees only. It will default to N, meaning the employee will be paid his/her base pay amount. This field will be skipped when an hourly employee is entered. If a salaried employee is to be paid an hourly wage, then change the flag to Y. (Examples when this would be used:  holiday pay, vacation pay, sick pay, etc. to a salaried employee.)


3. Regular hrs:______ 6‑digit numeric. Enter hours and minutes in decimal equivalent of military time.

  • The regular rate field must be entered in the Employee Master file for hourly employees.
  • Salaried employees default to 40.00 for weekly, 80.00 for bi‑weekly or semi‑monthly, 160.00 for monthly.
  • Enter the regular hours PLUS overtime hours (the overtime hours will default into field 4).  Example: 40.00 + 1.00 = 41.00.  This will be the amount of hours that will be calculated using the regular rate. (The overtime will then be calculated at 1/2 the regular rate, and that will be added to the regular rate calculation.)
  • For bi‑weekly type employees, the cursor drops down to the lower right hand corner of the screen. Enter hours separately for each week, including overtime hours.

NOTE:  Use the PgDn, TAB or EXEC key to shortcut from the screen after the hours are entered. The fields not predefined in the Employee Master File will default to zero.


4. Overtime hrs:_____ 5‑digit numeric. Enter hours and minutes in decimal equivalent of military time.

  • The overtime hours will default to any excess hours entered in Regular hours. Example: 41.00 ‑ 40.00 = 1.00 overtime hours.
  • The overtime rate field must be entered in the Employee Master file. It should be half the regular rate.



5. Shift #: _1‑digit numeric. Enter employee's shift.


6. Spec‑pay hrs:_____ 5‑digit numeric. For Special Pay. Enter hours and minutes in decimal equivalent of military time.

  • The special rate field must be entered in the Employee Master file.
  • Enter hours including special overtime hours (the same method as regular hours and regular overtime hours.)
  • Special pay may be used for employees working on special assignments.


7. Spec‑ovt hrs:_____5‑digit numeric. Enter hours and minutes in decimal equivalent of military time.

  • The special rate field must be entered in the Employee Master file. It should be half the special rate.
  • Enter number of special overtime hours.


8. # wks adv vc:__ 2‑digit numeric. "Vacation hours due" field must be entered in the Employee Master file.

  • This field will be skipped if the employee is an hourly type or if "02. Skip std pay " was changed to Y for a salaried employee.
  • Enter the number of weeks advanced vacation for a salary type employee. Up to 4 weeks. This will generate separate checks for each week.
    • When entering the number of weeks, the computer will check the Employee Master File for "Vacation Hours Due". It compares it to the "Vacation Hours Paid". If the selected weeks are not available, the following message appears at the bottom of the screen: "Unused vacation HRS exceeded: Only 10.00 HRS left, CR TO CONTINUE". Decrease vacation hours on field this field or increase vacation hours due in the Employee Master File.
    • After the hours have been entered, the cursor will drop down and this question will appear on the screen: "Please enter vacation code:" Enter the same vacation code used in the Employee Master File for this employee.


9. # hrs adv vc: up to 4 weeks advance vacation.

  • Vacation hours field must be entered in the Employee Master file.
  • This field will be skipped if the employee is a salaried type and 02: Skip std pay is N.
  • Enter the number of vacation hours; use the space bar for entering additional hours. The field will display a blank space in between hours for each check.
    • When entering the number of hours, the computer will check the Employee Master file for "Vacation Hours Due" field, and compare it to the "Vacation Hours Paid" field. If, for example, the remaining hours available are only10, and more than 10 hours are selected, then this message will appear at the bottom of the screen: "Unused vacation HRS exceeded: Only 10.00 HRS left CR TO CONTINUE". Either decrease the vacation time, or else increase the vacation hours due in the Employee Master file.
    • After the hours have been entered, the cursor will drop down, and this will appear on the screen: "Please enter vacation code:" Enter the same vacation code used in the Employee Master file for this employee.


10. # wks worked: Enter the number of weeks worked - system calculates automatically, but it may be changed.


11. FWT exmpt: Enter the number of exemptions for Federal Withholding Tax - the system uses the information in the Employee Master file, but the number of exemptions may be changed for the payroll, if needed.


12. State exmpt: Enter the number of exemptions for State Withholding Tax - the system uses the information in the Employee Master file, but the number of exemptions may be changed for the payroll, if needed.


13. City exempt: Enter the number of exemptions for City Withholding Tax - the system used the information in the Employee Master file, but the number of exemptions may be changed for the payroll, if needed.


14. Add FWT $: Enter the additional dollar amount that will be withheld from the pay for Federal Withholding, this is in addition to the amount that will be deducted based on the number of Federal Withholding exemptions.


15. Add SWT $: Enter the additional dollar amount that will be withheld from the pay for State Withholding, this is in addition to the amount that will be deducted based on the number of State Withholding exemptions.


16. Add CWT $: Enter the additional dollar amount that will be withheld from the pay for City Withholding, this is in addition to the amount that will be deducted based on the number of City Withholding exemptions.


17. Pay Freq: Enter code for pay frequency:

WK = weekly

BI = biweekly (once every two weeks)

SM = semimonthly (twice per month)

MO = monthly




The second screen is for the Step, "Process Manual Deductions". This screen is where deductions, other than normal taxes, are entered to deduct from gross pay. This is also where additions to gross pay will be made.



Recurring Deductions must be set up first before they can be used on this screen (see document titled: Employee Recurring Deduction

  • Each frequently used deduction and/or addition must be entered for each employee in the Employee Recurring Deductions file.
  • The Employee Recurring deductions file is read to determine the deductions and/or additions to be taken for this pay period.
  • Any employee deductions that have a deduction frequency that matches the selected frequency will be displayed on the screen.


The deduction code, description, hours, percent, dollar amount and employer amount will be shown.


To change a deduction, enter the number of the line to be changed. The line to the right of the first column will then be cleared automatically, and the cursor will move to the first column, where the desired change can be made.

  • The deduction code can be changed to another code by just entering the new deduction code, or TAB to search for a code by description.
  • The current deduction code may be deleted by using the back arrow key.


Deductions may be set, so that no changes to the amounts can be made during Attendance Entry and Editing. However, if changes are needed, these steps must be followed:

  • If this amount is different for every employee, the "fixed flag" in the Employee Recurring Deductions file can be changed to N if changes are to be made during Attendance Entry and Editing.
  • If the amount is set in the Deduction Master file, it must changed to $0.00. Then different amounts can be entered for every employee during Attendance Entry and Editing.


When changing the deduction amount, only the "selected type" may be changed. If the deduction is set up in the Deduction Master file as a percent amount, then only the percent can be changed. The same applies for the dollar type and hour types. If you would like to take this deduction in a different "type", other than what was selected, a separate record must be entered in the Deduction Master file.




The Recurring Deductions will be displayed on the screen first. The cursor will be at the "Any change" prompt at the bottom of the screen. Either enter the line number to make changes, or press Enter to enter the next deduction code.

  • The deduction can be entered by the deduction code or press Tab to search for the code by description.



When all the deductions and additions are entered for the employee, the cursor drops down to the bottom of the screen. Just press Enter, and the first screen is brought up to enter the next employee.



More than one record can be entered for each employee.


If commissions are separated from gross pay to reduce taxes, enter a separate record for regular pay and another for the commissions.


Enter the employee again. The computer will prompt  "Generate additional check for this employee? NO".  Enter YES, then continue to fill in hours and/or deductions.



Separate checks can be used for any other kind of pay - "Draw"

Process "Draw" Check:


After all deductions and additions to pay have been entered, the "draw account" information displays at the bottom of the screen.


The draw balance, draw amount and draw percent must first be entered in the Employee Master file.


The current draw balance from the Employee Master file is displayed. This is the amount the employee owes the company.

  • If the draw balance is zero, the draw amount is not taken during this pay period. No information is displayed.
  • If the draw balance is allowed to be negative (amount the company owes the employee) the draw amount is taken during this pay period. This is controlled by a flag in the Attendance Initialization parameters file.


The "draw amount" in the Employee Master is the minimum gross pay. The gross pay is calculated after all the deductions and additions to pay are entered.

  • The draw amount can be compared against the total gross pay, or any of the adjusted gross pays or up to three additional amounts. Examples are commission, bonus and/or incentive pay. This is controlled by a flag in the Attendance Initialization parameters file.
  • If the gross pay is less than the draw amount in the Employee Master file, the difference is added to pay. The difference is added to the draw balance.
  • If the gross pay is more than the draw amount in the Employee Master file, the difference or a percent of the difference is deducted from pay and deducted from the draw balance.
  • A draw levels table is available to set different levels of minimum gross pay based on the draw balance. Check the Draw amount levels table in Systems Management Functions (Task 32 of Payroll module).


The "draw percent" is used when determining the amount of payment to deduct from gross pay. This must be entered in the Employee Master file.

  • If the gross pay is 500.00, and the minimum gross pay is 400.00, then the excess is 100.00.
  • The percent amount, that was entered in the Employee Master file, will be taken to pay the draw balance. If the percent is 1%, then the amount of payment will be 1.00 and applied against the draw balance.


The "draw amount" is the amount that will be deducted from the gross pay.


"Modify draw amount? (Y/N):N " displays at the bottom of the screen. Enter Y and change the draw amount, if needed.


Enter all employees you wish to pay. Both hourly and salary personnel can be entered.