Step 1: Print the AP Open Items report, go to:
Accounts Payable (Module 3)
A/P Open Items (Task 21)
Print selected open-item records (Sub-task 4)
- Enter - starting date and ending date: (Use applicable dates)
Enter - starting batch number and ending batch number: ALL (Press ENTER for All)
Enter - starting vendor number and ending vendor number: ALL (Press ENTER for All)
Enter - starting voucher number and ending voucher number: ALL (Press ENTER for All)
Suppress detail records? (YES/NO):NO
Print selected open-item records (Sub-task 4)
A/P Open Items (Task 21)
****The AP Open Items report will print.
Step 2: Print the Aged Trial Balance report, go to:
Accounts Payable (Module 3)
Aged Trial Balance (Task 9)
Aged Trial Balance with Optional Detail (Sub-task 3 - APTBAL)
- Aging date: (use the end of month date)
Aging basis (1)Due (2)Document: 2
Print item detail (Y/N): Y
Document cutoff date:(use the same aging date used to print the AP Open Items report)
Enter - starting division - ending division: ALL (Press ENTER for All)
Enter vendor type: ALL (Press ENTER for All)
Numeric or Alphabetic Order (N or A): N
Enter - starting vendor # - ending vendor #: ALL (Press ENTER for All)
Aged Trial Balance with Optional Detail (Sub-task 3 - APTBAL)
Aged Trial Balance (Task 9)
***The Aged Trial Balance report will print.
Step 3: After the reports are done, compare the totals on each report for each vendor to find the discrepancy. The easiest way to accomplish this is to place the reports side-by-side on a desk.
Compare the "cutoff" total on the AP Aged Trial Balance report to the document and other amount on the AP Open items Report for each vendor. To make this task easier, mark off each vendor when the comparison is through. Unmarked vendors will indicate a problem, hence a discrepancy.
The most common reason the totals do not match is that there are incorrect dates. The "AP Open Item" total is supposed to match the "ATB" total.
When the discrepancy is found it needs to be fixed in the Voucher History (Task 19); as the Voucher History (Task 19), the AP Open Item (Task 21) and the Aged Trial Balance (Task 9) must contain the same and correct information.