This document explains how to email and export the A/P Aged Trial balance in a spreadsheet format, go to:
Accounts Payable (Module 3)
Aged Trial Balance (Task 9)
- Quick Aging Summary from Vendor File (Numerical) APTSMN
Quick Aging Summary from Vendor File (Alphabetical) APTSMA
- Ranges: Make appropriate selections
On the printer selection screen:
- Field #1 Printer: TAB key for list of printers and select the printer for e-mailing raw text for exporting, examples for this printer can be EMEXEX or EMEXPO
- Field #5 Spool Rpt: EXP
The report will preview on the screen. Type: PRINT
The system will prompt for the e-mail information:
Subject: A/P TRIAL BALANCE 10/31/xx (type in the subject)
To:Email addr: (type in your email address)
From: Email addr: (type in your email address)
Our Company: XYZ Co. (type in the your company name)
The next screen prompts:
Do you want to edit the above email message? It defaults to “N”, so just press the ENTER key.
The e-mailed report will now be sent to you.
Open up the e-mail and save the attached text file on your desktop.
Bring up Excel and open the file from your desktop. The Text Import Wizard comes up on the screen.
Click NEXT for Step 1. Check the default column settings in the automatic wizard during the open to make sure they line up well with the dollar amounts.
Then click NEXT for Step 2.
Click FINISH on step 3.
Expand the columns, add headers & Save as an .xls. It can then be treated as any other Excel spreadsheet…..put in subtotals, move columns, etc.
Aged Trial Balance (Task 9)