Modules»Inventory Control»Price Based on a Matrix-Table …
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Last modified on 9/8/2015 11:59 AM by User.

Price Based on a Matrix-Table - Copies x Price

Pricing is based on the number of copies, using the number of originals to determine which price to charge.  The invoice shows the selected price x the number of copies.


of Copies  

# of Originals¯

1 -5

6 – 25

26 +

















201 +





NOTE:  check the parameter DIM’ORDER= (found in 6/32/22/1).  This parameter controls the prompt as to which order Copies and Originals are asked in Order Processing.  N –Normal – prompts first copies, then originals.  If R – Reversed – is used, the system will still follow the table logic (copies in the rows and originals in the column)



The price charged to a customer using the above matrix is as follows:

3 Copies and 5 Originals – the price will be 3 @ $5.00

9 Copies and 30 Originals - the price will be 9 @ $8.75

30 Copies and 150 Originals– the price will be 30 @ $12.50



  • If pricing is strictly based on the number of copies times the number of originals - without regard to a different price based on the number of originals   (i.e. 30 originals x 9 copies = 270.  Quantity break is 270) See document Price Using Discount Quantity Tables.
  •  If pricing is (using 30 originals/9 copies example) is $.18 for the first copy, $.16 for copies 2 -4 and $.14 for copies 5 - 9 then see document titled:  Price Based on the Step Method
  • If pricing is based on the number of copies times the number of originals – with pricing based on a table (similar to the one above), then see document titled:  Price Based on a Matrix Table – Copies x Originals.



Q - Copy/Orig 2-Dim Disc

X  - Bond copies

On the line item, the operator is asked for the number of Copies and Originals. .   Pricing logic is based on the number of originals and break point test is based on the line item quantity…which is the number of copies.   Dimensional Type explanations can be found in the Inventory module, System Management Functions (Task 32), Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17), and Dimensional Types (Option 18).




  • Inventory (Module 5)
    • Discount Table Master (Task 22)


A discount table needs to be setup that prompts the system to use the copies/originals logic. Below is a partial sample of how a Discount Table should be set up:

1.      Table Name:           D1

2.      Table descr:          0001

3.      Break on D/Q:        Q

4.      Amount type:          $(%L$)

5.      Fixed/Cum :           F

6.      Quantity:              1

7.      Price:                      5.00

8.      Quantity:                 0

9.         Price:                   0.00

10.  Quantity:                 0

11.     Price:                   0.00


The 0001 in the Table descr field means that the first break point on the number of Originals is 1. The quantity fields represent the number of copies. The next table in this sequence would be D2 with Table descr-0021, this gives a break at 21 originals - meaning that the system will look at the row of the matrix table that has 21-50 as the originals.


1.      Table Name:           D2

2.      Table descr:         0021

3.      Break on D/Q:        Q

4.      Amount type:          $(%L$)

5.      Fixed/Cum             F

6.      Quantity:               1

7.      Price:                      10.00

8.      Quantity:              6

9.         Price:                   8.75

10.  Quantity:              26

11.     Price:                   7.50

12.  Quantity:                 0

13.     Price:                   0.00

14.  Quantity:                 0

15.     Price:                   0.00



Next in the sequence would be another table named D3 with a Table descr- 0051, meaning that the system will look at the row of the matrix table that has 51-100 as the originals.  It is the number in the Table descr field that dictates where the break is on the originals!   Then, using the example, two more tables would be set up:  Table descr:  0101 and Table descr0201  NOTE:  The "Table descrfield can be called anything (i.e. 0001 Repro) but it is very important that the first 4 positions be reserved for the "breaks".  For example:  the table description could be, as noted, 0001Repro or it could also be called  1   Repro, the three spaces after the "1" must remain blank, it could not be called: 1Repro.


Some clients understand it as:  the system will use the row on the matrix, using the number indicated in the Table descr field (i.e. 0001) until it finds anther row with the number in the Table/Table descr that is equal to or greater than the number of originals being ordered.  From the above matrix table any original quantity up to 20 will use the table with a Table descr of 0001 (C1), then look across the row to find the break on copy quantities for the price.  If the customer orders originals in quantities from 21 to 50, the table named D2 with Table descr 0021 is used and the break on the copies is used for the price.  And so on.


The letter or number following the D, from the example,  has no meaning.  If needed tables can be set up to go beyond D9 and tables beginning with DA can be used.  Even the first letter has no meaning, the only first letters that have a meaning to the system are Q, M or G.

Do not use Q, M, or G as the starting letter in the table for pricing based on the example above.  Q & M are reserved quantity breads based on the combination of the number of copies times the number of originals, based on if selling or stocking units are sold.  The G is reserved for discounts based on Group discounts.



IMPORTANT:  the system needs to know which items can use the matrix table.  On the item, a couple of fields must be filed in: the Dimensional field must indicate if the item is a T or X (see top of page for explanation) and the Quantity Table field must "point" to the tables.


  • Inventory (Module 5)
    • Item Master (Task 17)
      • Dimensional? (Field 26)
      • Quantity Table (Field 30)

This example would have a "Q" in field 26, then would have all D's in field 30, because the system will look at all tables that begin with an D because of the dimensional type of Q. (Remember, the tables could also have been named, for example, A1, A2 etc. and then all A's would be put in field 30)