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Last modified on 9/24/2015 12:25 PM by User.

Export Invoices from History to a .csv using "O" Original

Invoice export from history ARCEXP using O Original Archive for Header lines


Order Processing (Module 6)

  • Electronic data interchange (Task 8)
    • Invoice export from history (ARCEXP)

This program will create a delimited export file with selected invoice information from the O/E histories.  This document explains how to create an export file using the parameter settings the way they appear in this document for the `O' to generate the export file in the Original archive.  This export can be automatically created each night during the night processing.  If a different invoice export is needed contact us for other options.


Parameter settings:

Order Processing (Module 6)

  • System management functions (Task 32)
    • Modify parameter files (Sub-task 22)
      • Custom options (Selection 8)



ARC Premier Account export parameters


ARC'CORP'ID=MV                  ; YOUR division # assigned by ARC corporate.

This corporate ID will be at the beginning of the file name.  This is column AG of the spreadsheet.  The file consists of this corporate ID and the date and time.  If this file was created on 04/03/12 at 9:00am & 53 seconds the file name would be:




ARC'INVOICE'APPEND=             ; Append to standard invoice #.  Options are ORDER or blank.  ORDER will send invoice # as INVOICE#-ORDER# to prevent summary invoice

orders from creating duplicate invoice # problems if the import application wants unique invoice #'s.  This is applied to all invoices, including non-summary. Column B.



ARC'ACCT'CODE=          ; A/R customer field containing customer's

"ARC Premier Account Location ID".  Options are: ROUTE or VENDORID. 

-        ROUTE is the default and should be used where possible in order to allow alternate ship-to locations to have individual values.  The Route is in the A/R module 2, Task 17 Customer master, field 36 Route code.  The Alternate ship-to file also has a route code, located in the order processing module 6, Task 19 Alternate ship-to file, field 15 Ship route.  Using route allows you to have a different ID for each alternate ship-to. 

-        The vendor ID is located in the A/R module 2, Task 17 Customer master, field 48 Vendor ID #.     

-        Which ever field is used, MUST have something in this field in the order history or the invoice will be skipped from the ‘O’ Original archive export format.  The T format doesn’t need anything in this parameter or this field in the order history.  The ID values themselves consist of a 4-digit alpha abbreviation and then a two digit numeric. The 4 digit alpha is also used for their ARC customerID





For each of the individual "FIELD" parameters below, the following options are available:  PORO, SHPDPT, GEN'1, YEAR, MAKE, MODEL, SER'ENG, METER.    These are INTERNAL Profits Plus field names, NOT the ship screen labels.  Refer to the 'O/E General' parameter file to find the internal name that corresponds with the labels on your shipping screen.  Look for PROMPT'MODEL, PROMPT'SER'ENG, PROMPT'GEN'1, etc.  If you need a field other than those listed here contact us.


ARC'ORD'NUM'FIELD=              ; O/E ship screen field used to populate "Order #".  The standard Profits Plus assigned (front screen) work order # is the default if left blank.  This is column M of the spreadsheet



ARC'ORDBY'FIELD=                ; O/E ship screen field used to populate "Ordered by".  SER'ENG is the default if left blank field 23 of the shipping screen.  This is column L of the spreadsheet.



ARC'PROJ'ID'FIELD=              ; O/E ship screen field used to populate "Project ID".  SHPDPT is the default if left blank.  This is column AH of the spreadsheet.



ARC'JOB'NUM'FIELD=          ; O/E ship screen field used to populate "Job number".  GEN'1 is the default if left blank.  This is column J of the spreadsheet.



ARC'JOB'NAME'FIELD=       ; O/E ship screen field used to populate "Job name".  Defaults to blanks if not specified.  This is column K of the spreadsheet.



ARC'REQ'FIELDS=NONE             ; Action to take if a 'required' field is blank for any given invoice that would otherwise be exported.  Options are: WARN which notes exceptions on the export report,  NONE which disables the checking altogether, Any other setting will note it on the report and NOT export the invoice until corrected.  The initial fields checked are: ship State & Zip and ARC's "Ordered by" which is designated by ARC'ORDBY'FIELD parameter.  Others may be added when/as directed by ARC.  This option applies to all such fields.



ARC'EXCEPTIONS=                 ; Export exceptions (may contain more than 1)

Leave blank for no special exceptions

Z-skip orders with $0.00 order total

N-skip orders with $0.00 NET order amount (i.e. Order total minus trade-ins)

S-silent mode, to not show exceptions on the export report.

Default is to show the exceptions on the report.  This is only used in conjunction with other exception options, do not set it without one of the others.




For the default of blank export files will be located in the company specific O/E data directory(s), /u/mvs/dsk0/25000c/export/filename (c being the company #). 

See document Exporting Data from Profits Plus for more details.


Non-blank specifies a directory path.  The path MUST BE "relative" to the O/E data directory(s) and users must have appropriate "write" permissions.



ARC'EXPORT'AUTO=NO             ; Automatically export in background processing

                               ; YES or NO



ARC'NIGHT'REPORT=IF             ; Print report for ARC'EXPORT'AUTO processing

YES, always print report for auto run

NO, never print report for auto run

Anything else, print report for auto run only if new exports are found



ARC'EXPORT'PRINTER=           ; Printer for background processing

                              ; Leave blank to use standard S/M night printer



Premier accounts are generally defined by ONE of the three following customer fields: Customer type, Account admin, or Invoicing code.  Leave the values for the unused parameters blank.  Combinations CAN be used, but are not generally needed.

ARC'EXPORT'CTYPES=              ; Customer types  (Leave blank for all)

ARC'EXPORT'START'ADM=           ; Customer "Account admin #" - Starting

ARC'EXPORT'END'ADM=             ;    ending  (Leave start & end blank for all)

ARC'EXPORT'START'IVC=           ; Customer "Invoice code" - Starting

ARC'EXPORT'END'IVC=             ;    ending  (Leave start & end blank for all)


Additional parameters used in ARC exports

ARC'INIT'AFTER=YES              ; YES, call init after ranges for selection

                               ; specific file naming, etc.  Default is NO

ARC'INCLUDE'LINE'ITEMS=N        ; N-No line item export,

ARC'DUNS'NUMBER=0047112345      ; DUNS #

ARC'SVC'PHONE=8005232111        ; Phone number to show for service

ARC'FREIGHT'ITEM=               ; Used to export order freight as an item #

ARC'COD'FEE'ITEM=               ; Used to export order handling as an item #








Order Processing (Module 6)

  • Electronic data interchange (Task 8)
    • Invoice export from history (ARCEXP)


The printer selection screen comes up for the INVOICE HISTORY EXPORT AUDIT REPORT.




Answer `O' to generate the export file in the Original archive

         export format.


         Answer `T' to generate the export file in the `T & M' format.



         Specify output file format (O/T):  O



Customer types:  __________________

Type in one or multiple customer types or press enter key for ALL customer types.



Please enter - starting account admin #: ____

-        ending account admin #:

A/R Task 17 Customer master, field 51 Acct admin #:



Please enter - starting invoice code: _

-        ending invoice code:

A/R Task 17 Customer master, field 50 Invoice code:



Please enter – starting customer #:_____

-        ending customer #:



Please enter – starting division #:__

-        ending division #:


Please enter – starting invoice date:______

-        ending invoice date:


Please enter – starting invoice #:_______

-        ending invoice #:


Include previously exported invoices?_

-        Answer N-no to get only invoices that have NOT previously been exported within the selected parameters. This could be described as an `incremental export', and is the default or `normal' way. 

-        Answer Y-yes to get ALL records for the selected parameters.  This would be used in case a previous export file was lost or to reload all records for a given set of parameters.  This could be described as a `full/complete export'.



History records to check:______


Your previous selections have been processed and you can now make additional selections to be exported.  The summary report and export files will be closed when you exit the program (i.e. Doing a `left arrow' here).


                   Customer types:  ALL______________________

Press left arrow to begin export.



Number of documents:           2


                             Total of documents:       2051.70





                             In export file:



                             Press return to exit


Now go to /u/mvs/dsk0/25000c/export/ to retrieve the export file:

MV_ 04042012141257.CSV

(25000c c being the company #)


NOTE: See document Export Invoices from History to a .csv using "O" Original detail if the parameter ARC'INCLUDE'LINE'ITEMS=Y is set to Y, for the column explanation for the detail lines.


Column           EXPLANATION of header lines

A                     H for header or D for item # detail, depending on ARC'INCLUDE'LINE'ITEMS= parameter setting


B                     Invoice # or invoice-order #, depending on ARC'INVOICE'APPEND= parameter setting


C                     Customer #


D                     Invoice date


E                     Promise date & time


F                      Reimbursable 1/yes, 0/no  .... currently just set to "0"


G                     Division #


H                     Invoice total (or order total for summary invoices)


I                       Column I is field 1 of the shipping screen (PORO).


J                      ARC’JOB’NUM’FIELD= If this parameter is blank, this column will be field 25 of the shipping screen (GEN’1).  Or it is whatever this parameter is set to.


K                     ARC’JOB’NAME’FIELD= If this parameter is blank, column K will be blank.


L                     ARC’ORDBY’FIELD= If this parameter is blank, this column will be field 23 of the shipping screen (SER’ENG’). Or it is whatever this parameter is set to.


M                    ARC’ORD’NUM’FIELD= If this parameter is blank, column M will be the front screen order #. Or whatever this parameter is set to.


N                     CUSTOMER NAME


                    CUSTOMER ADDRESS


P                      CUSTOMER ADDRESS 2


Q                     CUSTOMER CITY, STATE, ZIP


R                     Shipping screen field 4 NAME / ALTERNATE SHIP-TO name


S                      Shipping screen field 5 address 1 / ALTERNATE SHIP-TO address 1


T                     Shipping screen field 6 address 2 / ALTERNATE SHIP-TO address 2


U                     Shipping screen field 7 City, field 8 State, field 9 zip / ALTERNATE SHIP-TO city, state, zip


V                     Unused


X                     Unused


Y                     Unused


Z                      Freight + Handling $ / Fields 4 & 5 of the Action/collection screen


AA                  Tax $


AB                   Whole order discount $


AC                  Unused


AD                  Tax %


AE                   Customer account ID.  1st 4 digits of route or vendor code based on parameter


AF                   Customer location ID.   1st 8 digits of route or vendor code based on parameter


AG                  ARC’CORP’ID= 


AH                  ARC’PROJ’ID’FIELD= If this parameter is blank, column AH is field 2 of the shipping screen (SHPDPT)


AI                    Salesperson nam