Modules»Inventory Control»Changes to Multi-Company Inven…
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Last modified on 9/8/2015 11:43 AM by User.

Changes to Multi-Company Inventory Information

Description: For systems with multiple companies that desire to move inventory information between companies the following guidelines should be used.


When changing just the item #'s or the item #'s and descriptions simultaneously, for EACH company, observing all notations in the programs introductory description use:

  • Inventory Control (module 5)
    • System Management (task 32)
      • Change item number (sub-task 10)


When changing descriptions only for EACH company, observing all notations in the programs introductory description use:

For 1 or 2 individual items:

  • Inventory Control (module 5)
    • Item master (task 17)
      • Change existing item record (sub-task 2)


For large groups or all items at once (step a):

  • Inventory Control (module 5)
    • Item master (task 17)
      • Change existing item record (sub-task 2)


in ONE company to make the corrections/changes. Then (step b)...

  • Inventory Control (module 5)
    • Adjust prices/costs (task 4)
      • Copy item description from another company (sub-task DESCPY) 


in each of the remaining companies to copy FROM the company in step "a".

For price use:

For 1 or 2 individual items:

  • Inventory Control (module 5)
    • Item master (task 17)
      • Change existing item record (sub-task 2) 


for EACH company.

For large groups or all items at once (step a):

  • Inventory Control (module 5)
    • Item master (task 17)
      • Change existing item record (sub-task 2)


in ONE company to make the corrections/changes. Then..(step b)..

  • Inventory Control (module 5)
    • Adjust prices/costs (task 4)
      • Copy last cost and/or prices 1-9 from another company (sub-task PRCCPY)


in each of the remaining companies to copy FROM the company in step "a".


The data in each company on the main module list is COMPLETELY separate and DOES NOT affect the others unless you specifically run one of the programs in Inventory Control(module 5), Adjust Prices/Costs (Task 4) that states it will copy from one company to another (i.e. Sub-task 6 -Copy Last Cost and/or Prices 1-9 From Another Company or Sub-task 8 - Copy Item from Another Company)


If you are changing 1 or 2 items the most efficient way will be to simply change them manually in each company as needed. If you are changing large #'s of items then it will be more efficient to make your changes in one company and then copy the changes to each of the others. (We recommend if possible that you determine 1 company to always be considered the base ... i.e. Company 1 ... so that mass copies between companies are always done the same direction)