Modules»Order Processing»Automatically markup item from…
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Last modified on 3/7/2018 2:50 PM by User.


Automatically markup item from cost

You can configure an item # so that order entry will prompt for the cost and compute a price based on a stored markup % for that item.
Inventory module
I/C menu task 17. "Item master" field 28 on the second screen is "Net priced?".  You will enable this markup function by entering M into this field to signify this as a markup item.   It will also prompt for and display the markup % next to the letter M.  The % field always takes 2 decimal places so 2500 is 25.00%
I/C menu tasks #1. "Add new items" and #8. "Shortened - add new items" will also accept an M at the "Net priced?" field and prompt for the markup % as well.
I/C menu task #1.  sub task 4. "Print item edit list" will print the new "M" value and the markup % on the report under the NET column. 
I/C menu task #1. sub task 5 "Post item records to I/C files" will apply the "M" and markup percentage to the new item record in I/C task #17. "Item master".  It will also print those values on the posting register under the NET column.
Order entry module
O/E task #1 "Order entry & editing" and #2. "Invoiced order holding file" line items will recognize the items with "Net priced?" = M and prompt for the cost of the item immediately after the item number is entered. 
It will compute a price for the item based on the entered cost and the markup % stored in the item record.   So if you input $100.00 as the cost and have a 25.00% hidden mark-up, the price on the invoice would show as $125.00. It will still prompt at the price field but the default will be the computed markup price ($125.00).  
Markup items ignore the 9 price levels in the item record and rely only on the cost entered in the individual order entry line item.
These markup items can participate in customer contract prices stored in O/E task 21. "Customer contract item file".  
Markup items will still prompt for the cost but they always use the $ contract price regardless of the cost or markup % entered for the markup item.  And they will always apply any extra contract % discount on top of the normal marked up price.