SCO Unix»How to install mvmail for Unix
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Last modified on 1/7/2015 9:05 AM by User.


How to install mvmail for Unix

You need to install only one of the following 3rd party email packages.

email  - preferred and simple 

sendmail - deprecated and difficult (don't even try it)


Add email printers
Use Software maintenance task “22. System Printers” to add 3 new EMAIL printers to every company.
Note: After the Model ID field is entered, all the remaining fields get filled in automatically.
1st printer name: EMAIL
    03. OS Dev name = blank
    04. Model ID = EMAIL
2nd printer name: EMAILC
    03. OS Dev name = blank
    04. Model ID= EMAIL-PC
3rd printer name: SUPPRT
    03. OS Dev name = blank
    04. Model ID=EMAIL-SUPPORT
Test it
To test, send yourself any report from Profits Plus.

If you installed the sendmail package:
If you are logged in as root then the email will be from “Superuser”. With any other login, the emails will be from “ProfitsPlus” .

If you installed the email package:
The "from" field will be the company's name. If you right click on the "from" field and choose properties, you should see the email address is the actual email address you entered in the "Verify the following information" screen when you sent the email. In other words, there is no masquerading.

Send instructions
Email the customer saying the email installation is complete and attach the Email instructions document
/u/usr/vsifax/memo/templates/mvmail_howto.doc for unix users and mvmail_howto_win.doc for Windows users.

All of our mvmail documents are attached to this link.