Modules»Payroll»Before Beginning Payroll
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Last modified on 9/27/2015 11:07 PM by User.

Before Beginning Payroll

Before beginning the Payroll module, various "codes" must be set up, along with some General Ledger account information and the Tax Tables.


CODES: Remember to save any changes that are made to the tables.  After using the Esc key to exit, enter a "f" to save the changes (use a "q" to exit without saving the changes) or if Windows version is used, respond Yes to ‘save’ the changes.




Field # 11 - Dept Class - set up in the Payroll module:

  • System Management Functions (Task 32)
    • Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
      • Department Definition Table (Option 1)

Enter the 2‑digit number of the appropriate department.  Numbers 01‑25 represent salaried departments, while numbers 26‑50 represent departments where pay is determined on an hourly basis.  "S" or "H" will appear, followed by the name of the department, after the number is entered.



Field #26 - St. Tax Code - set up in the Payroll module:

  • System Management Functions (Task 32)
    • Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
      • State Codes (Option 3)


Field #27 - City Tax Code - set up in the Payroll module:

  • System Management Functions (Task 32)
    • Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
      • City/County Codes (Option 4)



IN THE DEDUCTION/ADDITION MASTER FILE  (Task 22)  CAUTION: Once data is entered into a deduction code, do not delete the deduction code! Contact our support staff for the procedure to follow if there is a legitimate reason to delete a deduction code.  See document titled:  Codes For Deduction and Additions Master File  for complete line-by-line instructions.



EMPLOYEE RECURRING DEDUCTIONS (Task 20) See documents titled: Employee Recurring Deductions and Frequency Codes for complete line-by-line instructions.  When this is setup correctly the employee health, dental, 401-K, etc… deductions will be taken out of their pay automatically.   Be sure to set up:  Deduct Freq (field #11).  The Deduction Frequency Codes are set up in:

  • System Management Functions (Task 32)
    • Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)
      • Deduction Frequency Codes (Option 7)





General Ledger account information must be setup before using the Payroll Module.  Go to:


  • General Ledger (Module 4)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Setup Automatic Interface (Sub-task 5)
        • Change Interface Parameters (Option/Sub-task 2)


The system prompts:

Which systems do you wish to interface?

Accounts Receivable ?  Y                                                                             

Accounts Payable ?  Y

Payroll ?  Y


Enter N for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. Enter Y for Payroll.



The system will then prompt for the GL Accounts to be used.  Account numbers must be 5 digits, all numeric (no dashes). The account descriptions will display when the correct account number is entered. The screen will look like this:


Please enter payroll account #'s for the following:

1. PR cash (out):


2. Salaried wages:


3. Hourly wages:


4. FICA withheld:


5. Medicare withheld:


6. FWT withheld:


7. SWT withheld:


8. SUI withheld:


9. CWT withheld:





  • Payroll (Module 1)
    • Table Tax Maintenance (Task 23)


The Tax Tables for Federal, State & City taxes must be setup prior to beginning payroll.  Each government taxing unit will provide the tax tables prior to the beginning of each year.  The codes must be entered manually when first beginning to use Profits Plus or when a new code is required.  The codes must also be updated manually on a yearly basis - i.e. the Federal government provides the information for the new rates in Circular E. If your state, county or city has an income tax you will need to get the tax rate information from the taxing unit.   Note:  see the document titled: Tax Table Maintenance - Task 23 on the website for step-by-step instructions.


In order for the Profits Plus to recognize the "codes", they must be setup in an exact sequence.  Below is the example for US Federal government, a bi-weekly payroll for a married employee – USBIMR    


 Field #01. Tax code:        USBIMR - the first two characters

With the exception of Federal tax, the first two characters must coincide with the codes that are setup in:

·        Payroll (Module 1)

o       System Management Functions (Task 32)

§         Modify Application Tables (Sub-task 17)

·        State Codes (Option 3) and City/County Codes (Option 4)

For Federal Tax rates use US in the first two spaces (like the example code).  As a further example, the state of Michigan would have MI setup in 1/32/17/3 (State Codes in the Modify Application Tables) and therefore the Michigan tax in the Tax Table would begin with MI



Field #01. Tax code:        USBIMR -  the second set of two characters

The middle two characters refer to the pay sequence of the employees. Use the following:

  • WK -   weekly
  • BI    -   bi-weekly (example: every other Friday)
  • SM  -   semi-monthly (example: paid on the 15th and end-of-month)
  • MO -   monthly



Field #01. Tax code:        USBIMR - the last two characters

The last two characters refer to the marital status of the employees.  Use the following:

  • MR  -   married
  • SL   -   single



Field #2 Exempt $ amt.  The information entered in field 2 comes from the government tax agency.


Fields 3 - 8  If the state, city or county taxing agency provides the information, fill it in. These fields are rarely used.


Fields 9 - 20.  The breakpoints, tax and rate.  This information is provided by the federal, state, city or county government tax agency.





  • Payroll (Module 1)
    • System Management Functions (Task 32)
      • Modify Application Table (Sub-Task 17)
        • State Codes (Option 3)


The system comes with some state codes, but they may need to be modified.  Limit the number of State Codes to 9 - as only 9 different state codes and their information will appear on reports.  Change the first state on the list to be the state that the majority of your payroll is paid from, with the second state on the list being the second and so on.  Remove the states that have no meaning in relation to your payroll (otherwise all nine that are listed will appear on your reports).  Follow the "pattern" exactly as shown and after the changes are made and you exit the screen, be sure to type "f" to save the changes or if Windows version is used, respond Yes to ‘save’ the changes.
