This document explains what to do when there is an error message on the A/R to G/L Interface report for either Invalid or Unknown G/L Accounts.
Unknown or Invalid G/L account #’s won’t be posted into the General Ledger Module. They will need to be corrected before posting into the G/L module.
- An example of a message can be: “Invoice 016099 in distb hist has an invalid G/L account # CR TO CONTINUE”.
- For an Unknown account, the report will print “UNKNOWN ACCOUNT” in the G/L account description column.
Generate Interface:
Accounts Receivable (Module 2)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
- Generate A/R to G/L Interface (Sub-task 3)
System Management Functions (Task 32)
Starting date: and Ending date: - use the first and last day of the month being balancing
Invalid G/L Accounts:
Pay attention to the screen for a message like: “Invoice 016099 in distb hist has an invalid G/L account # CR TO CONTINUE”. First write down this invoice #, then print a distribution report for this invoice #.
Distribution History (Task 21)
Print Selected Distrib Records (Sub-task 4)
- ALL Batch numbers
Print report by 2) invoice number / invoice date / account number
- Starting invoice #: 016099
- ALL invoice dates
- ALL account numbers
- Look on the Distribution report for the INVALID G/L ACCOUNT.
Print Selected Distrib Records (Sub-task 4)
Either find a copy of the invoice, re-print it or look it up:
Order Processing (Module 6)
History Inquiry (Task 26)
- Invoice # (Option 3)
Press the TAB key for the line items on the invoice
- Find the items on the invoice that add up to the amount of the INVALID ACCOUNT.
- Go into Module #5-Inventory Control, Task #17-Inventory Master, Subtask #2-Change Existing Item Record and bring up the item. Verify the G/L account # , if incorrect – fix it.
- Correct the G/L number for the item in question in the Accounts Receivable module, in Task 21 Distribution history. Fax a copy of the A/R to G/L interface to us for further instructions: 248 583-4110.
History Inquiry (Task 26)
Unknown Accounts
On the A/R to G/L Interface report look down the Description column for UNKNOWN ACCOUNTS. Once it is located, look in the SOURCE column of the unknown account.
- If the source column says SALES REVENUE or GENERAL DISTRIBUTION fax or email a copy to us for further instructions: 248 583-4110.
- If the source column says NET CHANGE IN INVENTORY or COST OF SALES this means that the Siamese inventory and cost-of-sales accounts may not be created in the G/L chart of accounts. Fax a copy of the A/R to G/L Interface to us for further instructions: 248 583-4110.
- If the source column says TOTAL NET SALES (FROM SALES HISTORY) fax a copy of the A/R to G/L Interface to us for further instructions: 248 583-4110.
- If the source column says TOTAL CASH (FROM CASH HISTORY), TOTAL MISC CASH (FROM CASH HISTORY), TOTAL DISC ALLOWED (FROM CASH HISTORY) or TOTAL CASH + DISC ALLOWED fax a copy of the A/R to G/L Interface to us for further instructions: 248 583-4110.
- If the source column says MISC CASH RECIEPT/REFUND this G/L account # was entered & posted in Task #2 in A/R - Cash Receipts Entry & Editing. Since Cash Receipts Entry & Editing won’t let you enter a G/L account # that doesn’t exist, the G/L account must have been deleted after it was posted. Fax a copy of the A/R to G/L Interface to us for further instructions: 248 583-4110.