The system will alert: VOUCHER #xxxxxx, doc date:1222xx,WARNING-VOUCHER HAS ...Last edited by User on 12/17/2015 4:46 PMformatting
If a vendor calls and asks for payment on an invoice, the A/P clerk can do a ...Last edited by User on 12/17/2015 4:23 PMformatting
When vouchers are posted unpaid, Task 25 Voucher payment preparation allows ...Last edited by User on 12/17/2015 1:29 PMformatting
This allows the due date and/or the discount on a posted voucher to be changed. ...Last edited by User on 12/16/2015 3:56 PMformatting
1. This task allows a voucher to be split into as many partial vouchers as ...Last edited by User on 12/16/2015 3:53 PMformatting
Vendor Invoices can be entered into this task, or they may already be ...Last edited by User on 12/16/2015 3:43 PMformatting
There may be several people entering vendor invoices or vendor credit memos in ...Last edited by User on 12/9/2015 6:49 PMformatting
Normally vouchers in the accounts payable module are posted with a transaction ...Last edited by User on 12/9/2015 2:54 PMformatting
The A/P module will allow you to choose which checking account you are using to ...Last edited by User on 12/9/2015 2:33 PMformatting
A voucher is found with an incorrect G/L account #. i.e. The G/L account # ...Last edited by User on 12/7/2015 3:44 PMformatting
A voucher is found with an incorrect date. i.e. The date should have been ...Last edited by User on 12/7/2015 2:55 PMformatting
Step 1: First find the vendor’s invoice number and the voucher date. Go to: ...Last edited by User on 12/4/2015 2:59 PMformatting
The “Reference Note” field and the division # (if applicable) from Voucher ...Last edited by User on 9/17/2015 9:34 AMformatting
The Missing or Paid Voucher alert arises when the AP Open Items (Task 21 in the ...Last edited by User on 9/16/2015 11:12 PMformatting
To prevent a voucher from being selected for payment (possibly because of a ...Last edited by User on 9/16/2015 7:48 PMformating