Last modified on 3/13/2025 (Today) 4:06 PM by FogBugz.
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Add a Jet Direct Network printer
Add a new MySQL service for Maxene Reporter
Add a new MySQL service for ODAS
Add a new MySQL service for Profits Plus
Add a windows printer for printing from Unix
adding printers to Profits Plus
Adjust prices/costs
Attendance entry & editing
Automated Updates
Automated Updates software
Automatically logoff users at night
Barcode soft fonts
Cancel print jobs
Change printer model to HPLaserJet for Eforms
cloud email servers
Color Schemes links and login info
Configure Windows applications for Profits Plus
configure Windows Service manually via Registry editing
Connection setup
Create a Campaign in Mailchimp
create a self-extracting zip file
Customer Service
Customer's Windows Server au setup
data directory
Distribution log
Do a mass compile
E-Delivery customer-setup
E-delivery Installation
E-Delivery invoices MVS
E-Delivery Invoices setup
E-delivery options
Edit my.ini to support multiple services of MySQL
Edit Registry for Microsoft Licensing key bug
eform design
Eform installation
EISIL Assessment Invitation Email
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